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Оглавление‘THIS is an emergency and I have private health care,’ boomed a man’s voice. ‘Just get me a doctor. Call the helicopter or whatever it is you do around these godforsaken parts!’
Evanna heard the commotion in the reception area from her room and hurried out at the same time as Logan.
It was two days after her arrival home and she’d been working non stop to catch up with everything that she’d missed while she’d been away.
The man was looming over the desk, his expression threatening. Sweat beaded on his brow and his stomach bulged against a T-shirt that was too tight. ‘We’re only here for a week. If I waste a morning, that’s a chunk of my holiday gone!’
‘Obviously we’re doing our best to see everyone,’ Janet said smoothly, ‘but Dr Walker was called out on an emergency and Dr MacNeil is seeing his patients, too, and that means that—’
‘I keep telling you I have private health care! I can pay.’ The man pulled a fat wallet out of his back pocket and lifted an eyebrow. ‘How much to jump the queue?’
Logan stepped up behind him. ‘We don’t offer private health care,’ he said calmly, his ice-blue eyes narrowed and assessing as he looked at the man. ‘Here on Glenmore, it isn’t necessary. People get seen according to need. If there’s no urgency, they wait in line.’
‘Well, then, you need to organise yourselves a bit better,’ the man spluttered, ‘because the line is too long!’
‘My partner has had to attend a sick patient,’ Logan explained, his voice reasonable, ‘so I’m running two lists at the moment. We’re seeing patients in the order they arrived, unless someone has an urgent condition.’
‘That girl—’ the man pointed a finger at little Nicola Horsfield, who shrank closer to her mother ‘—came in after me and she’s going in next.’
‘Nicola is severely asthmatic and the heat is bothering her. She’s six years old. Do you feel that your medical condition requires you to go in front of her?’
Evanna watched from the doorway but not because her presence was needed. Just because she couldn’t help herself. Logan was such a master at dealing with difficult people that watching him was a pleasure.
He managed to sound pleasant and reasonable while staying in complete control of the situation.
The man frowned. ‘It isn’t about queue jumping—’
‘There’s one doctor and a line of people. That’s generally called a queue.’
‘You could get me a helicopter to the mainland.’
Logan lifted an eyebrow. ‘Are you bleeding, suffering severe chest pains or having breathing problems?’
‘No, but—’
‘Are you in imminent danger of death or collapse?’
‘No, but—’
‘Then I’m not ordering the helicopter.’
‘I’ll call it myself.’
‘As island doctor, it requires my authorisation.’ Logan glanced at his watch. ‘In the time I’ve taken having this discussion, I could have seen another patient. Do you want to carry on talking or would you rather go outside, breathe in some fresh Glenmore air and cool down? Janet will call you when it’s your turn.’
The man inhaled sharply, tightened his mouth and then stomped out of the door.
Logan gave Janet an encouraging smile. ‘I’m ready for my next patient. If he gives you any more problems, buzz me.’
Janet leaned forward. ‘He’s only here because he forgot to bring his tablets on holiday. He wants a prescription.’
‘People get cross when the weather heats up.’ Logan turned away and caught sight of Evanna. ‘What are you doing standing there, Nurse Duncan?’ His blue eyes gleamed with humour. ‘Getting ready to defend me?’
‘You don’t need any help. But I was ready to pick him up after you floored him.’
‘As if.’
She grinned. ‘Logan MacNeil, you were always knocking people flat in the school playground. You were always in Ann Carne’s office.’
At the mention of their old headmistress, Logan laughed. ‘Well, they all deserved it and I wasn’t a doctor then. Now I try not to knock people down because it just makes more work.’ He strolled back towards his surgery. ‘Ethan should be back soon and then we can start clearing everyone from the waiting room.’
Evanna went back into her own consulting room and buzzed for her next patient.
‘He almost fell off the quay into the water!’ The young mother cuddled the toddler on her lap. ‘He gave me a heart attack. My husband was buying ice creams so he didn’t even see it happen. I caught him by instinct, but now he isn’t using his arm and I’m worried I’ve done something awful to his wrist.’
Evanna scribbled a note on her pad and then reached for the fox puppet that she kept on her desk. She slid her hand inside and made the fox move.
The toddler smiled and reached for the puppet. ‘Mine.’
