Читать книгу It's Okay You're Not Married - Rosalind Dorrington ( Amelia Williams) - Страница 3

Chapter 1 The Living Nightmare


Detective Kennedy lowered his bulky frame onto the wool covered lounge.

‘Amelia, can you identify this as the knife you used to stab Frank?’

He produced a knife from a large plastic bag and held the base of the blade between his thumb and index finger. I felt an instant flash of horror, as I stared at the eight-inch, blood caked weapon. I murmured, ‘Sweet Jesus, have mercy on me.’

Norm Kennedy leaned forward and rested his massive hand on my quivering arm. His rugged sunburnt face told a story of a man who had dealt with people from all walks of life. At that precise moment, his eyes showed compassion for me as I sat almost motionless beside him. My voice broke the silence as I stammered in disbelief, ‘I … I didn’t think it was as big and as sharp as that.’

‘What sort of knife did you think that you had picked up, Amelia?’

‘I thought it was the blunt headed, ham knife that Frank had used to cut the ham. Some happy Christmas isn’t it?’

I buried my face into my hands and sobbed uncontrollably, and my mind flashed back over the events that had happened in the past twenty-four hours. I wondered, what in the name of God had caused this tragedy to happen?

I could see myself sitting in our late model Ford outside the butcher shop where Frank worked. ‘Please God, don’t let him be drunk. Where the hell is he? The shop doors have been closed for half an hour. Don’t tell me that they’re all in there celebrating Christmas.’ I recalled saying to myself.

I kept thinking about all the times I had waited outside different butcher shops thinking similar thoughts. My mind was in turmoil sitting in that car, remembering all the beatings I had taken. The weekends had become a nightmare of constant arguments, which had often turned into violent outbursts. I shuddered as I remembered the many agonising hours I had suffered both physically and mentally. Sitting in that car was another form of torture, just waiting and worrying. And I wondered when the hell it would all end. Look at the time, the kids will be wondering where we are. But Vivian’s a fairly worldly kid for almost fourteen, she’ll get the two younger ones to have their bath and they’ll probably be watching TV. They’ll be okay. I had assured myself.

I wondered again why Frank didn’t drink in front of me anymore. I thought, he knows damn well I’m not completely stupid, so why bother to hide the obvious? I tried to comfort myself with positive thoughts. Telling myself that he hadn’t had a drink in the past five weeks and I reminded myself, that’s the longest time he’s been sober, he’s really trying to get off the grog. I kept thinking it must be hard for the poor bastard I’d hate to have to give up cream in my coffee. I wonder if I’m a coffee and cream-aholic? What a ridiculous thing to think of, Amelia, God you think idiotic thoughts, I’m glad no-one can read your mind, because they’d have you put away. Oh. Thank Christ. Here he is now. Oh shit no. He’s been drinking. Oh, please God let him be in a good mood.’

‘Hi, honey, had a beer with the boss, they’re all in there still grogging on. This is Russell the apprentice I’ve told you about. I told him we’d give him a lift home. Russ this is my old woman, Amelia, she’s not a bad old scout. Amelia, this is Russ.’

The drive to Russell’s house was, to anyone observing, a pleasant, chatty excursion. Just three people discussing the events of the day, the weather and Christmas. Frank pulled the car into the driveway of Russell’s parent’s home and Russell alighted offering us thanks for the lift and wishing us a Merry Christmas. Frank drove away, tooting the horn and waving. As he lowered his arm,

Frank snarling ‘What’s wrong with you, ya bitch?’

I was always very aware of his change in moods, but I was really taken by surprise at such a sudden transformation and without stopping to think about the question I replied, ‘Oh Frank. Why did you get on the grog? It’s Christmas, couldn’t you just this once have stayed sober? Every bloody Christmas it’s the same, you’re always drunk and in a crappy mood.’

Frank ‘Don’t start nagging. That’s all you’re good for is bloody nagging.’

Amelia ‘I’m not nagging, I’m stating a fact, every Christmas you get on the grog, you get dirty on yourself so you take it out on me. Why?’

Frank ‘Because you’re always bloody nagging.’

Amelia ‘If I’m such an old nag as you say, why do you put on a big front for your so-called friends and tell them that I’m not a bad old scout?’

By this time, Frank’s face had become distorted with rage his eyes were like that of a madman. He slammed his foot on the accelerator and started driving like a maniac. I clutched the vinyl seat in an effort to brace myself for a nerve-racking drive, which I had experienced many times before. I bit my lower lip and uttered a silent prayer. I focussed onto the traffic ahead, and saw in the distance that the traffic lights had turned red. The two cars directly in front were slowing down and I knew that if Frank didn’t ease off the accelerator now, he’d end up ploughing into the back of the blue Valiant. I knew not to say anything about his driving because that would only aggravate him more. I stiffened my legs and dug my fingers deeper into the vinyl seat until my knuckles turned white. My whole body was tense in anticipation of being catapulted through the windscreen on impact. As suddenly as he had accelerated, Frank jammed his foot onto the brake pedal. In doing so, he almost locked the wheels. The car veered off the road onto the left, narrowly missing the Valliant’s nearside mudguard. Frank turned to me and said, ‘You think you’re so bloody smart and such a good driver, you can drive the rest of the way home.’

Without daring to question his peculiar sense of reasoning, I silently sighed with relief and slid behind the wheel. I had only gone a few hundred yards when his demanding, menacing, voice ordered me to drive to the nearest pub. I told him that I wouldn’t.

My voice was shaky, both with fear of the consequences of what might happen for defying him and also from the near catastrophe a few minutes beforehand. Frank poked his index finger hard and deep into my cheek and said through clenched teeth, ‘I said drive me to the nearest pub, bitch head.’

I replied very determinedly that I was driving us home, where our kids were waiting for us, it’s almost six-thirty and it was getting dark and the kids would be worrying and wondering where the hell we were.

Frank let out a demented, taunted laugh, which reminded me of the haunted house type movies I saw as a child,

Frank ‘That’s a good one, you being worried about the kids. The only person you worry about is yourself. And anyhow they’re your kids, not mine.’

Amelia ‘Oh for God’s sake don’t be so damned ridiculous, Frank you know as well as I do that they’re your children.’

Frank ‘Oh no they’re not I’m only their father but I don’t own them, you’ve seen to that. You’ve turned them against me, you and that bastard of a father of yours. The great Rob Long whatever Daddy says little Amelia does cause Daddy’s the boss.’

Frank continued, ‘Well I’m telling you bitch your father is nothing. He’s just a two-bob lair who likes to big note himself.’

