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McKenna eyed the plane in front of her and then looked back at Will. “You seriously know how to fly this thing?”

He just laughed and continued his preflight checklist. “Would I have offered to help if I didn’t?”

She shrugged.

Will brushed off his hands and stood from where he’d been bent looking under the plane. “All set, I think.”

“You think?”

He laughed again. “We’re all set. I’m sure of it. I always check everything before I go.” His face sobered. “Better to be safe than sorry and all that. I’m extra careful because a buddy I took lessons with crashed his plane a year or so ago and didn’t make it. Neither did his passenger.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.... Especially right before I climb into that thing with you.”

“I’m always careful, that’s what I’m telling you. Besides, I’d never let anything hurt you, McKenna.”

Years ago, in the throes of her ridiculous crush, she’d have seen those words as some sweeping romantic promise. Now she knew better—it was just more evidence that he saw her as someone to be protected. She bit back the urge to remind him that she was the one with training and an actual mandate to serve and protect and she didn’t need him to treat her like a fragile, sheltered princess. But there was no need to start the day with an argument, no matter how frustrated his attitude made her.

They climbed into the plane and Will taxied down the runway, easing the nose of the small aircraft into the air seamlessly. McKenna let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.

“All right. So we’re headed south.”

“Yeah, southeast.” She gave him the coordinates for where they’d found the bodies.

“And all that’s your territory? That’s a pretty far range for one person to cover.”

McKenna nodded. “Yeah. I guess that’s why this was technically a promotion, because it’s more responsibility.”

“Where’s the closest trooper besides you?”

“Kotzebue.” She named a town on the western coast of Alaska, hundreds of miles away and not connected to Barrow by anything resembling a road.

“Not exactly close.”

She shook her head. “Not at all.”

“What if this situation escalates?”

McKenna shrugged. “I work harder, I guess.”

“So you’re on your own then.”

“I can handle it.”

“I never meant to say you couldn’t.”

Conversation lulled then. Not a comfortable pause, but an awkward silence where McKenna could feel Will weighing his words and deciding what was safe to say. So maybe she’d overreacted, but it had seemed as if he was implying she couldn’t handle things on her own.

The bodies she’d seen the day before flashed before her eyes, and terror rose for a brief moment in her throat, but she shoved it down. She could handle this. She could.

“What are we looking for when we get there?” Will had apparently decided to go with a change of subject, which McKenna thought was smart of him. He’d apparently learned something about women in the years he’d been married.

“I...I don’t know,” she admitted. “I talked to Captain Wilkins yesterday and he told me he’d sent in paramedics to handle the scene. There’s no medical examiner in Barrow, so paramedics take care of it.”

“You didn’t have to stay until they got there or anything? Make sure the crime scene wasn’t tampered with or corrupted?”

Wilkins had asked the same thing of her yesterday—why she didn’t stay. She’d stuttered out an explanation for him, telling him how shocked she’d been and how she hadn’t known what to do, but it had only sort of satisfied him.

“You were supposed to,” Will said with understanding after reading her silence. How could he do that? Was she that transparent, or could he still read her thoughts well after all those years? They’d been close the summer after his senior year, had spent long hours talking by the water as the midnight sun shone down on them. Then he’d left, taking McKenna’s heart with him. No, scratch that. She’d tried to offer him her heart, attempted to awkwardly confess her crush to him, but either he hadn’t understood what she’d been trying to say or he hadn’t felt the same. When he left, he left her, her bruised ego and her heart behind.

“Yeah.” She exhaled. “I was supposed to.”

“It’s not normal for your job, though, having to deal with all this.”

She didn’t like the fact that he was now privy to one of her failures. “It doesn’t matter. I should have known. I’ve had the training.”

He said nothing in reply, just kept piloting them across the vast wilderness. It was beautiful out there, down below their tiny airplane. Braided rivers rushed across the green and gold of the tall tundra grass, and the fireweed, which had bloomed almost all the way up, indicating that summer was over and winter would arrive soon, provided a stunning dark pink contrast. Taking her cue from Will, McKenna sat in silence, enjoying the view and sorting through case details in her head.

“Is this it?”

McKenna confirmed the coordinates with him and noticed details of the landscape that looked familiar from yesterday.

Will landed the plane smoothly, allaying her fears about his flying abilities, at least for today. After he’d finished his post-flight duties, McKenna led the way. “It’s about...probably half a mile this way,” she told him as they started to walk.