‘He likes to be stroked,’ Evanna murmured, noticing that the toddler favoured one arm. She glanced back at the mother. ‘How did you catch him?’
‘I caught his wrist and jerked him up to stop him falling.’
‘So his weight would have been on his arm?’
‘Yes.’ The mother bit her lip. ‘Have I broken his wrist?’
‘From the sound of it, you did what needed to save him from falling into the water. Looking after an inquisitive toddler is never easy,’ Evanna said steadily, thinking of the number of times that little Kirsty had surprised her with her antics. She wiggled the fox and smiled at the child. ‘Can you stroke foxy with your other hand, William?’
The toddler ignored her request and kept one arm firmly in his lap.
Evanna put the fox down on her desk. ‘He obviously doesn’t want to use that arm so I think we do need to ask one of the doctors to check him out. I’ll just nip across the corridor and see if one of them is free to take a look.’
‘You think he’s broken his wrist? Oh, no, and we’re on holiday here in the middle of nowhere.’
‘I think he may have injured his elbow,’ Evanna said gently. ‘And Glenmore may be remote but we have a surprisingly large population and two excellent doctors who are used to dealing with all sorts of injuries. Try not to worry.’
The red light was showing outside Ethan Walker’s consulting room, which meant that he was back from his house call and busy catching up with his patients. She hesitated outside Logan’s door, rapped sharply and then entered when she heard his voice. ‘Sorry to bother you. I know we’ve got a backlog, but I’ve a toddler in my room who looks as though he might have a pulled elbow. His mother caught him by the arm to stop him falling off the quay.’
Logan sat back in his chair. ‘You’ve taken a look at him?’
‘He isn’t moving the arm.’
‘I’ll examine him in your room. Ethan’s back now anyway, so things are calming down.’ He rose to his feet in a fluid, athletic movement and strode across to her, strands of dark hair flopping over his forehead. His skin was bronzed from the summer sun, his eyelashes thick and dark, and Evanna quickly turned and opened the door, trying not to look at him.
She felt awkward and self-conscious in his company and despair rose inside her. Being full of good intentions was one thing, but somehow she had to communicate her new resolve to her body. She needed to stop her knees shaking and her stomach spinning.
‘I’m Dr MacNeil.’ He shook hands with the parents and then dropped into a crouch and smiled at the little boy. ‘What have you been up to, William? Trying to dive off our quay?’
‘You like Evanna’s fox, do you?’ Logan carefully examined the child’s hand, wrist and shoulder. ‘There’s no obvious swelling. Does this hurt, William?’
‘Ow.’ The toddler jerked and his face crumpled.
‘Obviously the answer to that question is yes. Sorry to hurt you, little chap,’ Logan murmured apologetically, stroking a hand over the toddler’s head and reaching for the fox puppet. He waggled it around, made the child smile and then glanced at Evanna. ‘He’s tender over the radiohumeral joint. He’s comfortable until you try and move the elbow. It’s all consistent with a subluxation of the head of the radius. I’ll reduce it here.’
‘Here?’ The mother tensed. ‘Doesn’t he need an X-ray or anything?’
‘If there was any suspicion of a fracture, I’d arrange for an X-ray,’ Logan said easily, standing up and crossing the room to wash his hands, ‘but all the signs are that your son’s elbow is slightly out of place and I’m sure I can correct that. It will hurt for a few moments and then hopefully he’ll be fine. If this doesn’t do the trick, yes, I’ll consider an X-ray as the next step.’
Evanna stepped forward. ‘Can you hold him on your lap? Like that—perfect.’ She settled the child while Logan ripped a paper towel out of the dispenser and dried his hands.
‘All right, William, let’s do this so that you can get on with your holiday. Have you tried the ice cream at Meg’s Café yet?’ He put his thumb over the head of the radius and pressed down while he smoothly extended the elbow. ‘It’s the best ice cream in the world.’
Evanna watched while he moved the arm and then flexed the elbow, keeping his thumb pressing against the radial head.
The toddler screamed loudly and the mother inhaled and covered her mouth with her hand, but Logan gave a satisfied nod.
‘Sorry about the pain but I think that should have done the trick. I felt a click against my thumb. I’d like you to hang around here for about ten minutes, if that’s all right, then I’ll take another look at him.’