His voice was almost at screaming point, and just to prove to me that he meant what he said, he aimed a hard punch to the side of my head, behind my left ear. Choking back the tears, I gripped hold of the steering wheel as hard as I could, so that I didn’t lose control of the vehicle or my temper. I drove home in silence, and as soon as we walked through the back door, Vivian, Heather and Claire gave out a resounding chorus of, ‘Hello, Dad.’

Vivian took one look at her father, and without erasing her smile, she glanced imploringly at me. I flashed a despairing look at her. Vivian knew instinctively what that look meant. We had often communicated to each other with facial expressions, and the look I had shown was, watch what you say, he’s in a very bad mood.

Although Heather was only a few weeks off her tenth birthday, I knew not to even try giving her a warning look. Even if she knew what the look meant, she wouldn’t have heeded it anyway. Heather held her own counsel and if she didn’t want to do a particular thing, she just wouldn’t and that was that.

Claire at four and a half was far too young to understand any such warning glances from anyone. Besides to her, her father was the greatest man in the world. She idolised him. And Frank, knowing this, showed favouritism to her. Claire put her hands up to her father to be picked up and given a cuddle. As he leant forward to lift her, he lost his balance and fell against the kitchen cupboard. Claire let out a little giggle and in mock reprimand she said, ‘Daddy, have you been on the drunk again.’

Little did she realise what repercussions her innocent remark would bring. I pretended not to hear the comment and took the electric frypan from its cupboard and indicated to Vivian to get the other two out of the room. As she walked out the arched doorway into the living room, she called to Heather and Claire to come and see Santa Claus on TV. I turned to Frank

Amelia ‘Do you want vegetables or salad with your steak?’

Frank snarled, ‘You bitch, you put her up to that didn’t you?

Amelia ‘I don’t know what you mean.’

Frank ‘Don’t give me that ya bitch, you know what I’m talking about. You told Claire to say that didn’t you? Admit it.’

Amelia ‘Frank, don’t be so stupid, she’s only a baby, and how could I have put her up to anything? I’ve just this minute walked in the door and I haven’t even opened my mouth.’

He grabbed me by the throat with his left hand and squeezed hard.

Frank ‘I oughta choke you, ya bitch.’

He then spat in my face. I struggled to get free and in doing so, I raised my arm to wipe his saliva off my face, with my sleeve. Frank then delivered a punch to my left temple with his right hand, knocking me to the floor.

Frank ‘Trying to hit me were you bitch? I’ll give you what for, you ever hit me.’

With that he kicked out at me. I rolled my legs over far enough to allow his boot to just graze the side of my left calf. And I scrambled to my feet screaming hysterically.

‘You bastard, I hope you rot in hell.’

Frank lunged forward to grab hold of me, just as I started to run for the back door. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled as hard as he could. He lifted his hand above his head as if to strike me a backhanded blow.

Vivian terrified, screamed, ‘DAD, PLEASE DAD, DON’T.’

Heather was crying and Claire had begun to scream. Frank turned towards the children and ordered to them, ‘Get out or you’ll all get a thrashing.’

He lowered his hand and let go of my hair and shoved me towards the children then stormed towards the back door

Frank ‘I’m going to the pub and I might not be back.’

As he stamped down the back stairs, I mumbled under my breath, I hope to Christ you fall down the stairs and break your neck, you bastard.

* * *

Ambulance man ‘Mrs Williams.’

His soft wheezing voice broke my thoughts.

Amelia ‘Pardon?’

Whilst wiping my face with a tissue.

I looked up to face the elderly, overweight, gentleman standing in front of me. He coughed a rasping, dry, hollow, sound. I gathered my thoughts and realised that this fellow was one of the ambulance attendants. I felt a sudden hot flush of embarrassment and tried desperately to stifle a broad smile as the thought crossed my mind, God the ambulance man looks as if he needs an ambulance. He sucked in air through his thick lips, in short quick gasps.

Ambulance man ‘We can’t turn the stretcher through the back or front doors to go down the stairs, so we won’t be able to carry your husband on the stretcher to the ambulance.’

He gasped again, and the sound of air being sucked in between his teeth, made a slight whistling noise.

Amelia ‘ Christ.’

I pressed my hands onto the armrests of the lounge chair in an effort to levitate myself into a standing position. I could feel the blood rush to my head, as if I had just performed an exhausting physical exercise. Beads of sweat had begun to expel on my brow and upper lip and I thought for one horrifying moment that I was going to lose consciousness. I just could not believe that this was happening. I thought to myself, my whole life has been violently thrust into the outer limits of the Twilight Zone. I couldn’t believe the events that were happening around me. Here I was in my own living room on Christmas Day, police from the forensic department, photographers and detectives were swarming everywhere. And standing before me was this elderly man with a severe respiratory problem, complaining that he couldn’t carry my dying husband down a flight of stairs. I took a deep breath in an effort, as if to regain my sanity

Amelia ‘For God’s sake, Frank’s dying. He’s got to be taken to the hospital for medical help in a hurry. You can’t just leave him on the kitchen floor.’

Ambulance man (frowning) ‘We’ll have to try and support him in an upright position, Mrs Williams he’s lost a lot of blood. Could you get an old towel to cover the wound?’

I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom cupboard and grabbed the first towel I saw. I turned to run back down the hallway and was surprised to see Detective Keith Fletcher had followed me.

Amelia (flabbergasted) ‘I was just getting this towel for Frank’s wound.’

Fletcher, a young man in his early thirties, seemed to tower over me. He put his huge hand out for me to pass the towel to him

Detective Fletcher ‘We have to check everything, Mrs Williams.’

Handing the towel to him

Amelia ‘Please, can you get them to hurry?’

He strode down the hallway, allowing the towel to unravel as he went. I hurried behind him and then I realised Norm Kennedy was beside me. I stopped suddenly to look at him inquisitively. And as if in answer to my thoughts

Norm ‘We can’t let you out of our sight, Amelia, you realise the situation is serious, don’t you?’

Amelia ‘Y … yes, may I go in here and get another tissue?’

He smiled sympathetically and nodded and watched me as I quickly crossed the floor of the bedroom. I pulled out a handful of tissues from the box on my dressing table. As I turned, I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror. I brushed my hair off my face as I walked back towards Norm Kennedy and said, ‘I don’t look too crash hot at the best of times, but I look a damn sight worse at the moment and I feel even lousier.’

He put his arm out as if to usher me through the doorway and said, ‘Take it easy, we’re here to help you as much as we can. Come and sit down in the lounge and we’ll go over everything just as it happened.’

As we entered the living room, the two ambulance bearers walked through the doorway from the kitchen. Between them, was a near skeletal figure of a man, whose face was a pasty yellowish colour. I felt my eyes enlarge almost cat like and I stared in disbelief at Frank being half dragged, half supported through to the front doorway. I hurried across the room and held open the swinging flyscreen door.

