Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 58


Al-Baqarah 2: 29–31

(29) It is He Who created for you all that is on earth and then turned above and fashioned it into seven heavens.15 He knows all things.

(30) Just think when your Lord said to the angels: “Lo! I am about to place a vicegerent16 on earth,” they said: “Will You place on it one who will spread mischief and shed blood while we celebrate Your glory and extol Your holiness?” He said: “Surely I know what you do not know.” (31) Then Allah taught Adam the names of all things and presented them to the angels and said: “If you are right (that the appointment of a vicegerent will cause mischief) then tell Me the names of these things.” ▶

15 It is difficult to explain precisely what is meant by the “seven heavens”. In all ages man has tried, with the help of observation and speculation, to conceptualize the “heavens,” i.e. that which lies beyond and above the earth. As we know, the concepts that have thus developed have constantly changed. What might be broadly inferred from this statement is that either God has divided the Universe beyond the earth into seven distinct spheres, or that this earth is located in that part of the Universe which consists of seven different spheres.

16 “Khalifah” or vicegerent is one who exercises the authority delegated to him by his principal.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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