Читать книгу The Cure for GOD'S Epidemic - Roshi Bharat - Страница 9

The Life Cycle of a God Virus


1.The God Virus attaches to a host (common people like us) cell. This is called the process of adsorption (Dissolves the surface of our cells).

2.The God Virus injects its DNA or RNA into the host cell (common people like us) called an entry.

3.The invading DNA or RNA takes over the cell and recruits the host’s enzymes.

4.The cellular enzymes start making new God Virus particles (replication).

5.The particles of the God Virus created by the cell come together to form new God Viruses. This is called an assembly.

6.The newly formed God Viruses kill the natural cells so that they may break free and search for a new host cell. This is called release.

7.This God Virus spreads very systematically via carriers called priests, mullahs, pundits, Acharyas etc.

8.The God Virus creates anti-bodies which fight against any exterior thought, logic and reasoning as a defense.

9.God Virus creates an escape route in the human brain that as soon as any thought becomes too strong to invade the defense mechanism, it creates a flight or fight response, thus overtaking other organism or running the host from its place and thus protecting its survival.

10.People with lower intelligence illiterates, poverty-stricken, sick, and aggressive, or those who are afraid of nature are a major target of this virus. Thus 90% of earth's population is in danger or has already been impacted by this God Virus.

11.After a struggle, if it leaves the host body, it immediately looks for a new host.

The above is a very short explanation of the virus attack cycle. One virus has been creating havoc on this planet for the last 2500 year. It is called God Virus. The current chapter helps us in understanding this virus, and Chapter 2 of this book is the anti-virus for this virus. This virus works exceptionally well via tools called religions which people practice. I request all my brothers and sisters not to take this book as criticism; this is an endeavor as a student to find answers to some unknown mysteries by using simple logic and reasoning. I am talking about religions and not about dharma. It is important to understand the difference between two.

Religion can be started from a book or a man, or can be a cult which people follow with no logic and reasoning. Anything followed without logic and reasoning is called faith or belief and once it surpasses logic and reasoning, it is no more a faith or belief but is transformed into Truth. Religion, faith and belief are something which cannot stand the test of natural laws, They get torn apart when logically discussed. Dharma is a set of laws which teach us how to live with nature, with all species in such a way that all can live happily.

In this chapter, we will explore how religions impact us and our world. Have you ever pondered what makes religion so powerful? What makes people kill thousands of people, rape women, and kill innocent children, consider one part of the world as Kaffir or Pagan, teaching enmity against them? What can make people circumcise themselves or take a dip in water to change their mind? What can be behind mass killing of Hindus by Mughal rulers or why is a cry made in every war for someone whom no one has seen? Why were holy wars or holy crusades required in Europe and Middle East few centuries back? Why were so many Jews killed?

What makes people blind to logic and reasoning? What is it that makes people irrational? Why do people get upset when you talk about religion, and why do they spend so much time in front of dead idols? If these questions have ever struck your brain, then enjoy this book. For the last 3500 years, a few religions have penetrated deep into the society and have been working hard to wipe out one another by converting as many people as possible. There has been a long history of mass killings. Those who attempted to question were either persecuted or punished hard. The best examples are Galileo Galilee and Copernicus, punished by the Church because they challenged Christianity.

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect intended for us to forgo their use. [Galileo Galilee (1564-1642)]

This is what he said and he was right, though persecuted. God has given us intellect and reason and there is the purpose behind this. The purpose is that he wants us to understand him and recognize him, otherwise we would all have been animals. Some religions are against logic and reasoning and if you argue, then the most dangerous virus, called the God Virus, overtakes the cells of the host and sends a shock wave throughout their body which makes them kill people or fight. The current world is proof of this fundamentalist approach. In every corner of the world, we can see people of specific belief blaming others for their viral infections. They are spreading across the world, but still keep harping about the rights of their own faith, always blaming others for their economic or social deprivation. If they are oppressed by others, their population and expansion should have stopped. In reality, the trend is reversed.

In modern days, we have an army of Priests, Mullahs, Acharyas and Pundits who spread the belief that disease and your problems are due to Satan and evil spirits. If you spill water, perform Havan or donate to a particular house of worship, or recite some stanzas, verses and mantras, everything will be cured. The only requirement is that on the back of everything, keep the God Virus in your brain and the rest will happen automatically. These preachers or carriers of the God Virus have not seen God themselves, but still they impart the virus into common people. This virus works best under circumstances of fear and this book will teach you how to come out of fear and become a perfect anti-virus of the God Virus.