“Why didn’t we land there?”

She stopped in her tracks. “You know what? I don’t know why I didn’t think of that.”

“This really isn’t what you’re used to, is it, city girl?”

Maybe it was the “city girl” comment. Or maybe it was the compassion in his tone. McKenna wasn’t sure. All she knew was that she’d messed up again, in front of one of the people she’d most like to prove her competency to. “I can handle it fine, Will,” she ground out between clenched teeth. “I messed up a couple of times. But I won’t again.” She prayed it would be true and silently begged Will not to contact any of the people he must know to tell them she wasn’t up to this job. People’s recommendations went a long way up here in the middle of nowhere.

Her job was on the line if she didn’t get it together. And even if the location was less than ideal, this job was the only one she’d ever really wanted.

“I can handle it fine,” she repeated again with more firmness, not sure who she was convincing.

Will threw up his hands in surrender. “What is with you? It was just a comment—I didn’t mean anything by it. Do you want me to take you back to Barrow and forget my offer ever existed?”

Yeah. That was exactly what she wanted. Except when the wind crept across the tundra, whispering through the grass and taunting her with the fact that it knew and had seen what had happened here yesterday, chills invaded her entire body. She couldn’t come back here with Chris.

She might not relish giving Will a front-row seat to her fumbling attempts to handle the case, but she trusted him. With her life, if necessary.

And for now that would have to be enough.

* * *

What was it she thought she had to prove? Will wondered as he walked behind her, scanning their surroundings for possible threats, human or animal. He’d spent enough time in this wilderness to know it was as treacherous as it was beautiful. But even as he tried to remain alert to his surroundings, his eyes kept returning to the woman beside him.

McKenna hiked along without another word to him, which left him time alone with his thoughts. More time with them than he wanted, if he were honest.

Thankfully, she stopped soon, pointing to an unmistakable red stain on the brown earth that he couldn’t have missed even if he’d tried.

“The paramedics took the bodies to Anchorage this morning.”

Will didn’t consider himself to have a weak stomach—look at what he did for a living. But something about knowing the blood had come from someone instead of something, like the animal blood he was accustomed to seeing, churned his stomach.

But not as much as the thought that it could have been McKenna’s. What were the chances that whoever had committed the crimes had still been around yesterday, watching the investigation of his crime scene? Was it just arson where people did that, or was it all crimes?

The thought of little McKenna Clark mixed up in a case like this that could end up getting her killed played havoc with his mind. What had her superiors been thinking, putting someone as young and inexperienced as she was in an isolated post like this, where she’d be facing any danger alone?

“Be careful,” he said as he looked around again, not liking the uneasy feeling that had crept over him.

“I am.”

He moved closer to her.

“Really, Will. I’m fine.”

He watched as she bent low toward the ground to snap pictures of the scene with a digital SLR camera.

“Is everything like it was when you left? Minus the bodies?”

She considered his question and nodded slowly. “As far as I can tell.” She moved the camera around, surveying the area through the viewfinder as though looking through the apparatus helped her focus her mind on the scene. She snapped pictures of the surrounding area. Finally her gaze rested on a patch of grass about ten feet from the crime scene itself.

“Something else was dead.”


She moved closer to whatever she’d noticed and Will followed. The grass there was stained red, too, though the stain wasn’t as large. In fact, this puddle of dried blood much more resembled what he saw on hunting trips.

“Another body?” Will asked. “Or do you think...”

“They were hunting,” McKenna said aloud, finishing the thought. “But someone moved whatever they killed.”

He nodded. “I think you’re right. Caribou, maybe? That’s what’s usually hunted in this part of the tundra. And the flat spot in the grass looks like the right size.”

She nodded. “I think so.” She leaned forward, snapped a picture, and then snapped pictures of the entire surrounding area.

Will heard the bang a split second before the first bullet whizzed past his head.

Rifle fire. Aimed right at them.

“Get down!” he yelled to McKenna, reaching his arm out to take her down to the ground with him. To his surprise, she didn’t protest but lay still where he’d tackled her onto the ground. Several more bullets flew overhead and Will fought panic when he realized how close the shooter had been to hitting them. He’d promised McKenna he wouldn’t let her get hurt, and she’d almost been killed.

Whoever was doing this meant business.

