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The planet Saturn is the most remote of the seven planetary orbs recognised by the ancient writers on astrology. He is of a pale ash colour, slow in motion, only finishing his course through the twelve signs of the zodiac in 29 years and about 157 days. His greatest north latitude from the ecliptic is 2 degrees 48 minutes; his south latitude is 2 degrees 49 minutes.

Those born with this planet well-dignified 4 are studious, grave, economical, prudent, patient and in all their actions sober and somewhat austere. They are not much given to the love of women, but they are persons of much depth of feeling, and, when they do love, they are very constant. They are given to the study of occult matters, 5 and are of a melancholic, suspicious and jealous temperament. In person when well-dignified Saturn gives a rather tall stature and long limbs. The hair is dark, the eyebrows much marked and generally meeting between the eyes, which are dark brown, deep set and close together. The nose is long and generally somewhat bent over the lips and the under jaw slightly protrudes. The complexion is sallow, the ears large and the hands and feet are generally long, but not fleshy.

Those born under the potent aspect of Saturn are generally slow of speech and their voices are harsh; when Saturn rises in a horoscope devoid of dignities, the native is envious, covetous, malicious, subtle, untruthful and of a discontented disposition. In person frequently deformed, with long and irregular features, the eyes and hair dark and the skin yellow and harsh.

In man's body this planet rules the spleen, the right ear, the lips and the teeth. In illness he gives ague, palsy, ruptures (especially should he rule in the sign of Scorpio), jaundice, toothache and all affections of the sight, of the ear, of the teeth and jaws and of the legs.

The herbs he governs are the hemlock, hellebore, burdock, sage, henbane, rue, nightshade and mandrake.

The trees under his rule are the willow, the yew, the cypress, the box-tree and the pine.

The beasts he governs are the elephant, the wolf, the bear, the dog,6 the basilisk, the crocodile, the scorpion, the serpent, the rat, the mouse and all manner of creeping things; among birds, the crow, the cuckoo, the raven, the owl and the bat.

Of fish he rules the eel, the tortoise and all shell fish.

The minerals he governs are lead and the dross of all metals.

His stones are jet, onyx and all dark stones which are incapable of polish. The colour he rules is black.

He rules Saturday—the first hour after sunrise, and the eighth hour of the same day. His number is 55. In gathering the herbs under his rule the ancients were particular to do so in his hours, as this rendered the medicament more powerful. This is to be observed regarding the herbs ruled by all the planets.

Saturn's orb is nine degrees before and after any aspect; that is, his influence begins to operate when either he applies to any planet or it applies to him within nine degrees of his perfect aspect, and his influence continues in force until he is separated nine degrees from the aspect. His angel is Cassiel. His friends are Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the Moon; his enemies are Mars and the Sun.

Jupiter is the next planet below Saturn and is of a bright, clear, azure colour. He much exceeds Saturn in motion, as he finishes his course through the twelve signs in twelve years. His greatest north latitude is 1 degree 38 minutes, and his greatest south latitude 1 degree 40 minutes. When he rises at birth well-dignified he gives an erect, tall stature, sanguine complexion, oval face, large grey eyes, thick brown hair, full lips and good teeth. In temperament those born under the good influence of this planet are honourable, generous and hospitable, but loving material pleasures, kind and affectionate to wife and family, charitable, desiring to be well thought of and hating all mean and sordid actions. The voices of those born under Jupiter are clear and sonorous. When this planet rises devoid of dignities the native will be gluttonous, profligate, vain, and boastful, of mean abilities and shallow understanding, easily seduced to extravagance and a tyrant to those of his family and household.

In man's body he rules the lungs and the blood, and of diseases he gives apoplexy, gout, inflammation of the lungs, pleurisy and all illnesses proceeding from corruption of the blood.

The herbs he governs are cloves, mace, nutmeg, gilliflower, marjoram, mint, borage and saffron.

Of trees, he rules the mulberry, the olive, the vine, the fig, the beech and the pear-tree.

Of beasts, the sheep, the hart, the ox and all those animals that are useful to man.

Of birds, the stork, the snipe, the lark, the eagle, the pheasant, the partridge and the peacock.

Of fishes, the whale, the dolphin and the sword-fish.

His metal is tin.

His stones are the sapphire, the amethyst and the emerald.

Of colours he rules red mixed with green.

His day is Thursday and he rules the first hour after sunrise and the eighth hour. His number is 78.

His orb is 9 degrees before and after any aspect.

All the planets except Mars are his friends.

His angel is Zadkiel.

