Читать книгу Soft-Switching Technology for Three-phase Power Electronics Converters - Rui Li - Страница 4
List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Three‐phase converters: (a) grid converters; (b) inverter.Figure 1.2 Circuit diagram of UPS.Figure 1.3 Filter inductance, weight and loss vs. switching frequency. (a) F...Figure 1.4 Power trains of electric vehicles: (a) circuit of power trains; (...Figure 1.5 DC side capacitance vs. switching frequency.Figure 1.6 Power semiconductor loss of the inverter vs. switching frequency....Figure 1.7 Total SiC MOSFET loss of the inverter vs. switching frequency.Figure 1.8 Typical switching waveforms of a power device.Figure 1.9 Zero‐voltage‐switching turn‐on.Figure 1.10 Zero‐current‐switching turn‐on.Figure 1.11 Zero‐voltage‐switching turn‐off.Figure 1.12 Zero‐current‐switching turn‐off.Figure 1.13 Active clamping converters: (a) circuit; (b) auxiliary switch st...Figure 1.14 Single‐phase PV inverter for residential applications.Figure 1.15 Three‐phase ZVS PV inverter.Figure 1.16 Two‐stage three‐phase ZVS inverter for PV system.Figure 1.17 ZVS back‐to‐back converter for PMSG system.Figure 1.18 Paralleled three‐phase ZVS inverter for BESS.Figure 1.19 ZVS inverter with front boost stage for BESS.Figure 1.20 ZVS inverter with paralleled DC/DC converters for BESS.Figure 1.21 Multiple energy storage system with ZVS converters.Figure 1.22 ZVS inverter for APF/STATCOM.Figure 1.23 ZVS converter for DVR.Figure 1.24 ZVS converter for UPQC.Figure 1.25 UPS with the auxiliary resonance circuit for soft‐switching.Figure 1.26 High speed drives with auxiliary resonance circuit.Figure 1.27 Soft‐switching EV charger.Figure 1.28 ZVS totem power‐factor‐correction circuit.
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Three‐phase converters: (a) grid converters; (b) inverters to sup...Figure 2.2 Control of three‐phase converter.Figure 2.3 PWM signal generation.Figure 2.4 Switch leg of phase‐a.Figure 2.5 Key waveforms of phase‐a switch leg in a switching cycle.Figure 2.6 Commutation from upper switch S1 to the antiparallel diode D4 of ...Figure 2.7 Turn‐off transient waveforms of an IGBT device (1.7 kV/400 A modu...Figure 2.8 Commutation from lower diode D4 to upper switch S1.Figure 2.9 Key waveforms of phase‐a switch leg in a switching cycle with con...Figure 2.10 Turn‐on transient waveforms of an IGBT device (1.7 kV/400 A modu...Figure 2.11 Turn‐on waveforms: (a) Si IGBT device; (b) hybrid IGBT device. T...Figure 2.12 Effect of stray inductance: (a) a switch leg circuit; (b) second...Figure 2.13 Turn‐off waveforms of a SiC MOSFET with device rating: 1.2 kV/80...Figure 2.14 DC‐side common‐mode voltage envelopes comparison of Si IGBT inve...Figure 2.15 Dissipative snubber circuit for power semiconductor devices.Figure 2.16 Classification of three‐phase soft‐switching converters.Figure 2.17 Configuration of DC‐side resonance converters.Figure 2.18 Circuit of RDCL converter.Figure 2.19 Simplified circuit of RDCL converter.Figure 2.20 Waveforms of resonant tank voltage and current: (a) IL0 > I0; (b...Figure 2.21 Generation of output waveforms of RDCL.Figure 2.22 Circuit of active‐clamped resonant DC‐link (ACRDCL) inverter....Figure 2.23 Boost converter and Type 2 commutation.Figure 2.24 Compound active‐clamping (CAC) boost converter: (a) circuit; (b)...Figure 2.25 Equivalent circuit for stage analysis.Figure 2.26 Circuit states at various stages: (a) Stage 1 (t0−t1); (b) Stage...Figure 2.27 Steady‐state waveforms of the converter.Figure 2.28 Minimum‐voltage active‐clamping (MVAC) boost converter.Figure 2.29 Active‐clamping buck converters: (a) CAC buck converter; (b) MVA...Figure 2.30 Active‐clamping synchronous buck converters.Figure 2.31 Active‐clamping three‐phase converter: (a) CAC three‐phase conve...Figure 2.32 Configuration of AC‐side resonance