Читать книгу Texas Got It Right! - Sam Wyly - Страница 30


In the hours and days after Hurricane Katrina, as buses

from New Orleans started rolling into Houston—which

eventually took in some 240,000 people fleeing the

storm’s aftermath—word went out among staff at the

city’s hospitals and shelters that they should stop call-

ing the newcomers “refugees” or even “evacuees,” but

rather “guest citizens.” It was a quintessentially Texan



gesture, and it grew from the understanding that

extending hospitality means more than an offer of food

and shelter. It means honoring the innate human

dignity of those you’re helping. Is it any wonder

that 150,000 of those former Louisianans eventually

decided to lay down roots and become Texans?

And proud, productive Texans at that. You could say

Texas Got It Right!

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