As they all passed me, I stepped outside the door onto the front patio. I held the door open with my right hand and offered my left hand to help support Frank through the doorway. Frank lifted his arm with great effort, causing his face to contort in agony. With as much strength that he could muster, he pushed my hand away. I stood aside, still holding the door ajar, as they proceeded down the long flight of thirteen steps. Each step seemed to take an eternity to manoeuvre. As they approached the sixth step, I saw my brother Edward run towards them offering his hand to Frank

Edward ‘Here mate, let me help you.’

Frank in a hoarse, throaty, gasp, ‘Piss off, ya bastard.’

Norm Kennedy put his arm on my shoulder and helped me back into the house. In the background I could hear Dad and Edward talking to Detective Fletcher. As I sat down in the lounge chair, the humming sound of the ambulance’s motor being kicked over filtered through the open living room window. With the siren blaring, the ambulance departed and its deafening whine could be heard as it drove away towards its destination.

Sergeant Gordon Cully entered the living room with his cap pushed to the back of his head. He was a man in his early sixties with a receding hairline. His ruddy complexion and sparkling eyes, matched with his large protruding stomach, gave him the appearance of being an all-round good sport. He wiped the perspiration off his forehead with a large handkerchief. As he folded the handkerchief to put it back in his pocket, he pursed his lips and blew a puff of air up over his large red nose onto his forehead.

Sergeant Cully ‘We’ve finished here now, Norm. The boys are just packing up their cameras and equipment and are ready to get back to headquarters. I’ll be on duty for another hour or so, but if you want me for anything else, you can ring through to the local station. The wife and I have our quarters just at the back of the station.’

Norm ‘Okay, Gordon, we’ll be here for a little while yet, I’ll be in touch as soon as we get through here. If you don’t hear from me today, I’ll definitely contact you before the week is out. Have a Happy Christmas, what’s left of it.’

Norm gave a wry little smile as he glanced at his watch,

Norm ‘Its three-forty-two already.’

Sergeant Cully ‘Yeah, I’ll go home and finish my pudding the missus had just dished it up when I got the call. See you, mate.’

He turned to walk away, and just as if he’d had an afterthought he turned back and faced me

Sergeant Cully ‘Try not to worry too much, Mrs Williams, you’re in good hands, everything will be okay.’

I smiled at him, totally unsure whether to believe him or not. As if he could read my thoughts, Sergeant Cully gave me a reassuring wink and nodded his head towards me. He patted my hand

Sergeant Cully ‘Keep your chin up, you’ve got three terrific kids there, they’re a credit to you.’

He turned and walked across the living room floor and out the front door.

Norm ‘Gordon’s a good bloke he’s been on the force thirty years and is due to retire in about eighteen months. He’s a well-liked and respected bloke.’

Amelia ‘He seems a really nice person, a sort of grandpa type.’

Norm Kennedy roared a loud comical laugh

Norm ‘I don’t think he’d appreciate being called Gramps.’

Amelia ‘I didn’t mean yours or my grandfather I meant a child’s gramps.’

Norm nodded

Norm ‘I know but I couldn’t help but wonder what he’d say if we called him gramps in the future. Anyhow we had better get on with this matter, or don’t you want to try and recapture a little bit of what’s left of Christmas?’

I frowned not to fully comprehending what I had heard,

Amelia ‘What do you mean, aren’t you going to charge me?’

Norm Kennedy took a long look at me

Norm ‘Do you want to be charged?’

Amelia (stammering nervously) ‘No … not particularly, but I didn’t think, I mean, I thought, it was … um … your duty, to arrest me.’

Norm ‘My duty is to ascertain the facts, not to arrest nice young women such as yourself.’

I began twisting a tissue around my fingers nervously

Amelia ‘But the facts are that I have just stabbed my husband and for all you and I know, he could be dead as of this minute.’

I tried to compose myself, but I could feel my bottom lip start to quiver and I struggled desperately within myself to stop from bursting into tears.

Norm Kennedy (looking directly into my face) ‘Amelia, if I thought for one moment that you had wilfully and premeditatedly attempted to murder Frank I would’ve arrested and charged you long before this.’

I sighed a deep heavy sigh

Amelia ‘I guess that’s something, if nothing, what if he’s dead?’

Norm ‘IF, (The thick set Detective said, choosing his words carefully) ‘IF Frank dies, I’m afraid I’ll have no alternative other than to charge you with murder. The hospital will ring me here, within the next hour to give me a report on his condition.’

He had no sooner gotten the words out of his mouth when the phone started to ring. I jumped at the sound, closed my eyes and drew a deep breath.

Amelia ‘Do you want me to answer it, Norm, or will you?’

Norm ‘You answer it, it may be a friend ringing to wish you a Merry Christmas.’

I stood up thinking God this guy has got a sick, sense of humour.

I almost fell as I ran into the kitchen to answer it. A young male voice asked to speak to Detective Kennedy and I turned to call him only to find him standing alongside of me. I stammered, ‘It’s for you, I … I think it’s the hospital.’

‘Norm Kennedy speaking, yes … I see … four … five.’

He looked at his watch and I glanced at the clock on the wall. I thought that must be the time of death. Five past four, did Norm just say five past four? Oh God, I can’t think straight.

‘Okay, we’ll probably be there in about an hour.’ I heard Norm say, then he hung up and turned to me and said, ‘Come and sit back down and I’ll tell you what’s happening.’

My eyes ran around the kitchen as if I was just seeing it for the first time. It was a bloody mess in the true sense of the word. There was blood everywhere, some of it was congealed, some too thick to congeal and in places it looked like thick, dark plum jam that had been flung around the floor. I felt nauseous and I put my hand to my throat in an effort to stop myself from becoming violently ill. I could feel a chill run down my spine and the goose bumps, which had risen, over my body, seemed enormous. I hurried into the living room and sat heavily down on the same lounge chair I had risen from less than five minutes previously.

Norm ‘That was the hospital, it’s not good news, but it’s not bad news either.’

Amelia (groaning,) ‘He’s still alive then, Thank God. What’s the bad news?’

Norm They’ve taken him to surgery, he’s lost a hell of a lot of blood, four litres to be exact. He’ll probably be in the theatre about five hours.’

Amelia ‘Christ, four litres?’

Norm ‘Yeah it’s a lot, there’s only five litres in a human body so it’s touch and go for him, Amelia.’

Amelia ‘I know. I didn’t think he’d make it down the stairs let alone to the hospital. He’s a plucky little bastard, isn’t he?’

Ignoring the question,

Norm ‘How did you meet him Amelia?’

Amelia (smirking) ‘An ex-girlfriend introduced us that’s why she’s an ex-girlfriend.’

Norm Kennedy laughed ‘How long have you been married?’

Amelia ‘Almost fifteen years.’