It is astonishing to see the way this God Virus is creating religious zombies. Because of the world becoming fanatics, I was instructed by God in my soul to write this book for all of us. Soon we will find that the God who instructed me is different from the one prevalent in modern society.

The violence and intolerance expressed by fundamentalists and cults throughout the world bring an urgency of understanding religion and its power. Some of the most dangerous people are preaching hatred and intolerance against most peaceful people on earth and that is done by injecting the God Virus from early childhood. this virus is strengthened by continual recitation and reading of scriptures without allowing children to question and challenge these scriptures, thus making the virus so strong that it overtakes acumen. By the time the children grow up, such an injection takes them to a level much lower than animals where they kill each other by detonating themselves. Even animals will not kill themselves unless they go crazy or mad. Imagine the kind of virus this is…

Read this from one of the great preachers:

“We-with God’s help-call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God’s order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call on Muslims ulema, leaders, youths and soldiers to launch the raid on Satan (U.S troops) and the devil’s supporters allying with them, and to displace those who are behind them so that they may learn a lesson.” [Osama Bin Laden]

We can see how God has been called to ignite hate, intolerance and a call for revenge is made by invoking the God Virus. This virus might be dormant inside people, but with such provocative thoughts it gets invoked at a tremendous pace.

So much blood has been shed by the Church because of an omission from the Gospel: "Ye shall be indifferent as to what your neighbor's religion is. Not merely tolerant of it, but indifferent to it. Divinity is claimed for many religions; but no religion is great enough or divine enough to add that new law to its code” [Mark Twain].

Humans are religious animals; humans are the only living species that has true religion, several of them. Is he not the only species that loves his neighbors as himself and cuts their throat if their theology is not as straight as his own?

The God Virus of different religions has made a graveyard of the globe, people impacted by this virus in trying to be honest, trying to smooth their brother's path to happiness and heaven have created animosity among the human race.. The higher animals have no religion and they live in peace and kill only when required for food; we humans kill not for food but for God or in the name of God. Can any sensible person imagine killing for God, or because God has ordered them to hate idol worshipers so we must be jealous of them and boycott them. We are told that if we do not follow a particular path, then we are going to be left out in the hereafter. I wonder why? It seems a questionable taste. Some major religions claim to make your life happy and if you follow their scriptures, then heaven is for you. You will have virgins, fruits, and so on.

According to my estimate, in the last 2000 years people impacted by the God Virus have butchered million and millions of humans and those who are following these religions are fighting among themselves still today. The fight is for the quality of the God Virus. The carriers of this virus kill each other in order to prove the superiority of the God Virus, the fight is for the quality of the God Virus. A mad race is on and innocent people are falling prey. The best example of such a clash is the different sects of Islam, i.e. Shia and Sunni.

India is an extraordinary nation having two million gods, and Indians worship them all. All other countries are paupers when it comes to religions. India is the only millionaire. Doesn’t this sounds like people living in delusional disorder? A whole nation worships each and every thing, for to Indians, everything is God. This is one of the best examples of how the God Virus can spread in an entire nation in varying forms. Such is the devastation that the nation has lost its original identity.

I remember my day in Atlanta when I went to a particular church. I have a habit of going to different religious places and understanding what they preach and teach, looking at each scripture from a skeptic's eye. I attended a complete two-hour session, I was quite impressed to see how people were dancing and crying in the name of Christ. After prayer was done, a few people started with testimonials. One girl said ”I got this much money”. Another said, “I passed my exam because priest gave some blessings of Christ”. I cannot understand if she had not taken the exam what blessings would have been received, or had she not studied, how would the blessings have worked. After the session, the priest came to me and asked me my religion. I replied, “I am human”. It was a shock for him. He again asked me what my religion is and I repeated my answer. For him, this was one person standing in his church and replying in this manner. Then I asked him a question.

Do you consider yourself as a true believer of Christ? He replied, “Yes”.

I said, “Just now in your speech, you mentioned that true believers can do anything. Can you divide water in a glass into two parts the way you mentioned that the river was divided into two by Jesus?”