‘That’s it?’ The mother was cuddling William but he’d already stopped crying and was watching, fascinated, as Evanna made the fox puppet perform a series of elaborate tricks. ‘Does he need a plaster or a sling or anything?’
Logan shook his head. ‘I think he’s going to be fine. Let him play with the toys in the waiting room and then I’ll give you a shout and take another look. Good boy, William. You were very brave.’
The mother let out a sigh of relief. ‘I thought I’d broken his wrist.’
‘A sudden jerk on the arm can be enough to pull the elbow in a child of this age.’
‘I’ll remember that. I have a set of reins in the car but he hates them.’
‘He’ll probably like them more than having me manipulating his arm,’ Logan said gently. ‘Use them, at least when you’re near the water.’
The mother nodded. ‘Thanks very much.’
Logan smiled and walked towards the door. ‘I’ll see you in ten minutes.’
Evanna showed the couple into the waiting room, settled William with some toys and then returned to her room.
It would help if Logan weren’t such a good doctor, she thought wearily as she completed her notes and buzzed for her next patient. It would be so much easier if she didn’t admire him so much. She needed to work hard at finding something significantly wrong with him.
‘Keep the dressing on over the weekend, Mrs Keen,’ she said ten minutes later as she secured the bandage and helped the old lady to her feet. ‘Make an appointment with Janet to see me on Monday and I’ll look at it then, but it’s healing nicely.’
‘What are you doing this weekend, dear?’ The old lady reached for her bag. ‘Anything nice?’
Evanna thought of the barbecue and the new dress hanging in her wardrobe. ‘I’m not sure. Possibly.’ It would probably depend on the outcome of her new outfit. Would Logan notice a difference in her? And would he even care?
She walked Mrs Keen to the waiting room and brought William and his family back to Logan.
‘He seems fine now.’ The mother was smiling. ‘He’s using the hand quite happily. I can’t quite believe the difference. I was imagining that we were going to have to go back to the mainland for treatment. Thank you so much.’
‘You’re very welcome.’ Logan smiled and checked the child’s arm carefully, satisfying himself that an X-ray wasn’t necessary. ‘I think he’s fine, but if there are any more problems just come back to us and we’ll take another look. If he seems reluctant to use it, I want to know. Otherwise, enjoy the rest of your holiday! And don’t forget to try that ice cream.’
The toddler gave him a faltering smile and Logan ruffled his hair. ‘And don’t go near the edge of the quay.’
‘He almost gave me a heart attack.’ The mother smiled her thanks again and left the room.
‘Are we nearly done here?’ Logan glanced at his watch. ‘I want to have lunch with Kirsty. Why don’t you join us? You haven’t seen her since you arrived back. She misses you.’
Evanna felt something twist inside her.
What should she say? That she was trying to gradually distance herself from his family to make the whole thing easier to live with?
No, to say that would trigger a full confession and she couldn’t think of anything more embarrassing. And, anyway, she didn’t really want to distance herself from Logan and Kirsty. She enjoyed their company. She just wanted to feel differently about him.
‘I’ve been away for a month, Logan,’ she said quietly, picking up two empty mugs from his desk. ‘I’ve had things to do in the cottage.’
‘Yes, of course you have.’ His gaze was searching. ‘It’s just that you usually spend a lot of time with Kirsty.’
Oh, what the heck! ‘I’d like to see her,’ she said weakly, cursing her lack of self-discipline. ‘I’ll make us all a sandwich.’
After all, what difference was it going to make? She couldn’t possibly love Logan more than she did already and she couldn’t possibly feel any worse than she did already. So she may as well just make the most of the time she had with him.
‘Good.’ He was still watching her. ‘Are you sure you’re all right? You seem a bit … edgy. Is something the matter?’
Yes, Evanna thought to herself as she walked towards the door, clutching the mugs. I’m in love with a man who doesn’t know I exist. ‘Nothing’s the matter. I’ve finished my clinic so I’ll go through to the house and get lunch on the table. Join us whenever you’re ready.’
Something was the matter with Evanna.
Frowning to himself, Logan closed the door of his consulting room, handed a pile of letters to Janet and walked through the door that connected with his house.
It was unlike Evanna to be distracted and yet ever since she’d returned from the mainland she seemed really … jumpy?