Norm ‘Does Frank drink much?’

Amelia ‘No, not really, he only has to have a couple of beers and he’s in a world of his own.’

Norm “He’s a two-pot screamer?’

I smiled, because I had never heard the expression before, but I thought it described Frank perfectly.

Amelia ‘Yes, that would hit the nail right on the head.’

Norm ‘Has he ever hit you before, Amelia?’

Amelia ‘Oh God that’s a good one. Yes, many times.’

Norm ‘Why?’

I frowned and looked at Norm shaking my head

Amelia ‘Why? Why does he drink? Why does he bash me? Why does he do any bloody thing? If I knew the answers to those questions, mate, I wouldn’t be sitting here now, would I?’

I burst into tears and tried to wipe my face with the now almost shredded tissue.

Amelia ‘I’m sorry, I only wish to God, I could answer that.’

Detective Keith Fletcher walked into the room followed by Vivian, Heather and Claire

Detective Keith Fletcher ‘Amelia, your father and brother are going home do you want the children to go with them?’

Amelia ‘Yes please, if they can unless you both want to speak to them.’

Detective Keith Fletcher ‘I’ve already had a talk to them. That youngest one can talk can’t she? She’d talk the leg off an iron pot.’

Amelia ‘Has she been giving you a hard time?’

Detective Keith Fletcher ‘Not at all, she’s been making me laugh though.’

Amelia ‘God. What’s she been saying?’

He laughed a little chuckling sound

Detective Keith Fletcher ‘She’s been mainly complaining that it’s her father’s fault that she’ll miss out on seeing Mary Poppins at the movies tomorrow.’

Norm Kennedy roared with laughter as I glanced disdainfully at Claire who was smiling innocently at me.

When Norm stopped laughing, I said, ‘It’s bloody pathetic isn’t it?’

Heather and Claire kissed me goodbye and Vivian came up to me and put her arms around me.

Vivian ‘I’ll see you when you get back to Granddad’s place.’

I fought to choke back the tears.

Amelia ‘I’ll be okay, love, don’t worry. Where’s Granddad and Uncle Edward?’

Vivian ‘Just outside on the patio.’

Amelia ‘Can I just say goodbye to Dad please?’

Norm ‘Sure.’

Dad put his arms around me and whispered into my ear that everything was going to be alright, and not to worry about a thing.

He kissed me on the cheek and gave me another hug. As he withdrew his arm, I noticed tears filling his sky-blue eyes.

I thought to myself, Poor Dad, he should be enjoying his retirement, instead of having all this worry heaped onto his lap. I wish I could undo all the heartache I’ve caused him.

‘See you tonight, Amelia, and don’t worry too much, ring us if you need us.’ He hugged me reassuringly and walked down the stairs behind Edward and his two oldest granddaughters. Claire was perched on Edward’s shoulders.

As he sat down on the lounge chair

Keith Fletcher ‘What a day.’

Amelia ‘It hasn’t been a very Happy Christmas for any of us has it? You two look as if you’ve missed your Christmas lunch completely.’

Keith Fletcher ‘No we’re right, we had just come on duty when you rang. But we’d better finish this report or you’ll miss out on your Christmas tea. Just tell us in your own words what happened.’

I took a deep breath and began, ‘I’d better go back to last night.’

I told them of the hair rising drive home and how Frank had demanded to be driven to the pub, then the fight that had ensued when we arrived home.

Keith ‘What time did he get back?’

Amelia ‘I’m not too sure, about nine-thirty, I think. The kids were in bed asleep and I ran and got into bed as soon as I heard the car. I didn’t want him to know that I was awake, so I pretended to be asleep. I heard him making a hell of a din in the kitchen. It seemed like an eternity. Then he eventually came into the bedroom and told me to get up. He wanted me to put the kid’s presents under the tree. And as soon as I came out he began to argue about this that and the other and I just said, ‘Look, Frank, if you want a blue go back to the pub because I don’t want any more fighting ever. I was pretty tired and I had a stinking headache where he’d belted me. He eventually went to bed and flaked. I was very thankful of that, but I was feeling sick and sorry for myself and I sat out watching TV. They were singing Christmas Carols and I couldn’t cop that garbage, so I turned the set off and made my bed here on the lounge. I couldn’t get to sleep though until about four o’clock. The kids got up at five and woke me then they went in and woke Frank. I sat up until about eight o’clock until I thought I was going to keel over. I went into the bedroom but I couldn’t get to sleep for ages. I just lay there crying. I had tried to get him in a good mood but he wouldn’t even speak to me without snarling. While I was lying on the bed, I kept on arguing with myself whether I should take the full bottle of Nembutals that I had on my dressing room table. I must have cried myself to sleep because the next thing I remember it was eleven o’clock. When I came out here, the kids were playing on the floor and Frank was laying on the lounge. I asked him if he would drive us down to my parent’s place, but he refused. I didn’t really want him to, because he and Dad don’t get on, in fact they haven’t spoken to each other for two years. But I didn’t want him to stay here, because I thought he had some grog hidden.’

Norm Kennedy interrupted with, ‘How do you mean, hidden?’

Amelia ‘For some unknown reason Frank hasn’t had a drink in front of me for nearly two years.’

Keith Fletcher , ‘Do you know why?’

Amelia ‘I think he was too embarrassed and ashamed to. He had gone into a clinic to sober up a couple of years ago and after he came out of the clinic, he’s never drank in front of me. I can’t think of any other reason.’

Norm Kennedy ‘Where did he hide his booze, do you know?’

Amelia ‘Oh. I found a couple of his hiding places, but as soon as he discovered I had pinched them, the bottles I mean, he’d find another hiding place. For all I know there could be a dozen bottles hidden all over the place right now. Once when we lived in another house, there was a bottle of vodka in a glass cabinet. I used to keep an eye on it to make sure it was still there. Until one day I noticed that the seal had been broken, he’d obviously had drunk the vodka and filled the bottle with water. He’s a cunning bugger, but then I can be a bit thick at times.’

They both shook their heads at me, I’d like to think that they were thinking that I wasn’t thick but they could’ve been thinking God how thick can you get?

Keith ‘Do you drink Amelia?’

Amelia ‘No, very rarely I might have an occasional Gin Squash, but generally I don’t. I don’t like the taste of most alcoholic drinks especially beer, it’s too sour.’

Both Detectives laughed

Amelia ‘Obviously you pair don’t share my opinion.’

Norm nodded

Keith ‘You’re not far from wrong there.

Amelia ‘Anyhow, I went around to Mum’s place with the kids and I was only away about an hour, when I got back, Frank was as blind as a bat.’

Norm ‘Was he staggering drunk?’

Amelia ‘No not quite, but not far from it.’

Norm ‘How many beers do you think he would have had?’

