Читать книгу Billy Bramble and The Great Big Cook Off - Sally Donovan - Страница 22


I will get my own back and win my campaign by calling my chicken by her name as often and as loudly as possible.

‘Facebook. Facebook. Hello Facebook. How are you Facebook? Would you like some food Facebook? Have you laid an egg today Facebook?’ I will go on and on until I drive everyone crazy and they give in. It is a matter of time, I am sure of that.

I am starting to love my chicken Facebook. When we went away for the weekend I really missed her quite a lot and worried about her. I sit with Facebook the chicken and sometimes she lets me hold her and this makes me feel calm. Gobber the dog keeps his distance when I’m with Facebook the chicken. Perhaps he gets jealous. I don’t know.


Billy Bramble and The Great Big Cook Off

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