Will felt McKenna fumble for the weapon at her holster as he went for his own, usually used to protect him and his clients from animal predators. “Can you tell where the shots are coming from?” she asked.

“No. You?”

“Behind us somewhere. That’s all I can tell.”

It was a wonder she could tell that. The wide-open tundra was a sniper’s paradise. The killer had probably waited out here, expecting McKenna to come back and investigate, and completely concealed himself in the tall grass while his target was open.

In fact, once he thought about it, it wasn’t surprising at all that someone had fired on them. It was surprising that he or she had missed.

“I don’t want to fire until I know his position.” McKenna’s words were tense. “I don’t think there are any more people out here, and the gunfire would have scared off the animals, but...”

“But you never fire until you’re sure what you’re aiming for,” he finished for her, knowing the firearms safety rule well from trying to drill it into irresponsible clients with more money than sense.

They lay side by side, each with weapon out and ready, but the shots had stopped.

“What now?” Will asked in a whisper after a minute, when it became clear that the shooter had given up for the moment.

“We’re half a mile from the plane.”

“Assuming he didn’t find the plane and do anything to it.”

The panic in her eyes made him wish he hadn’t voiced the dark thought. “I’m sure it’s fine,” he said with more assurance than he felt. “I think we just wait here for a while, until we’re sure he’s gone.”

“Then just stand up and hope we don’t get shot?”

“Yeah, that’s all I’ve got. You?”

“Nothing better.”

By what felt like a mutual unspoken agreement, they lay there without speaking, each of them keeping their eyes fixed on places a threat could approach from. Will wasn’t sure how much time had passed before McKenna finally whispered that they should try to make it to the plane.

“I think you’re right,” he agreed, knowing that the longer they stayed out, the greater the danger they’d face from animals out here as well as whoever was trying to kill McKenna.

Full understanding hit him with all the force of a charging male grizzly. Someone was trying to kill McKenna. Last night’s note had been a warning. Now the danger was real.


He pushed the troubling thoughts from his mind, knowing distraction could get you killed out here. “As I’ll ever be, I guess.”

They stood slowly. Will still couldn’t shake the feeling they were being watched. And this time, when the next bullet cracked through the air, before he could take McKenna down, she yelled, “Run!” and took off in the direction of the plane.

Will ran after her, both of them sprinting fast enough to have made their high school track coach proud. The uneven ground of the tundra seemed to be working against them—spraining an ankle or worse would be too easy out here.

The shots continued, but McKenna showed no sign of slowing. “Get down!” he yelled, believing it was their best chance of surviving but knowing he’d never take cover if she wasn’t going to.

“We can’t!”

Stubborn woman. Panic clawed at him again, as it had when they’d walked up on the scene and he’d realized how much danger it could put McKenna in. She was too inexperienced for this.

He’d like to sit down and tell her so, but if she was going to run, so was he. She sprinted on and he followed until the plane was finally in sight. It looked fine.

“Get in and fly this thing!” she yelled as she climbed up.

He mentally ran down the list to see if there was anything in the preflight checklist that couldn’t wait.

Another shot fired.

No. Everything could wait.

He climbed in and did as she said, taking off more roughly than he had since he’d first started flying.

But they were up and in minutes would be out of range.

For now.

Will focused on the instrument panel, clenching and unclenching his fists on the wheel to try to calm his nerves. When he was sure they were safe, he turned to McKenna. “What were you thinking? You should have gotten down!”

“I knew what I was doing.”

“You almost got us killed. You’re new at this, McKenna.” He let the frustration of the past however many hours loose in his tone.

“I’m new to the area not to the job. I’ve been doing this for years, and I really do know what I’m doing. It’s my job, Will. Not yours.”

“I have experience, life experience you don’t have.”

“Five years more, Will. That’s it. I’m not a kid.”

“I still wish you’d listened to me.”

“This is my job, Will. I have to make split-second judgments and not look back. But I am trained to do it. And if we’re going to be working together, you’re going to have to trust me to know the right course instead of second-guessing me.”

Will took a deep breath, powering down emotions that had gone wild at the thought of her being hurt or killed. Yeah, this was her job. Theoretically she had the necessary training for it. But that stupid running-to-the-plane stunt while they were taking fire...

“Okay.” He could think of nothing else to say.

“Couldn’t you hear that the shots were fired from closer range the second time?”

He hadn’t noticed that. “You’re sure?”

She nodded, face more serious than he’d ever seen it. “I’m sure.”