Mars in order succeeds Jupiter. He appears of a red colour, and finishes his course through the zodiac in 1 year 321 days. His greatest north latitude is 4 degrees 31 minutes. His south latitude is 6 degrees 47 minutes. When he is well-dignified in a horoscope, the native is courageous, confident, loving war and all that belongs to it, jealous of honour, hot-tempered and a great lover of field-sports. In person he will be of middle stature, broad-shouldered and with big bones; the complexion of a red fairness; the hair is crisp or curly and also red, but this varies slightly according to the sign rising at birth; in watery signs the hair is not so red, and in earthy signs it is more chestnut; the eyes are grey and have a bold, fixed glance like that of a hawk.

When he is ill-dignified at birth, the native is turbulent, cruel, boastful, a promoter of sedition, ungracious in manners and unscrupulous in his actions, with no fear of either God or man. He rules the head and face, the gall, the throat and intestines; and the diseases he gives are fevers, carbuncles, smallpox, all throat affections, all hurts to the head and face (especially by iron), and all diseases which arise from too much heat of blood; also accidents from four-footed beasts.

The herbs over which he rules are the nettle, the thistle, onions, scammony, garlic, horehound, cardamons, mustard and all herbs giving heat.

Of trees, all those which are of a prickly nature, such as the holly, the thorn and the chestnut.

Of beasts, all fierce animals—the tiger, the panther, the wolf, the horse, the leopard, the wild ass and the bear.

The dog is sometimes assigned to Mars on account of its courage and combativeness. This delightful animal is probably ruled by both Saturn and Mars; the former giving it the quality of fidelity which it possesses in a degree beyond all other creatures.

Of fish, the pike, the barbel and the sword-fish.

Of birds, the hawk, the vulture, the kite, the eagle, the magpie and the cock, all of which are combative.

The metal he rules is iron. The colour he rules is red.

The stones, the carbuncle, the ruby and the blood-stone.

His orb is 7 degrees before and after any aspect.

He governs Tuesday—the first hour after sunrise, and the eighth. His number is 39.

His friend among the planets is Venus, all the others are his enemies.

His angel is Samael.

The Sun passes through all the twelve signs of the zodiac in one year and a few hours over the 365 days which constitute the year. He has no latitude.

When the Sun rises at a birth well-dignified, the native is of an honourable disposition, but always desiring to rule, loving pomp, yet affable, speaking with gravity and without too many words and possessing much self-reliance and dignity of manner. In person he will be tall, well made, with golden hair, yellowish skin, large and piercing eyes and long, straight and well-formed features.

When ill-aspected the native is arrogant, boastful, a spendthrift, proud, yet in poverty hanging on other men's charity, very loquacious, restless and without judgment.

He governs the heart, the brain, the right eye and the arms; and the diseases he causes are all illnesses of the heart, such as swoons, palpitations, cramps, also diseases of the mouth, the brain, and the eyes.

Of colours he rules the yellow and orange colour.

The plants subject to the Sun are all those of pungent odours, such as the marigold, heliotrope, rosemary, balsam, peony, spikenard, musk, St. John's wort, and ginger.

Of trees he rules the palm, the laurel, the cedar, the orange-tree and the citron-tree.

Of beasts, the lion, the ram, the goat.

Of birds, the eagle, the cock, the buzzard.

Of fish, the star-fish, the crab-fish and the sea-fox.

He governs Sunday. His number is 34.

Of metals, gold.

Of colours he rules the yellow.

Of stones, the topaz, amber, chrysolite and all yellow stones.

His orb is 15 degrees before any aspect, and as many after separation.

His friends are all the planets except Saturn and Mars.

His angel is Michael.

After the Sun the planet Venus succeeds in order; she is of a bright shining colour. Her greatest north or south latitude is 2 degrees and 2 minutes. When she rises well-dignified in a nativity the person born will be of middle stature, rather inclining to shortness, with a beautiful complexion, light brown hair, the eyes large, of a blue or grey colour and with a slow and rather languishing movement, red lips, and dimples in the cheeks, chin and about the mouth. In disposition, gracious, very tender, inclined to love-making; easy of belief and not given to labour about anything; fond of music, plays, and all sorts of merry-makings.

When ill-dignified at birth Venus causes the native to be over-fat, with thick lips, and much flesh about the chin and cheeks. In disposition, sensual, riotous and immoral.

Venus governs the lower parts of the body, and the illnesses she gives are cancer and all affections of the womb.

All the herbs she governs have a sweet smell and, generally, have smooth leaves and white flowers, such as the lily, both white and yellow, and the lily of the valley, also the water lily, the myrtle, maidenhair, violets and roses.

