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Sandy Steen Bartholomew

is an author, illustrator, mixed-me-

dia artist, and a Certified Zentangle

Teacher. She runs a creativity gen-

eral store (Wingdoodle), a mini-gal-

lery (The Beehive), a studio (Beez-

Ink Studio), a teaching studio (The

Belfry), and an Etsy shop (Bumble-

bat). Her life looks like a Zentangle!

She is inspired by juicy, jewel-tones

and rusty-crusty, peeling, earth-

covered things. Magic and mystery,

bits and pieces, and weird little

creatures. If it sits still, she’ll paint

it. Sandy lives with her husband,

two kids and a cat in their colorful,

mixed-media house in Warner, NH -

a town full of introverted artists

she has never met.

Visit her website:


Thanks to ...

Rick and Maria - for creating

Zentangle just when I really, really needed it. And

for asking “What else do you think you can’t do?”

Suzanne - for saying “So, tell me about your book?”

.. and to Jen C. for being the role model I so des-

perately needed.

Welcome to Totally Tangled!

Hello, my name is Sandy and I’ve been addicted to

Zentangle since 2008. No need for therapy, though.

The world looks better through tangled vision.

Besides being incredibly fun, Zentangle can really

help focus your mind, lower your stress and build

confidence. A little evidence? I am such an intro-

vert that a test I took once didn’t have a score high

enough to rate me! And yet, here I am, teaching

classes and writing books! I get so excited telling

people about Zentangle, I forget that I am teaching.

If you get totally tangled, I’d love to hear about it!

Write to me at:


Totally Tangled

Copy Permission

- The written instructions, photographs, designs, patterns and projects in

this publication are intended for the personal use of the reader and may be reproduced for

that purpose only. Any other use, especially commercial use, is forbidden under law without

the written permission of the copyright holder. Every effort has been made to ensure that all

information in this book is accurate. However, due to differing conditions, tools and individual

skills, neither the author nor publisher can be responsible for any injuries, losses, and other

damages which may result from the use of the information in this book.


- All rights reserved. All images in this book have been reproduced with the

knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned and no

responsibility is accepted by producer, publisher, or printer for any infringe-

ment of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publica-

tion. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply

with information supplied.


The use of products and trademark names is for information

purposes only, with no intention of infringement upon those trademarks.




800-457-9112 • 1970 Broad Street, East Petersburg, PA 17520

“Zentangle,” the square logo, and “Anything is possible,

one stroke at a time” are registered marks of Zentangle, Inc.


teaching method is Patent Pending and is used

by permission.

Totally Tangled

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