Perhaps it was his imagination. It was just that he wasn’t used to having to wonder about her. Unlike his sister, who wasn’t above throwing something at him when he annoyed her, Evanna was always steady and consistent.
In fact, if he’d been asked to find one word to describe Evanna it would have been predictable. Reliable. Kind. That was more than one word, he acknowledged with a faint smile as he followed the sound of laughter and walked into his kitchen.
Evanna was sitting at the huge table, gingerly wiping blobs of strawberry yoghurt from her dark hair. Kirsty was gurgling with delight and banging her spoon on her high chair.
‘Yes, yes,’ Evanna was saying in that soft, breathy voice that always soothed anxious patients, ‘your aim is fantastic.’
‘Sorry.’ Logan laughed as he walked over to her and handed her some more kitchen roll. ‘I should have warned you about her new throwing technique. I think she might be a cricketer when she grows up. She’s quite good at bowling food.’
‘I noticed.’ Evanna leaned forward, undid the harness and lifted the little girl out of her high chair. ‘Come on, then, monster. Let’s have a cuddle.’
All smiles, Kirsty wrapped her arms round Evanna’s neck and kissed her on the cheek.
Logan felt an aching sadness rise up inside him.
‘Are you all right?’ Evanna stood up, lifting the child onto her hip. ‘Logan?’
She was watching him with dark, solemn eyes and he pulled himself together. ‘I’m fine.’
‘No, you’re not.’ Her voice was gentle as she sat the toddler down on the floor next to a pile of toys. ‘You were thinking about Catherine. You don’t have to pretend with me, Logan. You spend most of your life putting on a brave face in public, you’re allowed to let it slip when you’re with friends.’
She was so astute. She always saw through to the real emotions. It was what made her such an outstanding nurse. It was why everyone on the island loved her. Evanna cared. Deeply.
Wondering why he always talked to Evanna about things that he never usually talked about, Logan stared at his daughter. ‘It’s just hard not to worry about her. She needs a mother,’ he said gruffly, and Evanna walked over to him and touched his arm.
‘Kirsty is a lucky girl.’ Her voice was husky with emotion. ‘She has an amazing father who adores her. Don’t underestimate that. You’re doing a good job, Logan.’
‘Am I?’ His expression was bleak and for a moment he felt empty inside. ‘I’m not sure that I have the skills to be a mother and a father to a child.’
‘Kirsty has plenty of loving females in her life. She’s surrounded by family. What with Kyla and all the aunts and cousins—your parents—’ Evanna broke off and sighed. ‘I’m sorry. I’m trying to make you feel better. Human instinct. The truth is it’s a vile situation that no one should ever have to find themselves tackling. Life is hideously unfair. Feel free to scream, swear and complain as much as you like. I’m always here, you know that.’
He did know that. Evanna was rock-solid and dependable. Always there when he needed her.
And she had the lightest of touches when it came to awkward situations, Logan thought, watching as she turned away to make them both a sandwich. Other people offered empty platitudes or just ignored the subject altogether because it was just too uncomfortable. Evanna never ignored things. She was happy to listen or to talk, depending on his mood. It was one of the reasons he felt so comfortable with her. There were never any awkward moments with Evanna. ‘People keep telling me that I’ll find someone else. It’s just one of the things that people say to you when someone dies. “You’ll find someone else.” As if people you want to spend a lifetime with are waiting round every corner.’ He saw the sudden stillness in her frame.
‘I suppose they’re just trying to help. People love you and care about you,’ she mumbled, keeping her back to him. ‘I’m sure that one day you will find someone else, even if it doesn’t feel that way now.’
‘Do you? Do you really believe that?’
Her hesitation was so brief that he wondered if he’d imagined it. ‘Yes. What would you like in your sandwich?’
‘Anything. But love doesn’t happen that often, does it? Look at you, Evanna. You’re beautiful and sweet-natured and you’d make someone an amazing wife, but you’re still single.’
Her head was in the fridge so he could barely hear her reply, but he thought she said, ‘That’s right. I am.’
After what seemed like an age she turned with a bag of salad in her hand. ‘This is soggy and horrible.’ Her voice sounded strange. ‘When did you last shop?’
‘Meg filled the fridge last weekend but I’ve been too busy to do much with it.’