converters.Figure 2.33 Auxiliary resonant commutated pole (ARCP) converter.Figure 2.34 Commutation waveforms (from diode to switch) of ARCP converter....Figure 2.35 Equivalent circuits during commutation stages of ARCP converter....Figure 2.36 Commutation from upper switch S1 to the lower switch’s diode D4:...Figure 2.37 Coupled‐inductor ZVT inverter.Figure 2.38 Commutation waveforms (from diode to switch) of ZVT converter.Figure 2.39 Different stages of the commutation in ZVT converter. (a) Before...Figure 2.40 Disenable the auxiliary diodes’ freewheeling with saturable indu...Figure 2.41 Six‐switch ZCT inverter.Figure 2.42 Inverter with TCM and its waveforms: (a) three‐phase four‐wire i...Figure 2.43 Phase‐a circuit and key waveforms in a switching cycle: (a) the ...Figure 2.44 Equivalent circuits of various stages in one switching cycle. (a...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Soft‐switching converter: (a) with DC‐side resonance; (b) with AC...Figure 3.2 SPWM: (a) modulation signals and carrier; (b) PWM waveform in a s...Figure 3.3 Two types of switching commutations of phase‐a switch leg: (a) Ty...Figure 3.4 Phase current polarity vs. Type 2 commutation edge: (a) filter cu...Figure 3.5 Phase current polarity vs. Type 2 commutation edge with non‐unit ...Figure 3.6 PWM scheme vs. EA‐PWM scheme: (a) three‐phase filter currents; (b...Figure 3.7 Active‐clamping ZVS three‐phase converter.Figure 3.8 Active‐clamping three‐phase converter with CAC auxiliary circuit....Figure 3.9 Modulation signals and filter current waveforms.Figure 3.10 Typical waveforms in a switching period.Figure 3.11 Initial state before time t0.Figure 3.12 Stage 1[t0, t1].Figure 3.13 Stage 2[t1, t2]: first resonance.Figure 3.14 Stage 3[t2, t3]: resonant inductor discharging duration 1.Figure 3.15 Stage 4[t3, t4]: resonant inductor discharging duration 2.Figure 3.16 Stage 5[t4, t5]: current boost stage with three leg short‐circui...Figure 3.17 Stage 6[t5, t6]: second resonance.Figure 3.18 Stage 7[t6, t7]: PWM duration with state.Figure 3.19 Stage 8[t7, t8]: Type 1 commutation.Figure 3.20 Stage 9[t8, t9].Figure 3.21 Stage 10[t9, t10]: Type 1 commutation.Figure 3.22 Stage 11 [t10, t11]: PWM duration with state.Figure 3.23 Stage 12 [t11, t12]: Type 1 commutation.Figure 3.24 Stage 13 [t12, t13]: PWM duration with state .Figure 3.25 Circuit of the first resonant stage: (a) circuit state; (b) equi...Figure 3.26 The circuit of the second resonant stage: (a) circuit state; (b)...Figure 3.27 Midpoint voltages of three‐phase active‐clamping converter with ...Figure 3.28 Phase‐a modulation signal at DPWM: (a) ma = 0.9; (b) .Figure 3.29 Typical three‐phase modulation signals of DPWM.Figure 3.30 at θ=0.Figure 3.31 at θ = −π/3 and θ = π/3.Figure 3.32 at θ = π.Figure 3.33 at θ = 2π/3 and θ = 4π/3.Figure 3.34 ZVS range of CAC converter: (a) with CPWM; (b) with DPWM.Figure 3.35 ZVS range of MVAC converter: (a) with CPWM; (b) with DPWM.Figure 3.36 Control diagram of three‐phase ZVS CAC converter.Figure 3.37 Typical waveforms of gate drive signals.Figure 3.38 Three‐phase converter with CAC auxiliary circuit.Figure 3.39 Grid voltages and grid currents waveforms of unit power factor h...Figure 3.40 SVM hexagon with 12 sectors.Figure 3.41 Composition of the reference vector in sector 1‐1.Figure 3.42 Vectors available in sector 1‐1. (a) Nonzero vector :state 100....Figure 3.43 Type 2 commutations between vectors in sector 1‐1.Figure 3.44 Converter state changing roadmap for vector sequence: .Figure 3.45 Waveforms of three‐phase switch bridge state, auxiliary switch s...Figure 3.46 Active clamped three‐phase converters: (a) with CAC; (b) with MV...