Читать книгу Dying To Remember - Sara K. Parker - Страница 8


Ella whipped around as the car gunned straight for them.

A dark shadow of a face loomed behind the tinted windshield. The killer was coming for her.

“It’s him!” she yelled, reeling.

“Get back!” Roman barked, his arms coming around her and yanking her to the icy ground. And then she was rolling, cold earth seeping through thin clothes, blades of frozen grass scraping her cheeks.

Tires crunched, too close, the vehicle blasting forward and barely missing them. Roman pushed her behind him, slid his gun from its holster. Aimed.

The first shot hit a back tire. Rubber burst, debris flew. Ella scrambled backward, expecting the car to reverse, its tires to swerve toward them. Another shot split the air, the back windshield crashing in.

“Move, move, move!” Roman yelled, grabbing onto Ella’s arm and pulling her farther away from the lot, ready for the driver to try to strike again...

Dying To Remember

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