Amelia ‘Your guess would be as good as mine for all I know, he could have mixed his drinks. I know for a fact that he’s had Vodka with beer on occasions, and I’m almost certain he’s had a go at metho as well.’

Both Detectives nodded

Norm ‘What happened then?’

Amelia ‘Well when I saw that he was half shot, I told the kids to behave themselves and I started to prepare the table. I got the ham out and asked Frank to cut it for me. I’m pretty useless with a knife. I usually cut myself if I attempt to slice meat up. Anyhow, he cut it up and I distributed the slices out on the plates. Whilst I was dishing out, he went to the fridge and brought out a bottle of beer. I was surprised at that.

Keith ‘Did he say anything to you when he took the bottle out?’

Amelia ‘Oh he had been bitching whilst he was cutting the ham, and he said something about going around to his boss’s home, because there was a party going on there. He was trying to get me to bite, but I didn’t answer him, no matter what I had said, it would have been the wrong thing. When he got the beer out, he said, ‘Oh well. I think I’ll have a beer” I think it was his way of goading me into saying something about his drinking and also I think it was his way of saying, what do you think about that?

Norm ‘Did you say anything?’

Amelia ‘Well I guess I looked surprised, but I can’t remember if I said anything. I’m sure if I had, there would have been a blue then. He poured a beer and drank it fairly quickly, and then he went into the bedroom. I continued to dish out the rest of the food and I called the kids and Frank when it was ready. Frank came out and he had changed his clothes. He was wearing one of the shirts I had given him for Christmas. I looked up and said ‘Are you going out?’ and he replied, ‘Yep. I told ya, I’m going to a party.’ I got really annoyed about that, because the kids had practically begged me to stay down at my parent’s home for the day, but I thought to keep the peace, it would be better for us to come home and try to have a family Christmas with Frank.’

Keith ‘What happened then did the argument start then?’

Amelia ‘Argument it was more like World War Three. I said, ‘Christ, if I had’ve known you were going out, I would have stayed down at Mum and Dad’s place and had Christmas there.’ Well. That was enough fuel for his fire and it was on for young and old. One thing led to another and he even had the audacity to tell me not to raise my voice to him. Mind you, he was screaming top note himself. Anyhow, he came over and grabbed me by my throat and he clouted me across the head. I fell on the floor and was crying and the kids started screaming. I told them to get out of the room and they ran into the living room. Frank picked me up by the hair and started to thump me about.

Somehow, I managed to get away and I went into the bedroom to get a tissue to wipe my face. When I came back out, he was standing between the doorway of the kitchen and the living room. I walked out and sat in the lounge and I was crying. Frank ordered me to shut up, and I told him that I couldn’t. I just couldn’t stop sobbing. He took a flying dive at me and knocked me down onto the floor and he just kept hitting me and hitting me and hitting me.

As I was telling them what had happened, I was crying almost uncontrollably as I remembered my ordeal.

Norm ‘Would you like a glass of water?’

Amelia ‘Yes thank you.’

I attempted to stand up and Keith jumped to his feet,

Keith ‘I’ll get it for you, you just sit there.’

As he walked away

Amelia ‘I’m sorry for being so silly I don’t usually carry on like this. I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much in my life before, as I have in the past twenty-four hours.’

Norm ‘No, you’re alright. You’ve done very well so far.’

Keith returned handing me a glass of cold water.

Keith ‘There you are.’

Amelia ‘Oh thanks.’

After taking a mouthful and swallowing it gasping

Amelia ‘That’s better, my throat was as dry as a bone, come to think of it I haven’t had a thing to eat all day.’

Keith ‘Do you want something to eat?’


Amelia ‘Oh no thanks. I couldn’t stomach a thing after what’s happened, I just remembered that I never did get around to eating, that’s all. I can’t even remember if the kids ate either for that matter. Poor little buggers.’

As I took another sip of water,

Norm ‘Do you feel up to continuing?’

Amelia ‘Yes, I’m right, now, where was I?’

Norm looked at his notebook. I hadn’t noticed until then that he had a notebook. And I wondered if he had written everything, I had said into it. He looked up and smiled

Norm ‘I’m flat out reading my own writing.’

He seemed to realise that I had just noticed the notebook and he added, ‘Oh, I’m just jotting a few things down every so often, for when I write out my report.’

I nodded, but not really understanding, I couldn’t help wondering what his report would say.

Norm ‘Frank kept hitting you. What happened then?’

Taking a deep breath

Amelia ‘Claire came over and was pleading with him to stop and Frank was like a maniac. He picked her up by her arm and leg and flung her across the room and she landed on the lounge and bounced off. I screamed, “You fucking bastard, you could’ve killed her.”

I thought he had broken her back because she was lying there screaming and not moving. As soon as I called him that, he kicked me in the tailbone and I rolled onto my stomach. Christ it hurt.’ Then I heard Vivian yelling and I looked up and Frank had pushed her onto the ground and he punched her in the face and kicked out at her. I threw myself onto her to protect her, and Frank punched me again. Vivian got up and I told her to get Heather and Claire and run for it, meaning out the front door. They were too frightened to move. I got to my knees and crawled over to the lounge and Frank went to Claire and screamed at her to shut up. Then he started to walk towards the kitchen. I stood up and tried to carry Claire to the front door but Frank ran through the room and blocked us from going out. He ordered them to go back and sit on the lounge, and they did. Then he turned on me again, I begged him to stop. I just couldn’t take any more and he laughed and said, ‘That’s right bitch, you beg, because I’m your master.’ I was completely exhausted and practically fell on the ground and crawled over to the lounge. Frank went back to the kitchen and poured himself another beer. I wanted to run, but I knew that I couldn’t. I just sat there trying to think out a plan to get out, as soon as I could get my strength, if I ever got it.’

Norm ‘How did you get the knife?’

Amelia ‘Frank had ordered me not to move so I sat there for oh about five minutes while he abused me my hands were sopping with sweat just as they are now.’ Showing both detectives the palms of my hands my palms were bright red and the perspiration was oozing out of the pores. Without hesitating I blew my breath on my hands whilst I wriggled my fingers. And as I’ve done on numerous occasions, I wiped my hands down the side of my shorts.

Amelia ‘Believe it or not they often get worse than this. They were worse when I was sitting here with Frank abusing me. The only way I can really ease it a bit is to run them under cold running water. I asked him if I could wash my hands and he said, ‘Okay, providing you don’t get out of my sight.’ So, I went past him and went to the sink. I washed my hands and I looked around for the tea towel. It was over on the bench near the stove. When I picked it up and wiped my hands, I saw the knife had been underneath it. Frank was pouring himself another beer and as I dropped the tea towel down, I picked up the knife….

Norm Kennedy sat forward in his chair.