The trees she rules are the walnut, the almond, the apple-tree, the box-tree, the sycamore, the ash and myrtle.

Of beasts, the hart, the rabbit, the calf and all small cattle.

Of birds, the dove, the sparrow, the nightingale, the swan, the pelican and the swallow.

Her metal is copper.

Her stones, white and red coral, rubies, the beryl, turquoise and lapis lazuli, because it expels melancholy.

Her colours are white and purple.

Her orb is 7 degrees before and after any aspect.

Her day of the week is Friday, of which she rules the first and eighth hour after sunrise. Her number is 45.

Her friends are all the planets, but Saturn is the least sympathetic to her.

Her angel is Anael.

Mercury is of a soft silver colour. His greatest north latitude is 3 degrees 33 minutes. His greatest south latitude is 3 degrees 33 minutes.

When he rises well-dignified at a birth the native is a person of subtle intellect, an excellent logician, and possessing much eloquence in his speech; sharp and witty, of admirable memory, curious in occult knowledge, given to divination, and, if he should turn his attention to trade, no man would exceed him in the invention of new ways to gain wealth.

In person, when Mercury rises well-dignified, the native is of rather small stature, but elegantly formed, very active and supple in his limbs, and with long arms; he will have a long, narrow face, a high forehead, rather swelling at the temples, grey eyes with brown spots in them, delicate mouth, straight eyebrows, a skin of a pale yellow or olive colour, the hair of a red-brown, commonly called auburn.

When ill-dignified at birth Mercury gives a person of very small stature, with small, insignificant features and very small and quickly-moving eyes; and in character he is shifty, a boaster, foolishly loquacious and a great liar.

He rules the liver, the tongue and the nerves, and the illnesses he gives are epilepsy, giddiness, dry cough, any affection of the tongue, and all nervous affections.

The herbs attributed to him are generally those having a subtle smell, and having effect on the tongue, brain, lungs, or memory; they are vervain, adder's-tongue, aniseed, dragon-wort, and the reed.

The trees are the elder and the filbert-tree.

The animals are the squirrel, the weasel, the spider, the greyhound, the fox, the ape and all cunning and quickly-moving creatures.

The birds, the parrot, the magpie, the crane, the linnet and the swallow.

Of fish, the jack-fish and the mullet.

His metal is quicksilver.

His stones all those of divers colours, white and red carnelian and marcasite, or fire-stone.

In colours he rules azure, and all light blue colours.

His orb is 7 degrees before and after any aspect.

He governs Wednesday—the first hour and the eighth after sunrise. His number is 114. The Moon, Venus, Jupiter, the Sun and Saturn are his friends; Mars is his enemy.

His angel is Raphael.

The Moon is the nearest to the earth of all the seven planets. She finishes her course through the whole twelve signs in 27 days 7 hours and 36 seconds. Her greatest north latitude is 5 degrees and about 17 minutes, her greatest south latitude 5 degrees and 12 minutes.

When she rises well-placed in a horoscope, she signifies a person of soft and gentle manners, timid, imaginative, loving pleasure and ease, yet fond of moving from place to place, rather capricious, but of a poetic and romantic turn of mind. In person, those born under good aspects of the Moon are of middle height, with a round head and face, pale, soft skin, large light eyes, usually one a little larger than the other. The whole body inclined to be fleshy, the lips full, and the hair of a dull, light colour, but not at all inclined to gold.

When the Moon is ill-aspected at birth the native is indolent, sometimes a drunkard and vagabond, generally a liar, and, as Lilly puts it, "a muddling creature."

The Moon governs the left side and the bladder. She gives dropsy, all cold and rheumatic diseases, colds or hurts in the eyes, convulsive fits, hysteria, and feminine weaknesses.

The plants she governs are all those which have soft, juicy leaves, such as the lettuce, the melon, the gourd, the poppy, mushroom, cabbage and colewort. Of trees, all those which have round, spreading leaves, such as the lime-tree and the sycamore.

The beasts she rules are those which love the water, as the otter and the seal.

She rules all sea fowl and also the goose, the duck and the night owl.

Of fish, the oyster, the cockle and the lobster.

Her colours are light greenish-blue mixed with white.

Her metal is silver.

Her stones, pearls, diamonds, opals, crystals and selenite.

Her orb is 12 degrees before and after any aspect.

Her day is Monday; the first hour and the eighth after sunrise are hers. Her number is 45.

Her friends are Venus, Jupiter, the Sun, Saturn and Mercury.

Her enemy among the planets is Mars.

Her angel is Gabriel.

To face Chapter VI.

The Influence of the Stars

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