Читать книгу Missing - Every Year, Thousands of People Vanish Without Trace. Here are the True Stories Behind Some of These Mysteries - Rose Rouse - Страница 5



Thanks to Wensley Clarkson for showing me the way, and all my friends and family for accepting that I had to say ‘No’ rather more than they are used to. Thanks to Marlon for countering my Luddite tendencies and simply being there. Also thanks to Brian Cowan and Ross Miller at the charity Missing People, formerly known as the National Missing Persons Helpline, Linda Campbell at the Salvation Army, Samantha Shaw at the Children’s Society and Maxine Hamilton Bell at Safe In The City in Manchester, for giving me endless help in my research.

Missing - Every Year, Thousands of People Vanish Without Trace. Here are the True Stories Behind Some of These Mysteries

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