He got upset at me and then I left. This is spirituality in the churches. It is nothing but big political organizations working hard to put their patented God Virus in people’s heads to convert all people in the world for something which no one knows. Jesus Christ felt the Supreme Psychic Consciousness (SPC) and was an enlightened soul, but followers have changed his true message. I have the utmost respect for Jesus, but teachings created many years after his death must be analyzed. Anything which defies dharma must be rejected. Any teaching which creates hate or enmity must be removed, as this is not the Jesus I know, and I am sure he would not teach such thing to his followers.

Another important aspect is religious conversions. Have you ever wondered how a person seemingly perfect reasonable to you with no noticeable concern for religion might meet with an accident or some other terrible mishap. During this time of pain and agony people infected by the God Virus can suddenly come and cling to this person. They inject him with an idea of a Force which gets angry; a Force which punishes you; a Force which will listen to you if you give away your logic and reasoning and become a blind follower. “Come with us! We will tell you about your past, the reasons why it happened to you.” The person is overwhelmed by the virus. He was already depressed, his brain immunity has already been broken down and suddenly he is invaded by the God Virus.

This virus works best in conditions of fear and emotions, and produces dangerous monsters or zombies who can become human bombs using women, men and little children and destroying themselves under indoctrination of the God Virus. This virus works well when someone is in poverty, or with people who are after money, or who are selfish. One can see people going to temples just for the sake of getting something from God. Imagine what would happen to such a God. Sometimes I think if he is such a great donor, then all must be happy. Otherwise, something is wrong, either in his followers or in God. One thing one must observe, in all countries where God is worshiped, there is poverty, disease and corruption.

This virus is so dangerous that it can change person’s voice and tone. It becomes difficult to have a friendly conversation with such people. For a second, realize that you and I or no one has seen Jesus, Muhammad, Allah, God or Krishna. . We inherited our beliefs from virus carriers like priests or family members who were infected by religious preachers during their time, generation after generation. We read the books and cling to the studies without ever analyzing them.

I have seen medical doctors, scientists, engineers and IT professionals fall into the trap of the God Virus out of fear, or in hopes of getting something from this virus. Not one single person is there who worships God for the sake of worship; all are selfish. No one has seen God, still we all hate each other and kill each other for something which is not known, what an irony! One can observe that we love what we don’t see, we hate what we see with a thought that after this life we will get something from someone whom no one has seen and no one can show you.

We all have seen each other in human form and we may hate them, but we love someone whom one cannot even feel.

One day I was talking to a new co-worker in my office, he was he was new among us in my company, having recently joined our group. He was a follower of Islam. I asked him “Why do you turn in particular direction when you worship?” He replied, “We pray towards Mecca”. I said, “How come you are praying towards Mecca as earth is an oblate spheroid”. He said, “Earth is flat”. I was shocked. I said, “Have you read science? You are an engineer and you can see from a satellite in space.” He provided a blunt reply, “Please walk and you will find that as far as you go, Earth will be flat.” I replied “Finally, the chances are that you will come back to the same position which shows it is not flat”. This person became upset and said, “This is what he learned in Islam”. I am not sure if this is what Islam says. For me, it was fun as I saw the God Virus working in his body and taking over his common sense.

Once a person has been converted to a religion, it is very difficult to have a rational conversation with such a person about irrational aspects of his religion. Somehow, this virus invades the personality of the person and takes over his thinking capacity. It is astonishing to see how some of the teachings of religions are against human senses and natural laws.

When we talk to such people, it appears that some religious being is living inside and is talking out from him or her. Hinduism, especially has trait. Preachers of this religion behave like God and feel that they deserve special status in society.

To understand this takeover of human consciousness by the God Virus, I will give you an example of one virus which can control the human brain, this will give more idea about this phenomena.

•The rabies virus infects very specific neurons in the brain of the host to create aggressive behavior.

•Rabies is a viral disease that attacks the brain and spinal cord, or central nervous system (CNS). The virus is shaped like a bullet. Upon entering the body, it makes its way to the spinal cord via the peripheral nervous system's afferent nerves (nerves that carry impulses toward the CNS). Once the virus gets into the spinal cord, it's quickly sent up to the brain, where it begins replicating itself inside the brain's nerve cells, destroying them in the process. This is the way the God Virus works, The spinal cord is the main energy path and from it,the virus travels up and down, once it enters via ears or eyes. I am not sure of any other mechanism through which it can enter.