She gave a faint smile of understanding. ‘It’s always the same in the summer, isn’t it? Tourists double the workload and, goodness knows, you work hard enough as it is. I’ll do a quick shop for you later and make a couple of casseroles for your freezer.’ Evanna dropped the salad in the bin and added a carton of tomatoes and a soft, liquid cucumber. ‘This is vile, Logan. Most of the food in your fridge died at least a century ago. You’re going to poison yourself and Kirsty.’
‘She’s OK. She’s still eating the stuff you left in the freezer for her and I’ve lived on take-aways all week,’ he confessed, watching absently as she swiftly stripped his fridge of dubious food and tidied the rest neatly. She was so methodical and efficient. ‘Or else I go down to Meg’s and eat at the café.’
Evanna peered at the date on a packet of ham. ‘Miracles do happen. This is still all right.’
‘It’s so good to have you home. We missed you when you were away,’ he said gruffly, and she turned to look at him, a strange light in her eyes.
There was something about the expression on her sweet face that made him uneasy.
Why did he constantly have a niggling feeling that there was something the matter with her?
Logan shook himself mentally and decided that he was imagining things.
Having been away for a month, it was bound to take her a little while to get back into the swing of island life.
‘How’s it been going with Amy Foster?’ She turned back to her sandwich-making. With a minimum of fuss she buttered bread, layered the ham, added a dab of mustard and handed him the sandwich. ‘She seems sweet with Kirsty. Is it working out, her helping you out?’
‘I’ve no problem with the way she cares for Kirsty.’ Logan bit into the sandwich, wondering how she’d managed to make something so delicious from the limited contents of his fridge.
‘But you have a problem with something else?’ Evanna sat down opposite him and Logan gave a weary smile.
‘Only the usual. She’s obviously one of the many people who think that I should get married again. Soon. Preferably to her.’
Evanna cut her sandwich in two. ‘Oh, dear.’
‘I’m a widower.’ Logan rubbed a hand over his brow and then gave a bitter laugh. ‘Do you have any idea how much I hate that word? It sounds so pathetic.’
‘Pathetic?’ Evanna frowned and put the knife down. ‘You’re the strongest man I know, Logan. And it’s natural that women are going to fall for you.’
‘Why?’ It didn’t make sense to him. ‘Because I’m single and well off with a child who needs mothering?’
She stared at him for a moment and he had a strong feeling that she was about to say something. Then she blushed slightly and lifted her sandwich. ‘I’ve no idea why.’
‘Well, of course you haven’t.’ He laughed. ‘That’s why we’re such good friends. In fact, I think you’re the only woman on this island, apart from my sister and cousins, who hasn’t made a pass at me in the last year. Our relationship is wonderfully platonic. Perhaps what I really need is a male nanny. Anyway, I’ve tactfully firedAmy. I told her that you were back from the mainland and that I wouldn’t need the help any more. One of the cousins is going to look after her during the day when Meg is busy at the café, but I worry about Kirsty having so many different carers.’
Evanna nibbled at her sandwich. ‘They’re mostly family,’ she muttered, apparently absorbed by what was on her plate. ‘Kirsty will be fine.’
‘You’re not eating much.’
She put the remains of her sandwich down and stood up. ‘I’m not that hungry. I’ll clear up here and get back to the surgery because I still have some paperwork to catch up on before the immunisation clinic this afternoon.’
‘You’ve had less than half an hour.’ He frowned at her. ‘I know we’re busy but don’t overdo the work, Evanna.’
‘It’s fine. I’m fine.’ She gave a quick smile and backed towards the door.
If he hadn’t known better, he would have said that she was anxious to get away from him and he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong with her.
Pushing away thoughts of that entirely disturbing conversation over lunch, Evanna tried to concentrate on her work.
Her first patient of the afternoon was Sonia, who was thirty-four weeks pregnant. Evanna noticed that she looked hot and bothered. ‘How have you been?’
‘All right.’ Sonia sank into the chair and rubbed a hand over her swollen abdomen. ‘I wish it wasn’t so hot. This is Glenmore. We don’t normally have heat waves. Suddenly I’m longing for a good old storm to clear the air. I brought you a sample. I assume you wanted one?’
