Читать книгу Healing The Cowboy's Heart - Ruth Logan Herne - Страница 10


Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for reading this beautiful romance! I love Char and Isaiah’s story, and not for the obvious happy ending, but for the mix of cultures and thoughts that become our normal because we live them...and sometimes we don’t see that “normal” can be a relative thing.

Isaiah is a peacemaker, but he’s strong, too. He wants a happy family and he’s sacrificed to encourage that.

Char has longed for a happy family all of her life. In her eyes that’s the normal she craves. Not expecting to find that in Idaho, she doesn’t come west with illusions. Where better than the American West to polish a horse vet’s expertise, to build her résumé?

But people can be petty or angry anywhere, and when faced with animosity, Char has a lot on her plate. She doesn’t measure success in dollars. She grew up seeing the futility in that. But she’s practical enough to know a gal’s got to pay her bills and that requires clientele with patients.

I hope you love this book. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working in this town and with these families, and I hope you’ve treasured their stories!

You know I love hearing from readers, so email me at loganherne@gmail.com or friend me on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter, @RuthLoganHerne. And my bosses love it if you follow me on Bookbub! Just go here and click follow: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/ruth-logan-herne.

And may God bless you and yours each and every day!


Healing The Cowboy's Heart

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