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There are many people that supported me through my writing. Therefore, I’m not sure where to start, I just hope that I don’t miss anyone out; if I do, then you all know that I really do appreciate your support. First of all, I’d like to thank Linda, my closest friend, with all my heart. You supported me through a very tough time and I’m sure that your head must still be banging. Bruno, thank you for the lengthy telephone conversations. They cost us both a fortune, but they were worth it, you are a true gem and a real clever clogs.

I’d also like to show my appreciation to Denise Robertson, the effort that you put in to helping so many men, women and children is amazing. I truly admire your strength. And I’m so glad that I had yours and all of your friends’ support on Dear Denise during those dark moments when I felt like giving up. Thank you.

To Michelle Signore. Thank you for seeing past the odd few spelling mistakes and having enough faith in my story to put it to print, for all of your hard work and patience and for helping me to fulfil my promise to Nana. To John Blake and all at John Blake Publishing, a really big heartfelt thank you.

To Laura Holman, author of Behind the Mask. From the first moment that we talked you got it, you knew exactly what I was feeling; the turmoil that I felt while dredging up all of those terrible memories, some that may not have reared their ugly heads for years to come, but while writing they came thick and fast and sometimes left me breathless. Thank you for being a breath of fresh air, and such an understanding fellow survivor. You are one tough cookie. A true inspiration.

Many thanks to Sue William Silverman, author of Because I Remember Terror, Father, I Remember You and Love Sick. You are the first person that I spoke with about my writing and you told me the only way to do this was to write from the heart, and that it didn’t matter about my lack of schooling because I had a real story to tell that could possibly help many others. I truly appreciate those words because they gave me the strength and determination to keep writing. Thank you!

To Mum and Dad, I wouldn’t be the strong-willed person that I am today if it wasn’t for both of you. I now know how to be a real mother and, something which neither of you can do, I can walk with my head held high and have strength that even both of you put together could never have.

Running From The Devil - How I Survived a Stolen Childhood

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