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that this kind of hospitality is just in our DNA,

and you’d be right, but Texans’ attitude toward out-

siders and newcomers goes even deeper than good

manners and good works. Really, it comes down to a

basic belief shared by millions of Texans that a big

tent and open arms make for a more dynamic and

prosperous place.

Left: After Hurricane Katrina, the Houston Astrodome was a

haven for those displaced by the storm. Five years later, not

even Houston mayor Annise Parker knew how many storm vic-

tims were still living in the city. ″I don’t know what the number

is, and I don’t believe we will ever know, nor should we need it

any longer. They are Houstonians.″ Top: Road signs like this one

can be found at every entry point to Texas. Above: A sign at the

George Brown Convention Center in Houston touts the large

number of quilts being provided for Katrina evacuees.



Texas Got It Right!

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