Norm ‘Right, now I want you to think carefully, Amelia, what were you thinking at that precise moment?’

I took a sip of water and frowned

Amelia ‘I think I was wishing him to get out,’

Norm ‘Was that all?’

Amelia ‘Yes, I think so Oh. I was also wishing how I could get to the back door, but I didn’t want to leave the kids in the house with him.’

Norm ‘Did you think, I’ll kill this bastard?’

Norm Kennedy’s voice had changed, instead of sounding sympathetic, he sounded as if he was accusing me.

Without hesitation, I said in a very offended tone, ‘No. I just wanted to get to safety I was terrified of what he might do next.’

His voice not so aggressive

Norm ‘What happened then?’

Amelia ‘Frank saw me holding the knife and said come on bitch, if you’re game enough.’

Norm ‘What did you do then?’

Amelia “Get out before I kill you, ya bastard.”

Norm ‘Did you feel that you wanted to kill him then?’

Wiping the perspiration off my face.

Amelia ‘No, I wanted to torture the bastard. I just wanted to give him a dose of his own medicine.

Keith ‘How far away from you was he?’

Amelia ‘He was still near the doorway and I was near the stove, that’d be about three feet wouldn’t it?’

Keith ‘About that, did he come towards you?’

Amelia ‘No he never moved other than his hands he stayed in the same position. He just kept taunting me to have a go. I walked towards him until I stood directly in front of him and I held the knife up in front of my chest.’

Norm ‘Where was the head of the knife?’

Amelia ‘About an inch away from his stomach.’

Norm ‘Was it near his naval would you say?’

Amelia ‘God. I don’t know I was looking at his face. I know my hand was shaking, I was shaking all over.’

Norm ‘Were you excited?’

Amelia ‘Jesus. You’ve got to be kidding, I was nearly shitting myself, and I was so scared.’

Norm ‘What were you scared of?

Amelia ‘HIM.’

I nearly screeched the word. I took a deep breath.

Amelia ‘He had this peculiar look on his face as if he was playing a game it was as if he had a surprise in store for me.’

Norm ‘How do you mean?’

Amelia ‘Oh you know, as if he was waiting for me to make the first move and he would win the game with his counter attack.’

Norm ‘Go on.’

Amelia ‘He said, ‘Go on, go on, you’re not game are you, and he held his hands above his head and he stuck his stomach out. I … I felt a sort of twitch in my hand.’

Norm ‘Your hand moved you mean?’

Amelia ‘I … I don’t know, it was a sort of sinking feeling as if my hand moved without me feeling it.’

Norm ‘Did you know that you had stabbed him at that stage?’

Amelia ‘No I didn’t know, I thought the knife may have, but I wasn’t sure. There was no force it was like as if the blade had sunk into thin air.’

Norm ‘How far did the blade penetrate?’

Amelia ‘I honestly don’t know I just cannot remember. I don’t remember pulling the blade out. I didn’t think it had even gone in. One minute he was standing there then he was staggering into the living room. It happened so bloody fast I just can’t remember.

As I was talking to Norm, I put both hands to my forehead and pushed my hair back off my face and stretched my neck backwards in an effort to think harder. Then I fell back on the lounge and gave out an exhausted moan. I shook my head slowly from side to side as if I was giving a negative answer to an invisible person.

Norm ‘What happened then can you remember?’

Amelia ‘Yes, I put the knife on top of the cupboard near the living room doorway.’

Norm ‘Where was Frank had he gone into the living room did you think you had stabbed him then?’

Amelia ‘No I had put the knife down and I was just about to gesture to Vivian to come into the kitchen so that we could all go out the back door.’

Norm ‘But you said before that Frank had staggered into the living room, surely you must have realised then that he was hurt?’

Amelia ‘No, Frank’s one of the best actors I’ve ever met, one day I accidentally tapped him across the mouth like this. I gestured a light smack across my cheek, mouth and nose, with three fingers honest to God you would have thought I’d planted a haymaker on his face. He’d often over dramatize situations.’

Keith ‘When did you realise that he wasn’t acting?’

Amelia ‘Vivian ran into the kitchen and said ‘Quick, Mum, he’s bleeding’ and I said ‘Are you sure? Vivian said, ‘Yes, there’s blood everywhere, you’ve stabbed him, Mum.’

Heather and Claire came in screaming that he was bleeding and vomiting. I ran to the phone and started dialling triple zero. I told the kids to go downstairs and to stay out of the way. I got through to the operator, I didn’t know you had to speak to an operator and I just gave my name and address. She kept babbling, ‘What service do you want?’ and I said ‘Ambulance. Then Frank slammed his fist on the phone and disconnected the call.

Norm ‘What happened then?’

Amelia ‘I had to struggle to get the receiver off him and I then had to force his hand off the cradle of the phone. He was bearing down as if he was on the toilet and the blood was spurting everywhere. I said, ‘For Christ’s sake you fool, lie down on the floor or you’ll bleed to death. The stupid bastard stood there laughing. He was obviously in great pain, but then he pushed his fingers into the wound as if he was trying to make himself bleed more then he said, ‘I’ll show you how good I am.’ and he picked up his glass of beer and swallowed every drop.

Norm and Keith’s mouths were agape and they both shook their heads in disbelief.

Amelia ‘By this time I was dialling again he tried to stop me but he ended up sliding down and he lay on the floor. The operator answered again and I had to give her a full explanation why I had hung up. The stupid bitch wasn’t going to put me through to the ambulance for a minute she told me that I was a crank call. Then I rang Dad and told him to hurry up here.

Norm What time did you stab him?’

Amelia ‘I don’t know, I wouldn’t have a clue, what’s the time now?’

Keith ‘Ten to five.’

Amelia ‘God I honestly don’t know. You’d have to check with the operator, she’d have to register the time she got the calls, wouldn’t she? It was only a minute or so before I rang her the first time. Then it was at least another four minutes before I rang her again. It could have been two o’clock or half past, I just don’t know.’

Keith ‘What happened after you spoke to your father?’

Amelia ‘I was only talking long enough to tell him that I had stabbed Frank and that he was in a bad way, and that I had rung the ambulance. He said that he was on his way and I hung up. I turned to Frank who was lying in a straight line directly behind me. I grabbed a cloth and started to mop his brow but he told me to piss off. I told him not to be so stupid and he said, ‘If you want to do something for me pour me a beer.’

Norm (in a disbelieving tone0 ‘He said what?’

I nodded in disgust.

Amelia ‘Yeah, he asked me to pour him a beer can you beat that?’

Norm ‘Christ.’ turning to Keith he said to his partner, ‘You couldn’t beat that with a stick.’

Keith just shook his head in total disbelief.

Norm ‘What happened then?’