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Circuit topology of the CAC rectifier.Figure 4.2 Vector representation in complex plane with αβ coordina...Figure 4.3 Topology of the three‐phase converter.Figure 4.4 Sectors and voltage vectors in space complex plane.Figure 4.5 Two kinds of space vector sequences. (a) Symmetrical voltage vect...Figure 4.6 Switching commutation process of a leg in three‐phase rectifier. ...Figure 4.7 Driving logic and key waveforms of a leg in three‐phase converter...Figure 4.8 The voltage and current waveforms in a utility cycle.Figure 4.9 Sectors in space vector diagram.Figure 4.10 The dendrogram analysis of switching commutation sequences betwe...Figure 4.11 Three kinds of space vector sequences with one Type 2 commutatio...Figure 4.12 Switching state of the CAC circuit: (a) S7's on‐state; (b) S7's ...Figure 4.13 Switch commutation processes of CAC rectifier in sector 1‐1. (a)...Figure 4.14 Key waveforms in sector 1‐1.Figure 4.15 Driving logic and key waveforms in sector 1‐1.Figure 4.16 Equivalent circuit of stage 1: the initial stage.Figure 4.17 Equivalent circuit of stage 2: the first resonance stage.Figure 4.18 Equivalent circuit of stage 3: the freewheeling stage.Figure 4.19 Equivalent circuit of stage 4: the second resonance stage.Figure 4.20 Equivalent circuit of stage 5: the second steady stage.Figure 4.21 Equivalent circuit of stage 6: the Type 1 commutation stage.Figure 4.22 Equivalent circuit of stage 7: the third steady stage.Figure 4.23 Equivalent circuit of stage 8: the Type 1 commutation stage.Figure 4.24 Resonance circuit and its equivalent circuit of stage 2 (t1–t2):...Figure 4.25 Equivalent circuit of stage 4 (t3–t4): (a) circuit state of the ...Figure 4.26 Gate signal derivation in sector 1‐1.Figure 4.27 Control block diagram of the rectifier.Figure 4.28 Topology of the CAC rectifier.Figure 4.29 λ 7 versus Zr.Figure 4.30 i res /Im versus resonant impedance Zr.Figure 4.31 Resonant impedance Zr versus resonant parameters.Figure 4.32 CM200DU‐24NFH IGBT turn‐off loss under ZVS conditions.Figure 4.33 Recommended resonant parameters area.Figure 4.34 The 40 kW ZVS rectifier prototype.Figure 4.35 Bus bar and structure 40 kW ZVS rectifier prototype.Figure 4.36 Output current and grid voltageFigure 4.37 Voltage and current waveforms of the bridge switch.Figure 4.38 Voltage and current waveforms of the bridge switch’s antiparalle...Figure 4.39 Voltage and current waveforms of the auxiliary switch.Figure 4.40 Voltage across Ccl and current through Lr.Figure 4.41 Voltage and current waveforms of the bridge switch S1 in a line ...Figure 4.42 Measured efficiency.
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Circuit topology of the MVAC rectifier.Figure 5.2 Vector representation in complex plane with αβ coordina...Figure 5.3 Topology of the three‐phase converter.Figure 5.4 Sectors and voltage vectors in space complex plane.Figure 5.5 The voltage and current waveforms in a utility cycle.Figure 5.6 Sectors in space vector diagram.Figure 5.7 Three‐phase main bridges’ equivalent circuits of four vectors in ...Figure 5.8 The dendrogram analysis of switching commutation sequences betwee...Figure 5.9 The space vector sequence with one Type 2 commutation process. (a...Figure 5.10 Switching state of the MVAC circuit.Figure 5.11 Driving logic and key waveforms in Sector 1‐1.Figure 5.12 Equivalent circuit of stage 1: the initial stage.Figure 5.13 Equivalent circuit of stage 2: the first resonance stage.Figure 5.14 Equivalent circuit of stage 3: the freewheeling stage.Figure 5.15 Equivalent circuit of stage 4: the short‐circuit stage.Figure 5.16 Equivalent circuit of stage 5: the second resonance stage.Figure 5.17 Equivalent circuit of stage 6: the second steady stage.Figure 5.18 Equivalent circuit of stage 7: the Type 1 commutation stage.Figure 5.19 Equivalent circuit of stage 8: the third steady stage.Figure 5.20 Equivalent circuit of stage 9: the Type 1 commutation stage.Figure 5.21 Resonance circuit and its