•After it reaches the brain, the virus typically travels through the efferent nerves (nerves that carry impulses away from the CNS) to the salivary glands, which often causes increased salivation, or foaming at the mouth. It's important for the virus to do this, as this saliva is its principal method of transmission into new hosts. After hitting the salivary glands, the virus continues its way throughout the rest of the body.

•As you may have guessed from the way it operates, rabies is anything but an average disease. Though there are actually several different strains of the virus, there are only two real physical variations. The most common is the encephalitic, or "furious," form of rabies. This is the mad-dog, foaming-at-the-mouth version, usually highlighted by increased agitation and aggression, disorientation and hallucinations. This is the form most people imagine when they think of rabies. The other form, the paralytic or "dumb" form, is more peaceful, but no less deadly. With this version, the victim initially appears weary and lethargic.

•Both of these forms take place during rabies' acute stage, the point at which the virus has successfully infiltrated the body, symptoms have occurred and all hope for recovery is gone. As the virus makes its way throughout the body, lethargy soon turns to partial or almost total paralysis, then to coma and death.

•It's actually not uncommon for symptoms of both rabies forms to appear in a single case. If the person or animal doesn't die during the furious form, the virus will develop into the dumb form. Paralysis will occur, and the animal or person will slip into a coma and die, usually from the respiratory paralysis. [How Stuff Works].

We can have many other examples, but considering the above virus, let’s analyze how the God Virus infects its host.

Consider religion as a virus with its own mix of properties. This virus has five useful properties in varying degrees.

•It infects people in the mind and brain.

•It creates antibodies and a defense against other such viruses. The Christian God Virus can create antibodies against the Muslim God Virus and against the Hindu God Virus and vice-versa.

•It will hide in such a way inside the body of an organism for a long time it will not come out. It has an excellent capacity to remain undetectable for extended periods. This is what happens in real life; those who are expert in spreading this virus hide their actual intentions and once they see the right time, or environment, they infect the organism.

•It mutates and finds different mechanisms to infect other people.

•It can program the host like a Matrix movie to replicate and create many agents. It creates a faster replica mechanism.

Nearly all religions depend on early childhood indoctrination for this virus and special emphasis is said that no-one should question the scriptures because God himself has written the scriptures. Except for one scripture in the world, i.e. the Vedas, all are against logic and reasoning. The Vedas say to question everything written in them, test it on a sword of logic and reasoning. If you find it wrong, then trash it. Otherwise, keep it for yourself and for your future generations. The God Virus proliferated by religions in last 4500 years has been systematically projected into the minds of children at an early age with the goal that the deeper it penetrates, the better effect it will have.

We can see how terrorists start teaching religious fundamentalism to children at an early age by mentioning that God has said that idol worshipers are bad and we must hate them. At such a young age, this virus overtakes the personality of the child and changes him into a complete virus carrier with a dangerous thought pattern which results in bomb explosions and killing of innocent people. Such people are creating havoc on this planet day in and day out, this virus has invaded the basic thinking process. There is another way this virus infects people and that is by economic means, by offering help. Monetary help, personal help, educational and financial help There is one final goal: religious conversion, thus making more and more hosts.

The God Virus of one religion creates a very systematic defense against other religious viruses or God Viruses of other religions. When it infects one person, it starts creating antibodies, as soon as the other person tries to infect the counterpart with his God Virus, the anti-body defense mechanism triggers creating a flight or fight response. Thus, it helps it to survive against other God Viruses. The God Virus has been used by a particular religion very well by creating an environment of fear and forcefully injecting it into millions of people of one community.

The best example is about few major cults in last two thousand years. They have a very potent God Virus which creates extremely strong anti-bodies against other thoughts which can kill or temporarily disable this God Virus in the host. Once a person becomes a follower of Islam, it is very difficult for him to become a Christian and vice versa. Nowadays, the Hindu God Virus has become weaker as indoctrination has decreased, so it is the major target of the other two God Viruses to feed on the weaker Hindu population, thus making India a hunting ground for these virus carriers.

We see daily and have seen in history, how such indoctrination is spreading danger around the world. This virus is so strong that it not only infects the host, but completely take control over the brain of a person and impels that person to violate all law and order by making him think he is following God. Due to this, many Muslims revolt against the laws of different countries while living in those countries. I am not sure why they live in other countries; they should go to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or one of the African countries where Islamic law is followed.