Amelia ‘I took his shoes off him and undid his belt and trousers I don’t know if I did the right thing or not. I remember reading somewhere that if a person is in distress to remove any tight-fitting garments. I couldn’t take his shirt or trousers off. I wouldn’t even try to. So, I just took his shoes off and I think I packed the tea towel under his head to sort of try and relieve the pain. I guess that was a bit dumb, but I was panicking. I get a bit confused when I panic.’ I shuddered as I remembered. ‘I know he was vomiting stale grog and bile and that made me almost vomit on him.’

Norm ‘How long did you have to wait for the ambulance?’

Amelia ‘Oh. It could have been five to seven minutes, but it seemed a hell of a lot longer.’

Norm ‘Who arrived first the ambulance or Gordon?’ Keith asked.

Amelia ‘They arrived together the police car was directly behind the ambulance. I couldn’t do any more for Frank, and besides, he kept telling me to piss off. So, I just paced up and down until I saw the Ambulance. I ran out to let them know which house to come to.’

Norm ‘When they came in, what did you do?’

Amelia ‘I showed them to the kitchen.’

Norm ‘Did you say anything to them?’

Amelia ‘Yes, I said, ‘I’ve stabbed my husband, he’s on the kitchen floor, you’d better hurry, I don’t think he’s going to pull through.’

Norm ‘Did you think he was dying?’

Amelia ‘God yes there was too much blood to be just a small nick.’

Norm ‘Did you go into the kitchen then?’

Amelia ‘No I stood in the doorway I didn’t want to be in their way.’

Norm ‘Where was Gordon?’

Amelia ‘He went over to Frank and said ‘How are you mate?’ and Frank abused him and told him to get out because it had nothing to do with the cops.’

Norm ‘He told Gordon that it had nothing to do with the cops?’

Amelia ‘Yes Frank said something like ‘It was an accident, I did it myself when I was cutting the ham, now piss off.’

Norm ‘Are you sure of that, Amelia?’

Amelia ‘I’m positive, you ask Gordon, because he came out of the kitchen into the living room and said, ‘He’s an aggressive little bugger, isn’t he?’

Norm ‘What happened then?’

Amelia ‘You two walked in then.’

Norm turned to Keith ‘I think we’d better get over to the hospital now, hey?’

Keith nodded and stood up. I looked at the two of them inquisitively and Norm told me that they’d take me to the hospital to find out what was happening. I gave them directions of a short cut to the hospital and I thought the drive over, was incredible. I still had difficulty accepting what was happening. I kept thinking on the journey, here I am, sitting in a car that’s identical to the one Frank and I own, chatting pleasantly to two men I had only met a couple of hours earlier. These men should be arresting me for stabbing my husband, but they’re not. Instead they’re talking and laughing with me as if we are old friends. Surely this can’t be reality.

Norm ‘Which school do the girls go to Amelia?’

Amelia ‘Vivian goes to high school and Heather goes to primary school. Claire starts pre-school next year.’

Keith ‘Do they like school?’

Amelia ‘Vivian does, but Heather hates it, I think she’s nearly as dumb as her mother. I pity the teacher who gets Claire though she or he will wonder what hit them.’

Both men laughed and I pressed the fleshy part of my left arm between my right thumb and index finger. ‘I am awake.’ I muttered to myself.

Norm ‘What was that?’

Amelia ‘Nothing, I was just thinking out loud. I can’t believe what’s happening.’

As we drove into the Princess Alexandra Hospital grounds

Keith ‘Here we are, we’ll park in the ambulance zone, I doubt very much that we’ll get booked.’

Both men laughed and I stifled a grin

Amelia ‘I wonder if I could get away with parking in a no parking zone? My car’s exactly the same as this one even the colour’s the same.’

Norm winked ‘Don’t push your luck too far I think that after today you’ve run out of a bit of luck.’

Amelia ‘God and don’t I know it.’

I stood aside as Norm spoke to one of the many doctors in the busy casualty department. Keith Fletcher was listening to the two men as they spoke to each other and he periodically nodded to me. I had no idea what the nodding meant, but I assumed it meant, so far, so good.

I heard Norm say, ‘Do you want a word with her?’

He crooked his finger at me to come over. I hurried towards them

Doctor ‘Your husband is still in surgery, Mrs Williams. We won’t know anything definite until tomorrow morning, though he should be out of the theatre at about eight-thirty tonight.’

Amelia ‘Do you think he’ll pull through?’

Doctor ‘I just don’t know, Mrs Williams, I really just don’t know. He’s in a pretty bad shape, he’s lost a lot of blood and the surgeons are doing everything they can.’

Amelia ‘Thank you.’

I rubbed my face in an effort to bring myself out of this nightmare.

As the three of us walked out through the large, swinging hospital doors, an Ambulance pulled up alongside the Detectives car and a swarm of medical staff spilled onto the footpath. It just seemed a normal event to us as we got into the car.

As we drove back home

Norm ‘He’s not feeling any pain now, Amelia, he was unconscious when he arrived.’

For the rest of the journey, we travelled in silence. When we pulled into the driveway, I noticed the curtains in our neighbour’s home, move slightly. I remembered back, to when the ambulance bearers were helping Frank down the stairs, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The neighbours across the street had been having a Christmas party apparently, and they had all stood two to a step watching everything as it happened. I remembered thinking at the time, Bloody ghouls I should give them all a wave and ask them if they’d like some autographed photos as mementos.

I was feeling a bit braver by the time I got home, so I waved up to the ‘closed’ curtains and they moved slightly again. But there wasn’t any breeze.

Norm (stifling a smirk) ‘Will you be okay to get to your parent’s home, Amelia?’

Amelia ‘Yes thanks. I’ll just go up and tidy up and go straight over. I’ll be there within a half hour or so.’

Norm ‘Okay, we’ll come there later tonight, I’m afraid we’ll have to get a statement from Vivian it’s just a formality, you understand.’ He had said it almost apologetically.

Amelia ‘Righto, what time do you think?’

Norm ‘Oh! As soon as the hospital lets us know how the operation went.’

I started to walk towards the stairs and I was surprised to see Norm get out of the car and he blocked my path.

Norm ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’

Amelia ‘Positive.’

Norm ‘You realise we could be charged for leaving you in charge of a dangerous weapon, Amelia?’

Amelia ‘But you’ve got the knife, haven’t you?’

Norm ‘No, I don’t mean the knife, I mean your car. You won’t do anything silly like trying to commit suicide by driving over a cliff or something?’

I looked at him in total disbelief for a moment and then burst out laughing.

Amelia ‘You’ve got to be joking, don’t you? I don’t have the guts to do that.’

Norm ‘Good girl keep smiling we’ll see you tonight.’

