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Answering the question yourself


One good way to dodge the answer-choice traps is to answer the question yourself first, before looking at the answer choices. Get a sense of what the right answer should be, then eliminate the wrong answer choices.

The right answer won’t match your own answer. That’s okay, it doesn’t have to. What it does is make the wrong answers clearly stand out, so that you can take them out of the running and focus on what remains. With a sense of what the right answer should be, three answers will stand out as not a chance and one will stand out as maybe. Go with the maybe: You can always return to it later.

Don’t change your own answer based on the answer choices! I’ve had students do this, and it defeats the whole strategy. You’re sharp, you get it, you know what the answer choice should look like — so trust yourself! Besides, three of the answer choices are dead wrong, so why would you change your answer to match one of them?

GRE 2022 For Dummies with Online Practice

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