So the shooter had been creeping closer the whole time they’d been waiting him out, hoping he’d leave. That made sense since his first couple shots hadn’t hit his mark.

“I guess I owe you an apology then.”

“No need. You saved my life the first time by taking me down with you.”

He nodded, knowing she was right. But she’d saved his life, too, by insisting that they run for the plane. This time, their shared skills and experience had been enough to keep them safe. But the shooter wasn’t someone to underestimate, and he’d almost certainly strike again. Will just hoped his own abilities and McKenna’s would be enough to protect them through the next skirmish, too.

* * *

Will hadn’t said another word until they’d reached Barrow, landed the plane and were unloading.

“Be careful, McKenna,” he finally said. His eyes met hers and the intensity in them made it impossible for her to look away.

“I will be. I can take care—”

“Of yourself. You’ve made that clear.”

She couldn’t read what emotion was in his eyes. Couldn’t come close to naming it. But whatever it was stirred something inside of her, and maybe it was that, or the stress of the day, but she couldn’t picture going home with no human company. Not yet.

“Want to come over for coffee?”

He glanced at his watch. “It’s five-thirty and you’re more worried about coffee than dinner?”

McKenna shrugged, feeling herself blush. She hadn’t even thought about what time it was, had just come up with any reason she could to spend a little more time with Will.

“How about I fix dinner for us and then we’ll have coffee, maybe watch a movie,” he offered.

She searched his face for any indication that he was doing this out of pity for her, or that he knew she was scared, but saw none.

He must have misinterpreted her silence, because he hurried to clarify. “Not as a date or anything. Just two old friends, hanging out, if that’s what you’re worried about.” His easy smile, meant to reassure her, made a blush creep to the edges of her cheeks.

For a split second, she squeezed her eyes shut. Imagined what it would be like to actually be on a date with Will Harrison. Then just as quickly she shoved the thought back where it had come from. The last thing she needed was to get caught thinking such embarrassing things about someone who was only her friend.

“I thought you couldn’t cook?” she said as soon as she remembered.

The corners of his eyes crinkled as he laughed. “By fix dinner I meant bring pizza.”

“Is there a pizza place in this town?” She didn’t remember seeing one. But she hadn’t been everywhere yet.

“Bear’s Tooth Pub and Pizzeria is as good or better than anything you’ll find in the city. They have a deluxe pizza that’s unbelievably good. I’ll swing by your house as soon as I pick it up. Sound good?”

“Works for me. But don’t pile up the pizza under loads of stuff. I want to be able to taste the cheese.”

“Trust me, will you? I promise you’ll like it.”

His words still rang in her ears as she climbed into her car and drove toward her house. She did trust him. With her life. She just knew better than to ever again trust him with her heart.

She parked her car on the gravel pad beside her house and climbed the stairs to the front door with caution, looking around to make sure nothing had been disturbed while she was gone. She eased the door open and Mollie came barreling toward her, tongue hanging out of her mouth.

“I’m guessing you missed me?” McKenna laughed as she petted the dog and pulled the door shut behind her. “I would have brought you if I hadn’t been afraid you’d attract wild animals I would rather not run into.”

The dog just wagged her tail and continued to dance around excitedly.

“Will’s coming over tonight,” she found herself telling the dog. “To hang out with me.” In case that part needed clarification. It was strange to her to think that after all these years they’d picked up their friendship practically where they’d left off, ignoring the awkwardness that had started between them just before Will left for college when she’d come close to fully admitting the childish crush she had on him.

Of course, a lot had changed since then. When Will had left Seward, McKenna had wanted to become a marine biologist and work at the Sealife Center in Seward. Now look what she was doing. Will hadn’t been sure what he’d wanted to do when he headed off to college, but he’d gotten married and started on his adult life.

Now, seven years later, here they were.

McKenna shoved her reminiscences aside. It would be better to use the time she had to go over the case.

As she walked by the kitchen table, she glanced at the spot where she’d first spotted the threatening note. It was still there. She kept walking and then stopped in her tracks, walking backward as she blinked quickly, in case her eyes had deceived her. Hadn’t she moved it?

No, a paper was there. But it wasn’t the note that she’d found in the early hours of the morning. This one was new.

He’d been in her house. Again.

You chose not to listen. Suit yourself. I may have missed this time, but next time will be a different story.

Tundra Threat

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