Читать книгу Digital Communications 2 - Safwan El Assad - Страница 5
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Table 1.1. Matrix P2 representative of second-order extension of a binary symmet...Table 1.2. Probabilities of emitting symbols s by the information sourceTable 1.3. Construction of the Huffman code C1Table 1.4. Construction of the Huffman code C4Table 1.5. Construction of Huffman code C4Table 1.6. Construction of Huffman code C2. For a color version of this table, s...Table 1.7. Construction of Huffman code C2Table 1.8. Construction of Huffman code C3Table 1.9. Probability law Pr(Z) of S2 and binary code C2Table 1.10. Construction of Huffman code C3Table 1.11. Probabilities of a component d of motion vector Table 1.12. Code C1 and number of 0 in each codewordTable 1.13. Construction of Huffman code C2 of a component of vector Table 1.14. Coding of a sequence of a motion vector componentTable 1.15. Description of the operations of the premultiplied coder. For a colo...Table 1.16. Description of the operations of the encoder C2Table 1.17. Block diagram of the premultiplied encoder and encoder operation: in...
2 Chapter 2Table 2.1. Probability of emission of source STable 2.2. Construction of Huffman code C2Table 2.3. Construction of binary sequence SBTable 2.4. Chronograms of the signals and coded symbols. For a color version of ...Table 2.5. Chronogram of the time sequence and of the transmitted signal. For a ...Table 2.6. Generation of the HDB - 3 signal and chronogram. For a color version ...Table 2.7. Temporal representations of the different signals. For a color versio...Table 2.8. Intersymbol interference: amplitudes and probabilitiesTable 2.9. Conditional probabilities of error with intersymbol interferenceTable 2.10. Conditional probabilities of error without intersymbol interferenceTable 2.11. Form of the conditional probability matrixTable 2.12. Interfering messages and intersymbol interference amplitudeTable 2.13. Probabilities of amplitude of intersymbol interferenceTable 2.14. Conditional decision probability matrixTable 2.15. Generation of the sequence {an} of the bipolar codeTable 2.16. Possible messages ml for each akTable 2.17. Conditional probabilities Pr{ml / ak} of messages mlTable 2.18. Probability pml and value of the intersymbol interference for each m...Table 2.19. Possible values of inter-symbol interference and associated probabil...Table 2.20. Noise dynamics interval and conditional error probabilitiesTable 2.21. Generation of the sequence {an}Table 2.22. Possible messages interfering with akTable 2.23. Conditional probabilities: p(ml /–1)= Pr{ml / ak = –1}Table 2.24. Conditional probabilities: p(ml /–0)= Pr{ml / ak = o}Table 2.25. Conditional probabilities: p(ml / 1)=Pr{ml / ak=1}Table 2.26. Conditional probabilities: p(ml/i) = Pr{ ml/ak = i }Table 2.27. Intersymbol interference amplitudes and associated probabilities wit...Table 2.28. Inter-symbol interference values and associated probabilitiesTable 2.29. Noise interval dynamics and associated probabilities according to th...Table 2.30. Temporal representation of the proposed partial response coding and ...Table 2.31. Temporal sequences. For a color version of this table, see www.iste....
3 Chapter 3Table 3.1. Amplitudes of intersymbol interference for decision on ak and Table 3.2. Probabilities of error on ak conditional on possible ml interfering m...Table 3.3. Probabilities of error on | conditional on possible | interfering mes...Table 3.4. Amplitude Iml (kT) and probability pml of the intersymbol interferenc...Table 3.5. Conditional probabilities of erroneous decisions based on interfering...Table 3.6. Amplitudes of intersymbol interference | for the different possible i...Table 3.7. Amplitude of intersymbol interference | for the different possible in...Table 3.8. Probabilities of error on conditional on interfering messages Table 3.9. Amplitudes of the new intersymbol interference Iml(kT)Table 3.10. Conditional probability intervals and the associated conditional pro...Table 3.11. Comparative characteristics of the minimum frequency bands required ...Table 3.12. Comparative characteristics of the minimum frequency bands required ...Table 3.13. Values and probabilities of a, component d of the displacement vecto...Table 3.14. Coding C 1 of one component d of the displacement vector Table 3.15. Huffman coding C2 of one component d of the displacement vectorTable 3.16. Amplitudes of the inter-channel intersymbol interferenceTable 3.17. Intervals and conditional probabilities of error
4 Chapter 5Table 5.1. Types of defects in the detection and correction block of transmissio...