equivalent circuit of stage 2 (t1–t2)....Figure 5.22 Equivalent circuit of stage 4 (t4–t5). (a) Circuit state of the ...Figure 5.23 Short‐circuit duration (t4 − t3) vs. P0.Figure 5.24 Driving logic waveform in sector 1‐1.Figure 5.25 The short‐circuit mode 1.Figure 5.26 The short‐circuit switches’ current. (a) Sector 1‐1. (b) Sector ...Figure 5.27 The short‐circuit mode 2.Figure 5.28 The short‐circuit switches’ current. (a) Sector 1‐1. (b) Sector ...Figure 5.29 The short‐circuit mode 3.Figure 5.30 The short‐circuit switches’ current.Figure 5.31 Control block diagram of the rectifier.Figure 5.32 Topology of the MVAC rectifier.Figure 5.33 The short‐circuit current ix vs. Zr.Figure 5.34 L r versus Zr.Figure 5.35 CM200DU‐24NFH IGBT turn‐off loss under ZVS conditions.Figure 5.36 Recommended resonant parameters area.Figure 5.37 30 kW ZVS rectifier prototype.Figure 5.38 Bus bar and structure 30 kW ZVS rectifier prototype.Figure 5.39 Output current and grid voltage.Figure 5.40 The driving signal of main switches S1 and S4. (a) Time: 2.5 ms/...Figure 5.41 v c1 and iS1 (time 5 μs/div).Figure 5.42 v c1 and iS1 (time 5 μs/div).Figure 5.43 v c7 and iS7 (time 10 μs/div).Figure 5.44 Current flowing Lr (iLr) and voltage across Ccl (Vcl). (a) Time:...Figure 5.45 Measured efficiency.
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Topology of MVAC ZVS three‐phase inverter.Figure 6.2 Vector representation in complex plane with αβ coordina...Figure 6.3 Topology of the three‐phase inverter.Figure 6.4 Sectors and voltage vectors in space complex plane.Figure 6.5 The voltage and current waveforms in a utility cycle.Figure 6.6 Sectors in space vector diagram.Figure 6.7 Three‐phase main bridges’ equivalent circuits of four vectors in ...Figure 6.8 The dendrogram analysis of switching commutation sequences betwee...Figure 6.9 Three kinds of space vector sequences with one Type 2 commutation...Figure 6.10 Driving logic waveform in Sector 1‐1.Figure 6.11 Voltage and current waveforms, current polarity regions, and sec...Figure 6.12 Voltage and current waveforms, current polarity regions, and sec...Figure 6.13 Synthesis of vref in Sector 1‐1 when π/6 <φ < π/2.Figure 6.14 State transitions with preferred vector sequence in Sector 1‐1 w...Figure 6.15 Key waveforms in Sector 1‐1.Figure 6.16 Equivalent circuit of stage 1: stage.Figure 6.17 Equivalent circuit of stage 2: the first resonance stage.Figure 6.18 Equivalent circuit of stage 3: the diode freewheeling stage.Figure 6.19 Equivalent circuit of stage 4: the diode reverse recovery stage....Figure 6.20 Equivalent circuit of stage 5: the second resonance stage.Figure 6.21 Equivalent circuit of stage 6: stage.Figure 6.22 Equivalent circuit of stage 7: the first Type 1 commutation stag...Figure 6.23 Equivalent circuit of stage 8: stage.Figure 6.24 Equivalent circuit of stage 9: the second Type 1 commutation sta...Figure 6.25 Equivalent circuit of stage 2 (t1–t2): the first resonance stage...Figure 6.26 Equivalent circuit of stage 5 (t4–t5). (a) Circuit state of the ...Figure 6.27 Gate signal derivation in Sector 1‐1.Figure 6.28 Control block diagram of the MVAC inverter.Figure 6.29 Topology of the ZVS inverter.Figure 6.30 T r1 versus resonant parameters.Figure 6.31 λ 7 versus Zr..Figure 6.32 i res /Im versus resonant impedance Zr..Figure 6.33 Resonant impedance Zr versus resonant parameters.Figure 6.34 CM200DU‐24NFH IGBT turn‐off loss under ZVS conditions.Figure 6.35 Recommended resonant parameters area.Figure 6.36 Experimental circuit.Figure 6.37 Output current and grid voltage.Figure 6.38 Voltage and current waveforms of the bridge switch.Figure 6.39 Voltage and current waveforms of the auxiliary switch.Figure 6.40 The resonant branch current and auxiliary switch voltage.Figure 6.41 Voltage across CCl and current through Lr.Figure 6.42 Measured efficiency.