Generally, danger can be found in children between 4 to 16 years of age. If these children recite verses from a source of the God Virus, you can be assured that the effect of the virus will be immense. Any book which talks only about a particular sect or way of worship really provides a stronger source of this virus. Just as the chicken pox virus remains in the body, even after disease is over, the God Virus may live quietly in the host for several generations and can sprout in later generations.

Once completely infected by this virus, it can overtake physical and chemical functions of the body.

In biology, the organism that spreads a virus is called a vector. For instance, mosquitoes are a vector for malaria in Asia. In the same fashion, the God Virus also needs a vector. People can be programmed, even engineered to be effective carriers of the virus. We call these people priests, acharyas, pundits, imams, evangelists, rabbis, shamans, nuns, mothers, and so on. The virus may re-engineer these vectors significantly. Re-engineering includes years of study in gurukuls, seminaries and religious universities where they recite massive numbers of verses, mantra mugging with no analytical thinking.

I have seen some of them. After interacting with them, one can feel as if someone from the past has come to 21st century. They have no clue of the 21st century and are still living in a 1000-year-old world. The way they behave is amazing. They want to be respected, and their feet must be touched. People must devote money and luxuries to them as if they are connected to God or God lives inside them. One must meet with such people. They are amazing, and I have seen one such combination. These people are connected to something which we do not know. These vectors are very dangerous for today’s world as they preach out-of-the-world ideas with no proof, logic or reasoning.

The God Virus must activate a program for replication in any host. It ensures that it is passed successfully, especially to children, as a young innocent brain is like a fresh slate with no imprinting on it. This makes the insertion of new ideas fast and deep, a perfect indoctrination. This includes ideas like fear of God, paying homage to God, burning candles and offering sweets to God.

In modern times these vectors have got hold of parents and implanted the God Virus in parents by telling them that parents are like God and transferring the same information to children, This makes the child feel that parents are God. Priests play a game where they are respected by both parent and child. The same respect gets transferred to coming generations forming an extraordinary loop. Thus, it keeps both parent and child away from the real God and real wisdom about God. With such a mechanism of moving from one body to another, this God Virus has nearly eliminated the true love of the wisdom of God which was imparted 5000 years ago by great souls like Krishna, Ram, and Buddha or in medieval times by Muhammad, Jesus and others.

It is known to humanity that this virus made the Taliban destroy the Buddha statue of Bamyan. It was just a statue, but hatred caused by this virus destroyed it without the people knowing that they are destroying their own treasure. Such virus impact is beyond imagination, one cannot think what it can make people do. It is the most dangerous virus infecting humanity.

Another important aspect of this viral control may be found in inhibitions and prohibitions which keep the believer focused on rituals and actions that reinforce the religion on a daily, even hourly basis. Like fasting on Friday or bowing on the street and thus disturbing traffic on a particular day or shouting from religious places. Just as the rabies virus takes over the brain of the raccoon and reprograms it to bite other animals, in the same way priests spend most of the time in directing their energies to spread their virus by controlling the mind of people. For this they will visit people’s houses, sprinkle water, perform puja, and perform havan to support themselves and at the same time spreading the virus efficiently. Thus said, Albert Einstein in “Religion and World Peace”:

“It has not done so up to now” Albert Einstein replied to a reporter's question, “Will religion promote peace?”

Albert Einstein also said, “Don't take the fools in clerical garb seriously.”

“To take those fools in clerical garb seriously is to show them too much honor” said Albert Einstein, in “Comment on the Union of Orthodox Rabbis” after expelling a rabbi because of his disbelief in God as a personal entity. [Einstein's God - Albert Einstein's Quest as a Scientist and as a Jew to Replace a Forsaken God (1997)]

This is what great minds of the new age said about religion. We can see how they were aware of this virus. Religion does three things quite effectively: divides people, controls people, and deludes people. [Carle pie Mary, Alice McKinney]

Finally, if the world has to overcome this virus and control this virus this book will pave the way. By reading this much, one might think it is an atheistic idea, but it is not. This book will take you back to the sages of antiquity and will form the base from where one can get out of the reach of such dangerous God Viruses.

“When a man is freed of religion, he has a better chance to live a normal and wholesome life” said Sigmund Freud.

Let’s analyze the God virus in the major religions of today.

The Cure for GOD'S Epidemic

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