Читать книгу Learn to Carve Gnomes, Trolls, and Mythical Creatures - Sara Barraclough - Страница 3



Every ounce of credit for this book goes to my mum. I’d still be on the preface if it weren’t for her. I also want to give a shout-out to my little love bug, who has proudly taken sole custody and ownership of all carvings in this book. In loving memory of my uncle Ron, and to Wendy—I love you dearly.

I must also add that this project was fueled by copious amounts of Red Bull and a whole lot of no sleep.

• Layout Designer: Chris Morrison

• Producing Editors: Hannah Rachel Carroll and Kaylee Schofield

• Contributing Photographer: Mike Mihalo

• Step-by-Step Photographer: Sara Barraclough

Learn to Carve Gnomes, Trolls, and Mythical Creatures

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