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Topology of the CAC ZVS three‐phase inverter.Figure 7.2 Sectors of space vector diagram.Figure 7.3 Equivalent circuits of four vectors in sector 1‐1: (a) vector 111...Figure 7.4 Vector sequences with four vectors: starting with (a) 111, (b) 00...Figure 7.5 Vector sequences with two nonzero vectors and zero vector 000: st...Figure 7.6 Vector sequences with two nonzero vectors and zero vector 111: st...Figure 7.7 Driving sequence of ZVS‐SVM in sector 1‐1 within one switching pe...Figure 7.8 Key waveforms in sector 1‐1.Figure 7.9 Equivalent circuit of the first steady stage.Figure 7.10 Equivalent circuit of the first resonant stage.Figure 7.11 Equivalent circuit of diode freewheeling stage.Figure 7.12 Equivalent circuit of Type 2 commutation stage.Figure 7.13 Equivalent circuit of short-circuit stage.Figure 7.14 Equivalent circuit of the second resonant stage.Figure 7.15 Equivalent circuit of the second steady stage.Figure 7.16 Equivalent circuit of the first Type 1 commutation stage.Figure 7.17 Equivalent circuit of the third steady stage.Figure 7.18 Equivalent circuit of the second Type 1 commutation stage.Figure 7.19 Simplified equivalent circuit of the first resonant stage.Figure 7.20 Simplified equivalent circuit of the second resonant stage.Figure 7.21 Modification of short circuit pulse: (a) previous driving sequen...Figure 7.22 Driving sequences derivation: (a) sector 1‐1 and (b) sector 1‐2....Figure 7.23 Control block diagram of CAC ZVS three‐phase inverter.Figure 7.24 Turn‐off loss with paralleled buffer capacitor Cb.Figure 7.25 Region for selecting resonant parameters.Figure 7.26 30 kW ZVS inverter prototype.Figure 7.27 Bus bar and structure 30 kW ZVS inverter prototype.Figure 7.28 Prototype of resonant inductor.Figure 7.29 Filter inductor.Figure 7.30 Experimental circuit.Figure 7.31 Output current and grid voltage.Figure 7.32 Voltage and current waveforms of the bridge switch.Figure 7.33 Voltage and current waveforms of the auxiliary switch.Figure 7.34 Voltage across Ccl and current through Lr.Figure 7.35 Measured efficiency vs. output power.
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Topology of the CAC ZVS three‐phase grid inverter.Figure 8.2 Sectors of space vector diagram.Figure 8.3 Key waveforms in sector 1‐1.Figure 8.4 Equivalent circuit of the first steady stage.Figure 8.5 Equivalent circuit of the first resonant stage.Figure 8.6 Equivalent circuit of the diode freewheeling stage.Figure 8.7 Equivalent circuit of the Type 2 commutation stage.Figure 8.8 Equivalent circuit of the short‐circuit stage.Figure 8.9 Equivalent circuit of the second resonant stage.Figure 8.10 Equivalent circuit of the second steady stage.Figure 8.11 Equivalent circuit of the first Type 1 commutation stage.Figure 8.12 Equivalent circuit of the third steady stage.Figure 8.13 Equivalent circuit of second Type 1 commutation stage.Figure 8.14 Demonstration of conduction loss models.Figure 8.15 Turn‐off loss measurement circuit and key waveforms.Figure 8.16 Fitted turn‐off loss function of device 1.Figure 8.17 Definitions of the unified inductor model.Figure 8.18 Measurement setup of magnetic core loss.Figure 8.19 Core losses per volume under different frequencies.Figure 8.20 Demonstration of the filter inductor.Figure 8.21 Average value of the volume over capacitance.Figure 8.22 Shape and dimensions of selected heat sink.Figure 8.23 Thermal model of the heat sink.Figure 8.24 3D model of the heat sink with IGBT devices.Figure 8.25 Procedures of optimization design.Figure 8.26 Optimization results of different switching modules.Figure 8.27 Prototype of the improved resonant inductor.Figure 8.28 Prototype of the improved filter inductor.Figure 8.29 Prototype of the improved clamping capacitor.Figure 8.30 Experimental circuit.Figure 8.31 Measured conversion efficiency.Figure 8.32 Measured efficiency and power density.
