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Introduction by Khurram Murad

Preface to the First Edition


1. Knowledge, the First Step

Allah’s Greatest Gift

Is Islam a Birthright?

No Mere Verbal Profession

No Islam Without Knowledge

Dangers of Ignorance

Acquire Knowledge

2. Between Islam and Disbelief

Muslims or Unbelievers?

Knowledge and Actions

Why Are Muslims Humiliated Today?

Desire For Knowledge

3. How Muslims Treat the Qur’ān

Irreverence and Misuse

Incomprehensible Contradictions

The Consequences

No Islam Without Submitting to the Qur’ān

4. True Meaning of Iman

Difference the Kalimah Creates

Is Mere Utterance Enough?

Meaning of the Kalimah

Covenant With Allah

Accepting the Prophet’s Leadership

Obligations of Commitment

Our Behaviour

5. Why is the Kalimah Unique?

The Parable

Two Kinds of Trees

Characteristics of the Kalimah Tayyibah

Characteristics of the Kalimah Khabīthah

Contrasting Results

Why Are Believers in the Kalimah Not Flourishing?

Are Followers of the Kalimah Khabīthah Prospering?

6. Why Believe in the Kalimah?

Success in the Hereafter

This-world and That-world

Success in That-World

True Purpose of the Kalimah

What Does the Kalimah Teach Us?

Actions Must Accord With Knowledge


7. The False Gods

What is Disbelief and Islam?

Islam: Total Surrender

Three Reasons for Going Astray

Self-worship — Society and Culture — Obedience to Human Beings

Condition of Muslims Today

8. Can We Call Ourselves Muslims?

A True Muslim

What is Hypocrisy?

Serving the Self — Adherence to Society and Culture — Imitating Other People

The True Faith

Abstinence From Alcohol — Confession of Crime — Severance of Familial Ties — Giving Up Cultural Norms and Customs

The Way to God’s Pleasure

Muslims of Today

9. Are We True Muslims?

Two Types of Islam

Legal Islam — True Islam

Two Kinds of Muslims

Partial Muslims — True Muslims

What Kind of Muslims God Desires

Supreme Loyalty to Allah

Where Do We Stand?

10. Why Obey God?

Our Well-being

Obeying Others Besides Allah

The Only True Guidance

How to Benefit

No Blind Obedience

11. Difference Between Din and Shari‘ah

Meaning of Din

Meaning of Shari‘ah

Nature of Differences

Juristic Differences Between Muslims

Ignoring the Nature of Differences


12. True Meaning of ‘Ibadah

Meaning of ‘Ibadah

Misunderstanding ‘Ibadah

‘Ibadah, Lifelong Service


13. Meaning and Blessings of the Prayer

Remembering God

Blessings of the Prayer

Constant Reminder

Sense of Duty


Knowledge of God’s Law

Collective Life

14. What We Say in the Prayer

Adhan and its Effects

Wuḍū’: Ablution

Niyyah: Intention

Tasbīḥ: Glorification

Ta’awwudh: Seeking Refuge

Bismillah: In His Name

Ḥamd: Praise and Thanks

The Qur’ān Reading

Surah al-Mā ‘ūn — Surah al-Humazah

Rukū’: Bowing Down

Sujūd: Prostration

At-taḥiyyāt: Salutation

Ṣalāt ‘ala ’n-nabiy: Blessings Upon the Prophet

Seeking Protection

Salām: Greetings

Du‘ā’ qunūt


15. Blessings of the Congregational Prayer

Private Worship of God

Assembling on One Call

Purposeful Assembly


The Sacred Purpose


Uniformity in Movements

Uniformity in Prayers


Nature and Qualities of Leadership

Piety and Virtue — Majority Representation — Sympathy and Compassion — Vacating Office — Obedience to Leaders — Criticizing and Correcting Mistakes — No Obedience in Sin

16. Has the Prayer Lost its Power?

Parable of the Clock

Aim of Muslim Ummah

Wholeness of Islamic Teachings

Abusing the Clock

Why Worship Rites are Ineffective

Our Deplorable Condition


17. Meaning and Blessings of the Fasting

Life of Worship

Rituals Lead to a Life of Worship

How Does Fasting Develop Us?

Exclusively Private Worship — Sure Sign of Faith — Month-long Training — Practising Obedience — Communal Fasting

Where Are the Results?