As they drove away, they tooted the horn and I waved goodbye to them. I turned, back smiling and happened to glance at my neighbour’s window and the curtains moved again. I wonder what they’re thinking. They’re probably as confused as me bloody sticky beaks.

At seven forty-five that night, I replaced the receiver of my parent’s phone into its cradle. I turned to Dad and Edith

Amelia ‘He’s out of the theatre and he’s on the di list.’

Edith ‘Oh thank God our prayers have been answered.’

The doorbell rang out in deafening tones.

Edith ‘I wonder who that could be.’

Claire ‘It’s probly (sic) the coppers, Grandma.’

Dad ‘Don’t say coppers, Claire, you should say, policemen, darling.’

Edith ‘C … come in won’t you please?’

Norm ‘Good thanks, Mrs Long, is it?’

Edith ‘That’s right I’m Amelia’s mother.’

I walked forward and formally introduced Norm Kennedy and Keith Fletcher to my mother.

Edith ‘Have you had anything to eat?

Norm ‘No not yet.’

Edith ‘Would you like something there’s plenty there?’

Norm ‘Thanks, Mrs. Long don’t go to too much trouble though.’

Edith ‘Oh it’s no trouble at all.’

She scurried off to the kitchen.

Norm (turned to me) ‘He’s out of surgery.’

Amelia ‘I know I just rang the hospital I just got off the phone when you rang the doorbell. But he’s on the di list, so it doesn’t sound the best does it?’

Norm ‘Well I spoke to the doctor about fifteen minutes ago. He rang me as soon as he’d finished in the surgery and he said that Frank would be in intensive care overnight and that everything is going to be okay.’

Amelia ‘Well they didn’t sound so convincing to me, a few minutes ago.’

Edith (came out of the kitchen and announced) ‘It’s ready when you are, Gentlemen.’

Norm (walking into the kitchen) ‘Boy, that was quick.’

Edith ‘A ham and chicken salad doesn’t take much time to put on a plate, I’m afraid it’s only the leftovers, we’ve already eaten.’

Both men sat down and tucked into the food.

After they had finished

Norm ‘Boy. Mrs. Long, if that’s the leftovers I’d have loved to have seen what you had to begin with I can’t remember when I had such a delicious meal.’

Edith ‘There’s plenty more there.’

Keith ‘Honest to God. I couldn’t eat another morsel.’

Norm nodded in agreement.

I had been sitting in the living room, just shaking my head in disbelief as I heard my parent’s making pleasant conversation with the two burly men. I do not believe this’ I muttered to myself It’s more incredible than a Science fiction story.’

Dad ‘Vivian.’

Vivian came out of Edward’s bedroom where all the kids had gathered to play a game. She glanced at me as if to say, I’m scared, Mum.

I assured her

‘There’s nothing to be frightened of, just answer the questions as best as you can, okay?’

She nodded and slowly walked into the kitchen. Edith came and sat down in the lounge with me, Dad stood at the kitchen door listening to Vivian and the detectives as they spoke. About a half an hour later, Vivian came out of the kitchen with a big smile as if she was pleased it was all over.

Amelia ‘All finished?’

Vivian ( still smiling) ‘Can I go into Uncle Edward’s room and play again?’

Nodding, I turned to the two detectives

Norm ‘Well that about wraps it up folks we’ll get back to you good people if anything develops. But I honestly don’t think it’ll be necessary.’

Turning to me he added, ‘You see that you get a good night’s sleep and try to forget that this ever happened.’

They bid us all farewell and as they drove away, I turned to Edith and Dad

Amelia ‘Do you believe what’s happened today?’

Edith putting her arm around me ‘No my dear, I don’t. We’ll all wake up tomorrow and find out that it’s only a dream.’

Amelia ‘And pigs will fly.’

I went to the hospital a couple of days later Frank’s ex-boss and apprentice (Steve and Brad) were visiting Frank. They looked at me with disgust and without saying a word they walked out of the room. No one ever believes the poor battered wife theory and I wasn’t even going to waste my breath telling them I wasn’t the baddie here.

Frank had more tubes hanging out of his body than I’d ever seen before or since. What could I possibly say? ‘Sorry I stabbed you. Sorry you’ve bashed the shit out of me for years. Sorry that you’re a little turd.’ All I could do was shake my head in disbelief

Amelia ( with a smirk) ‘Ya wouldn’t close your eyes ya bastard?’

Frank ‘Nuh, I didn’t want to give you the pleasure of sayin’ well that’s it.’

Amelia ‘Is that all you’ve got to say?’

Frank ‘Yep.’

With that, I walked out of the hospital with as much dignity as I could muster and I was bawling my guts out by the time I got to the car.

Less than two weeks later, I was in the kitchen when Frank came to the back door, I nearly shit myself.

Amelia ‘What do you want?’

With a silly smirk

Frank ‘I live here, don’t you remember me? Besides I’ve got nowhere else to go and no money, I spent my last dollar on a cab getting here.’

Amelia ‘Frank, you have got to be joking.’

Vivian and Heather were a bit wary, but Claire rushed over to him

Claire ‘Daddy, you’re all better, come and sit here with me and I’ll be your nurse.’

I assured Vivian that I’d be all right and for her to take the other two downstairs. He was in enormous pain and had great difficulty sitting on the lounge chair. I offered him a coffee and we sat and talked about what had happened. He apologised profusely for what he had done

Amelia ‘It’s too late to apologise, Frank, you’re an absolute madman in drink and you could have killed any one of us or for that matter, all of us.’

Frank ‘Don’t you think I know that? I’ve had almost two weeks lying on my back just thinking about what I did. I can’t undo what I did, but I want the chance to prove that I didn’t mean it.’

Amelia ‘Frank, every time you’ve bashed the crap out of me, you’re always sorry, until the next time.’

Frank ‘I promise you there won’t be a next time.’

Amelia ‘You can say that again. I didn’t stab you purposely, Frank, but I know one thing for sure, if anyone especially you, ever lifts a hand to me again, I wouldn’t hesitate in doing it again.’

Frank ‘Okay, fair enough, it’s a deal then.’

Amelia ‘There’s no deal Frank, you lift your hands to me or the kids again and that’s it.’

* * *

Many Christmas Days have passed since then, and I don’t think one day has gone by that I don’t think of that dreadful day. I would like to say that we have been blissfully happy, because you read about ‘blissfully happy’ marriages in fairytale stories, unfortunately this isn’t a fairy story.

We live in the real world, where shit happens to everyone. We’ve had more than our fair share of shit since then, and we’ll probably continue to battle more shit in the future.

Now that you the reader have possibly come to the conclusion of whether I’m a goodie or a baddie I’d like to take you back in time to tell you the whole story of my life.

It’s a hell of a ride.

It's Okay You're Not Married

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