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Current and voltage waveforms of the resonant inductor.Figure 9.2 Inductor with air gap.Figure 9.3 Equivalent magnetic circuit model.Figure 9.4 Window area Ae and cross‐section area Ac.Figure 9.5 Triangular inductor current.Figure 9.6 Design flowchart.Figure 9.7 EE55A shape size.Figure 9.8 Sinusoidal components of different frequencies.Figure 9.9 The barrel winding structure.Figure 9.10 Winding loss of different frequencies.Figure 9.11 The definition of the winding.Figure 9.12 Winding loss of each turn in the first order AC component.Figure 9.13 Distribution of winding loss and magnetic field lines.Figure 9.14 The position definition in the core window: (a) 0%; (b) 100%.Figure 9.15 Winding loss in different positions.Figure 9.16 Distribution of winding loss in different positions.Figure 9.17 Winding loss under different winding thickness.Figure 9.18 Distribution of winding loss under different winding thickness....Figure 9.19 Flat winding structure.Figure 9.20 Different structures: (a) structure 1: laminated structure; (b) ...Figure 9.21 Winding loss in different structures.Figure 9.22 Distribution of winding loss in the laminated structure.Figure 9.23 Distribution of winding loss in the interleaved structure.Figure 9.24 Distribution of winding loss and magnetic field lines.Figure 9.25 The position defined in the core window: (a) 0%; (b) 100%.Figure 9.26 Winding loss in different positions.Figure 9.27 Winding loss under different winding thicknesses.Figure 9.28 Distribution of winding loss under different winding thicknesses...Figure 9.29 Comparison of the different winding structures: (a) winding loss...Figure 9.30 Simulation results in a switching period.Figure 9.31 Structure of the resonant inductor.Figure 9.32 Experimental prototype of the resonant inductor.Figure 9.33 Voltage and current of the resonant inductor at 30 kW.Figure 9.34 Experimental tests of winding and core temperature.
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Topology of traditional hard‐switching SiC three‐phase grid inve...Figure 10.2 Grid voltages and grid currents waveforms of unity power factor ...Figure 10.3 Voltage space vector diagram with 12 subsectors.Figure 10.4 Switching patterns of SVM 12: (a) sector 1‐1 and (b) sector 1‐2....Figure 10.5 Topology of soft‐switching SiC three‐phase grid inverter.Figure 10.6 Switching patterns of ZVS‐SVM in sector 1‐1.Figure 10.7 Waveforms of the key components in one switching period in secto...Figure 10.8 Equivalent circuit of the resonant stage for ZVS of the main swi...Figure 10.9 Equivalent circuit of the three‐phase bridges' short‐circuit sta...Figure 10.10 Equivalent circuit of the resonant stage for ZVS of the auxilia...Figure 10.11 Relationship between AC filter inductance L and switching frequ...Figure 10.12 Region for selecting resonant parameters.Figure 10.13 Relationship between DC filter capacitance Cdc and switching fr...Figure 10.14 Waveform of clamping capacitor current iCc in one switching per...Figure 10.15 Values of clamping capacitor current icl at different instants ...Figure 10.16 Two kinds of waveforms of clamping capacitor current icl in one...Figure 10.17 The relationship between the maximum value of clamping capacito...Figure 10.18 Switching loss testing scheme: (a) double‐pulse test and (b) si...Figure 10.19 Pictures of experimental DPT setup: (a) top view and (b) side v...Figure 10.20 Probes calibration: (a) scheme, (b) delay caused by stray induc...Figure 10.21 Switching energy test results of C2M0025120D from DPT setup: (a...Figure 10.22 Loss distributions of hard‐switching SiC inverter with differen...Figure 10.23 Loss distributions of ZVS‐SVM inverter with different switching...Figure 10.24 Loss distributions comparison of hard‐switching inverter (fs = ...Figure 10.25 Comparison of theoretical conversion efficiencies of hard‐switc...Figure 10.26 Volumes comparison of the key passive components of hard‐switch...Figure 10.27 Waveforms of hard turn‐on and ZVS turn‐on at 40 A: (a) hard tur...Figure 10.28 Measured conversion efficiency of hard‐switching SiC inverter w...Figure 10.29 (a) Prototypes of inductors and (b) volume comparison of the ke...Figure 10.30 Equivalent