Читать книгу It's Okay You're Not Married - Rosalind Dorrington ( Amelia Williams) - Страница 2


This is a true story only the names have been changed.

To the best of my recollection 100% is fact. The only reason I’ve used a pseudonym is to avoid any publishing firm being sued for publishing it under my real name.

Not many people like a brash outspoken female who has an opinion on almost every subject. But that describes me. I am the most unconventional seventy-six year old, anyone could meet and most people can only tolerate me in small doses and that has never bothered me.


I don’t suffer fools gladly I have no co-ordination between hand and foot and definitely no co-ordination between brain and tongue. I swear worse than a Trooper in the privacy of my home, very rarely in front of friends, and never in public (unless provoked). I make idle threats to intimidate.

You could lock me in a cellar for years without windows and without any form of communication and I guarantee someone would accuse me of something and everyone would believe them.

I am my own worst enemy.

I have learnt that most people would prefer to believe a pretty woman’s lies than an old battle-axe who seems to be as hard as nails.

There are many things in this book that I’m ashamed of and I would love to go back in time to change. They are true accounts and I could either not share my dirty laundry in public. OR I can share with you the reader the truth of what my journey through life has been.

Everyone knows that lawyers love to get paid handsomely, they love money. Before anyone wants to bluff a No Win No Fee lawyer into believing I have slandered them only for the lawyer to realise they have wasted many hours to get paid nothing. I’m prepared to have a polygraph test to prove that everything I’ve written is true. I’m also willing to pay for a polygraph test for anyone else who feels they’ve been slandered and believes they can prove me wrong.

I realise polygraph tests are not permissible in courts of law in Australia. But I’m confident that Judges and Jurors would realise the results of polygraphs should be enough to sway their decision in my favour.

I welcome the challenge.

It's Okay You're Not Married

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