18. True Spirit of the Fasting

Spirit and Form

The Outward Replaces the Real

Wrong View of Worship

Fasting as a Way to Piety

Conditions of True Fasting

Abstention From Falsehood — Faith and Selfscrutiny — Shield Against Sins — Hunger for Goodness


19. Fundamental Importance of Zakah

Meaning of Zakah

Zakah, a Test

Early Practice

Categorical Imperative

The Sign of Faith

Foundation of the Ummah

Conditions for God’s Help

Warning to Muslims

Fate of Zakah Defaulters

20. Meaning of Zakah

Becoming God’s Friends

Wisdom and Understanding — Moral Strength — Obedience and Dutifulness — Sacrificing Wealth

Requirements for Admittance to God’s Friendship

Large-heartedness — Magnanimity — Selflessness — Purity of Heart — Giving in Adversity — Giving in Affluence — Giving for Allah Alone — Stressing Benevolence — Amassing Wealth — Making Excuses — Spending Reluctantly and Resentfully — Considering Spending a Fine — Niggardliness

The Real Test

21. Zakah, a Social Institution

Allah’s Unique Beneficence

Man’s Selfishness

What Selfishness Leads To

Individual and Collective Welfare

What is the Solution?

22. General Principles of Spending

Remembrance of God

Spending in the Way of Allah

Essential Prerequisite to Guidance

Spend Only to Please Allah

Do Not Stress Your Benevolence

Give Only Good Things

Give Unobtrusively and Secretly

Guard Against Misuse

Do Not Harass Debtors

Take Due Care of Family

Give to the Deserving

23. Specific Injunctions of Zakah

Produce of the Earth

On Wealth and Financial Assets


Who Are Entitled to Receive Zakah

Fuqarā’: the poor — Masākīn: the destitute and needy — ‘Amilīna ‘alayhā: who administer Zakah — Mu’allafatu ’l-qulūb: who need to be reconciled — Fī’r-riqāb: freeing from bondage — Al-gharimīn: overburdened debtors — Fī-sabīli ’llāh: in the way of Allah — Ibnu ’s-sabīl: travelers

Other Important Principles

Need For Collective System


24. Origin and Significance of Hajj

Life and Mission of the Prophet Ibrāhīm

Ibrāhīm’s Times

Commitment to the Truth

Tribulations and Calamities


Raising a New Generation

The Greatest of Trials

The Universal Islamic Movement

Lūṭ in Sodom — Isḥāq in Palestine — Construction of the Ka’ba

Prayers of Ibrāhīm

25. Restoration of True Hajj

Idol Worship Among Ibrāhīm’s Descendants

How Corrupted Hajj Became

A Yearly Carnival — Perverse Rites — Sacrilege of Sacred Months — Self-imposed Restrictions

Restoration of Hajj

Fulfilment of Ibrāhīm’s Prayer — Revival of Ibrāhīm’s Ways — End of Idolatry — Prohibition of Indecent Acts — Bragging and Showing Off — End of Ostentatious Generosity — Spattering of Blood and Flesh Banned — Prohibition of Perverse Rites — Changing the Months of Hajj Forbidden — Hajj Provisions Made Obligatory — Permission to Work During Hajj — End of Other Customs — Fixing Boundaries — Ensuring Peace and Security

Importance of Hajj

26. Renewal of Self

The Journey

Virtue and Piety

Iḥrām and its Conditions

Talbiyyah: the Cry of Response

Ṭawāf: Walking Round the House

Sa’ī: Hurrying Between Ṣafā’ and Marwah

Wuqūf (Stay) at Minā’, ‘Arafāt and Muzdalifah

Ramī Jimār: Stoning the Pillars

The Impact of Hajj

Hajj, a Collective Worship

27. Renewal of Society

Growth in God-consciousness

A Season of Reawakening

Inspiring Spectacle of Unity

Greatest Movement for Peace

Centre of Peace and Equality

Our Lack of Appreciation

Deriving Full Benefit From Hajj


28. Meaning of Jihad

The Ultimate Objective

Root of All Evil

The First Step

Origin of Corrupt Rule

God’s Lordship Over Man

Temptation of Power

Rituals, a Training Course

Governments Run by God-conscious People

29. Central Importance of Jihad

Din, Shari’ah and ‘Ibadah

Duality of Din

Every Din Wants Power

Popular Sovereignty — Monarchy — British Rule

Din of Islam

Jihad in Islam

Recognizing True Believers

Change Only Through Struggle

Preface to the Eighth Reprint

Index of Quranic Verses

Let Us Be Muslims

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