circuit of the oscillation after the second resonant...Figure 10.31 Simplified high frequency equivalent circuit.Figure 10.32 Topology of the 7‐in‐1 SiC MOSFET module.Figure 10.33 3D model of the 7‐in‐1 SiC MOSFET power module.Figure 10.34 Critical power loop in soft‐switching inverter.Figure 10.35 Layout sizes comparison of original seven discrete devices and ...Figure 10.36 Stray inductance comparison of simulation results.Figure 10.37 Prototype of 7‐in‐1 SiC MOSFET module: (a) DBC top view and (b)...Figure 10.38 Stray inductance measurement of 7‐in‐1 SiC MOSFET power module:...Figure 10.39 Waveforms of the voltage across the effective terminals and the...Figure 10.40 Simulation scheme of stray inductance: (a) two P1 terminals, fo...Figure 10.41 Waveforms of the maximum voltage overshoots after the second re...Figure 10.42 Comparison of maximum voltage overshoot after second resonant s...Figure 10.43 Waveform of resonant inductor current in one switching period....Figure 10.44 Current density comparison of different air gap arrangements at...Figure 10.45 Simulated loss comparison of different air gap arrangements.Figure 10.46 Optimal flux density design for resonant inductor: (a) three tu...Figure 10.47 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) result of resonant inductor curren...Figure 10.48 Winding loss vs. different copper foil thickness d.Figure 10.49 Prototypes of original resonant inductor and the new designed r...Figure 10.50 Scheme of resonant inductor loss measurement.Figure 10.51 Prototype of the resonant inductor loss measurement circuit.Figure 10.52 Waveforms under 300 kHz and 25.4 Arms current excitation.Figure 10.53 (a) Loss reduction with distributed air gaps and (b) loss reduc...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Hard‐switching single‐phase full‐bridge inverter.Figure 11.2 Commonly used modulation strategies for single‐phase inverter: (...Figure 11.3 Key output waveforms of single‐phase inverter.Figure 11.4 Traditional single‐phase inverter.Figure 11.5 Single‐phase inverter with APD.Figure 11.6 Typical waveforms of APD capacitor voltage and current.Figure 11.7 Control schematic of the APD bridge.Figure 11.8 Single‐phase ZVS inverter with APD.Figure 11.9 Conventional modulation method for single‐phase inverter with AP...Figure 11.10 Implementation of EA‐PWM for soft‐switching single‐phase invert...Figure 11.11 Comparison of traditional modulation method and EA‐PWM method w...Figure 11.12 Key waveforms of ZVS inverter with APD.Figure 11.13 Equivalent circuit of stage 1 (t0–t1): initial stage.Figure 11.14 Equivalent circuit of stage 2 (t1–t2): first resonant stage.Figure 11.15 Equivalent circuit of stage 3 (t2–t3): freewheeling stage.Figure 11.16 Equivalent circuit of stage 4 (t3–t4): current commutation stag...Figure 11.17 Equivalent circuit of stage 5 (t4–t5): current boost stage.Figure 11.18 Equivalent circuit of stage 6 (t5–t6): second resonant stage.Figure 11.19 Equivalent circuit of stage 7 (t6–t7): steady stage 1.Figure 11.20 Equivalent circuit of stage 8 (t7–t8): Type 1 commutation stage...Figure 11.21 Equivalent circuit of stage 9 (t8–t9): steady stage 2.Figure 11.22 Equivalent circuit of stage 10 (t9–t10): Type 1 commutation sta...Figure 11.23 Equivalent circuit of stage 11 (t10–t11): energy output stage 3...Figure 11.24 Circuits of the first resonance in stage 2: (a) original circui...Figure 11.25 Circuits of the second resonance in stage 6: (a) original circu...Figure 11.26 Approximate triangular waveforms of iLr.Figure 11.27 Circuit of the prototype.Figure 11.28 Design of resonant parameters.Figure 11.29 Driving signal‐producing diagram of ZVS single‐phase inverter w...Figure 11.30 Typical driving signal sequence of the ZVS inverter.Figure 11.31 Diagram of the EA‐PWM module.Figure 11.32 Experimental EA‐PWM driving signals.Figure 11.33 Resonant inductor current: (a) theoretical envelopes and (b) ex...Figure 11.34 Decoupling effect of APD: (a) output voltage vinv and DC input ...Figure 11.35 Resonant inductor current iLr, DC‐link voltage vbus, drain‐sour...Figure 11.36 ZVS realization at the phase of 30o: (a) main switch and (b) au...Figure 11.37 ZVS realization at the phase of 60o: (a) main switch and (b) au...
