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The wilderness was as treacherous as it was beautiful.

Will scanned their surroundings for possible threats, human or animal, as he followed McKenna.

She stopped by an unmistakable red stain on the brown earth where the bodies had once lain.

Knowing the blood had come from someone churned his stomach. But not as much as the thought that it could have been McKenna’s.

The thought of little McKenna Clark all grown up and mixed up in a job like this played havoc with his mind. She was too young and inexperienced for an isolated post like this.

“Be careful.” An uneasy feeling crept over him.

He heard the bang a split second before the bullet whizzed past.

“Get down!” he yelled to McKenna, taking her to the ground with him. He’d promised her he wouldn’t let her get hurt and she’d almost been killed.

Last night’s note had been a warning. Today, full understanding hit him with all the force of a charging male grizzly. Someone was trying to kill McKenna.

Tundra Threat

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