Evanna nodded and took the sample. ‘I’ll just test this quickly and then check your blood pressure.’ She used a dipstick and checked that there was no protein in the sample. Then she checked Sonia’s blood pressure. ‘That’s a bit on the high side, Sonia. Why don’t you lie down on the couch and I’ll feel the baby and then I’ll check it again.’
She skilfully palpated Sonia’s bump, feeling the lie of the baby, and then she used her tape measure to check the size. ‘Well, that’s all as it should be.’
‘Apart from the blood pressure.’
‘I’m going to try that again now that you’ve sat down for a few minutes.’
Sonia watched anxiously while she checked it. ‘Well?’
‘It’s still a bit high, Sonia.’ Evanna recorded the result. ‘I’m going to mention it to Dr MacNeil and I’ll pop round to your house on my way home and check it again.’
‘Will it be different in my home?’ Sonia sat up and wriggled off the trolley.
‘It might be.’
Sonia bit her lip. ‘Will I have to go to the hospital?’
‘I hope not. We certainly need to keep an eye on that blood pressure but there’s nothing to worry about so far. Are you feeling plenty of movements?’
Sonia picked up her bag. ‘Oh, yes. I’m definitely having a footballer. It kicks and moves all the time.’
Evanna smiled and slipped her pen into her pocket. ‘That’s good. I’ll see you later, Sonia.’
‘I’ll make sure to have the kettle on.’
Evanna watched her go and then walked across to talk to Logan, who had just finished his afternoon surgery.
‘I’m taking Kirsty down to the beach for a paddle. Do you want to come?’ His hair was rumpled, his jaw slightly darkened with the beginnings of stubble, and he gave her a sleepy, sexy smile that made her breath catch.
She gazed at him wistfully and then reminded herself that playing happy families was not a good idea. ‘Actually I can’t,’ she said truthfully. ‘I have a few things to do here and then I have to call on Sonia.’
‘She was just in surgery.’ He pushed some papers into his bag and closed it. ‘Why would you be calling on her?’
‘Because her blood pressure is up a bit. It’s one-forty over ninety.’
The smile left his face. ‘Did you test her urine?’ His voice was terse and Evanna wondered how long it would take him to stop treating pregnant women as if they were unexploded bombs.
‘Of course. It was negative and her fundal height measurement was fine—thirty-five centimetres.’
‘Is the baby moving around?’
‘Yes. Plenty of movement. I’ve arranged to call with her later to check her blood pressure again, but I just wanted to let you know.’
Logan nodded. ‘If her blood pressure is still up, ask her to come to surgery tomorrow so that we can take some blood. We’ll do a single estimate serum urate, urea and electrolytes, full blood count and platelets, and repeat blood pressure recording and urinalysis.’
Evanna gave a soft smile. He was the most thorough, dedicated doctor she’d ever worked with. He let nothing slip past him. ‘All right.’
‘And Evanna—’ he picked up the case and walked towards the door ‘—don’t forget about the barbecue on Saturday.’
Evanna thought of the dress in her wardrobe. The new dress. ‘I won’t forget.’
‘Good.’ He gave a nod of approval and reached for his car keys. ‘See you tomorrow.’
Evanna called in at Sonia’s on the way home to check on her and found her blood pressure was still slightly high. Evanna felt a flicker of unease as she closed her bag and thought carefully about the best course of action.
‘Dr MacNeil wants you to come to surgery tomorrow and have a blood test,’ she said as she walked towards the door. ‘And can you bring another sample?’
‘Of course.’ Sonia winced slightly and rubbed her bump. ‘I must admit I’m starting to find it quite uncomfortable. It’s the heat, I suppose. Next time I’m going to make sure that I’m pregnant in the winter. Glad I’m not having triplets.’
Evanna smiled. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, Sonia.’
She climbed back into the car, lining up the facts and deciding on the best course of action. Tests tomorrow and then careful monitoring. And, if in doubt, she’d send Sonia to the hospital for a check. She wouldn’t take any chances.
Suddenly she felt excited about Saturday. Maybe Kyla was right. When had she ever really dressed up for Logan? The answer was never. Yes, they sometimes went to social events at the same time, but she’d never dressed to attract his attention.
He obviously liked her company and there was no doubt that Kirsty loved her.
Perhaps it was just a question of showing him that she was interested—of showing him that, as well as his friend and colleague, she was also a woman.