Читать книгу Billy Bramble and The Great Big Cook Off - Sally Donovan - Страница 16



Like I said, Gobber is a dog. My dog. My bringer of bad luck. My bad luck charm. Unfortunately Gobber follows me everywhere. He is a big, solid, dirty grey, hungry animal with yellow eyes that flash red when he’s angry. He gets angry a lot. He has sharp teeth with strings of drool hanging off them and a ferocious bark that shakes the ground under me. He is so real to me I often wonder why no one else can see him, or hear him, or feel him.

Sometimes Gobber sits at my feet, sometimes he growls, sometimes he yaps and sometimes he jumps up on me in a fit of raging and barks in my face. He spits in my eyes and leaves them running wet like I’ve been crying (which I haven’t). He digs his sharp claws into my shoulders and barks, barks, barks in my ears until I am deaf and everything goes black. It is really not nice having a dog like Gobber. I think I must not be a very nice person to have deserved being


Billy Bramble and The Great Big Cook Off

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