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Dear Reader,

On a breezy, sunny November day, I took my feverish nine-year-old daughter to the doctor to rule out strep or the flu. Turned out, she had cancer. For weeks, I cried every time I surfaced from sleep, repeatedly whispering one tiny prayer. Please, let her live.

And He did! As I write this letter, Aaliyah is one week away from completing ten months of treatment for Ewing’s Sarcoma, her tumor has been one hundred percent eradicated, and she and her twin sister can’t wait to start fifth grade.

As I watch our daughter overcome terrible odds and start to reclaim her childhood, my heart bursts with gratefulness, but also grieves for other cancer families I’ve met along the way. Cancer’s indiscriminate nature stirs up questions with no tidy answers—questions about faith, prayer, suffering and surrender.

In Dying to Remember, Ella Camden wrestles with her faith and the purpose of prayer after a personal tragedy evokes questions she can’t find satisfying answers to. But when a deadly threat reunites her with childhood sweetheart Roman DeHart, Ella begins to discover a sense of peace in the steady, unfailing presence of God.

In a world that sometimes blindsides us with heartbreak, my prayer is that you experience that peace, too, clinging to God as your anchor—no matter what the future holds. Drop me a line through my website at www.sarakparker.com. I’d love to hear from you.

With love,

Sara K. Parker

Dying To Remember

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