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6.5 Summary


Access control mechanisms operate at a number of levels in a system, from the hardware up through the operating system and middleware like browsers to the applications. Higher-level mechanisms can be more expressive, but also tend to be more vulnerable to attack for a variety of reasons ranging from intrinsic complexity to implementer skill.

The main function of access control is to limit the damage that can be done by particular groups, users, and programs whether through error or malice. The most widely fielded examples are Android and Windows at the client end and Linux at the server end; they have a common lineage and many architectural similarities. The basic mechanisms (and their problems) are pervasive. Most attacks involve the opportunistic exploitation of bugs; products that are complex, widely used, or both are particularly likely to have vulnerabilities found and turned into exploits. Many techniques have been developed to push back on the number of implementation errors, to make it less likely that the resulting bugs give rise to vulnerabilties, and harder to turn the vulnerabilities into exploits; but the overall dependability of large software systems improves only slowly.

Security Engineering

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