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Different topologies: (a) conventional BTB converter; (b) ZVS BT...Figure 12.2 Modulation signals of the rectifier and inverter.Figure 12.3 Two PWM schemes: (a) traditional SPWM scheme; (b) EA-PWM scheme....Figure 12.4 Key waveforms in one switching period.Figure 12.5 Stage 1 (t0–t1).Figure 12.6 Stage 2 (t1–t2).Figure 12.7 Stage 3 (t2–t3).Figure 12.8 Stage 4 (t3–t4).Figure 12.9 Stage 5 (t4–t5).Figure 12.10 Stage 6 (t5–t6).Figure 12.11 Stage 7 (t6–t7).Figure 12.12 Stage 8 (t7–t8).Figure 12.13 Stage 9 (t8–t9).Figure 12.14 Stage 10 (t9–t10).Figure 12.15 Stage 11 (t10–t11).Figure 12.16 Stage 12 (t11–t12).Figure 12.17 Stage 13 (t12–t13).Figure 12.18 Stage 14 (t13–t14).Figure 12.19 Stage 15 (t14–t15).Figure 12.20 Stage 16 (t15–t16).Figure 12.21 Stage 17 (t16–t17).Figure 12.22 Stage 18 (t17–t18).Figure 12.23 Stage 19 (t18–t19).Figure 12.24 First resonant stage.Figure 12.25 Simplified process of the first resonant stage: (a) Step I; (b)...Figure 12.26 Second resonant stage.Figure 12.27 Equivalent circuit of the second resonant stage.Figure 12.28 Waveform of iS7 in a switching period.Figure 12.29 Current stress with different Zr.Figure 12.30 Solution region for the resonance parameters.Figure 12.31 Envelope curve of vcl and iLr at different load levels under a ...Figure 12.32 Envelope curve of vcl and iLr under different load conditions: ...Figure 12.33 Switching loss of SCT2080KE.Figure 12.34 Switching loss with different capacitors: (a) SCT2080KE; (b) C2...Figure 12.35 Loss distribution of traditional BTB converter at different swi...Figure 12.36 Loss distribution of ZVS BTB converter at different switching f...Figure 12.37 Loss comparison – ZVS BTB converter (150 kHz) vs. traditional B...Figure 12.38 Loss comparison – ZVS BTB converter (150 kHz) vs. traditional B...Figure 12.39 9 kW ZVS BTB prototype.Figure 12.40 Experimental waveforms with a three‐phase balanced load. (a) ia...Figure 12.41 Waveforms for ZVS operation of Si4 with a balanced 3 kW load at...Figure 12.42 Waveforms for ZVS operation of So2 with a balanced 3 kW load at...Figure 12.43 Waveforms for ZVS operation of S7 with a balanced 3 kW load at ...Figure 12.44 Waveforms for ZVS operation of So2 with a balanced 9 kW load at...Figure 12.45 Waveforms for ZVS operation of So2 with a balanced 9 kW load at...Figure 12.46 Waveforms for ZVS operation of S7 with a balanced 9 kW load at ...Figure 12.47 Waveforms of vcl and iLr under three‐phase unbalanced load.Figure 12.48 Waveforms for ZVS operation of Si4 with an unbalanced load at d...Figure 12.49 Waveforms for ZVS operation of So2 with an unbalanced load at d...Figure 12.50 Waveforms for ZVS operation of S7 with an unbalanced load at di...Figure 12.51 Generation of gate driving signals with short‐circuit signal.Figure 12.52 Waveforms of short‐circuit signal.Figure 12.53 Power device voltage stress at different power levels.Figure 12.54 Efficiency curve at different power levels.
13 AppendixFigure A.1.1 Trace of vector with symmetrical three‐phase voltage.Figure A.1.2 Eight state combinations for three‐phase bridges in three‐phase...Figure A.1.3 Positions of eight basic vectors of three‐phase bridges.Figure A.1.4 Composition of reference voltage vector in sector 1.Figure A.2.1 Twelve switching patterns of SVM 12: (a) sector 1‐1, (b) sector...Figure A.3.1 Twelve switching patterns of ZVS‐SVM: (a) sector 1‐1, (b) secto...Figure A.4.1 Topology of hard‐switching three‐phase grid inverter.Figure A.4.2 Driving sequence of SVM 12 in sector 1‐1 within one switching p...Figure A.4.3 Conduction time of phase A’s main switches S1 and S4 in one lin...Figure A.4.4 Typical EE cores with dimensions.Figure A.4.5 Driving sequence of ZVS‐SVM in sector 1‐1 within one switching ...Figure A.4.6 Key waveforms in sector 1‐1.Figure A.5.1 Topology of soft‐switching three‐phase grid inverter.Figure A.5.2 Relationship between voltage vA0 and grid voltage va within 1/4...Figure A.5.3 Waveforms derivation of AC filter inductor current ripple with ...Figure A.5.4 ∆ia×L within the first 1/4 line cycle.Figure A.6.1 Definitions of DC‐side currents.Figure A.6.2 Waveforms of resonant inductor iLr and DC bus current idc in on...Figure A.6.3 Waveforms of ia, −ic, and DC input current Iin within sector 1‐...Figure A.6.4 Waveforms of time‐domain DC bus current idc, DC filter capacito...