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Preface to the First Edition

When, in 1357 A.H. [1938], I first came to the Punjab to live in Darul Islam (near Pathankot, East Punjab), I started to organize the Friday Prayers and explain Islam to the nearby villagers. This collection comprises the congregational addresses which I then prepared. My addressees were farmers; they too from the Punjab, whose mother tongue was not Urdu. I therefore had to adopt a language and expression which could be easily understood by the common man. Thus has come into being this collection which, inshā’allāh, should be useful for teaching Islam to the masses.

The fundamental beliefs of Islam I have already explained in some detail in my Towards Understanding Islam.* The Shari‘ah, too, I have briefly dealt with there. This collection now explains, with sufficient detail, two other themes: one, the meaning and spirit of Islam; the other, worship. I hope that those who will read these addresses together with Towards Understanding Islam will find, with the grace of Allah, sufficient illumination for their journey on the path of Islam.

When read as a Friday address (Khuṭubah), each should be prefaced with the opening words that have come down to us from the Prophet, blessings and peace be on him. For the second part any Khuṭubah may be used, but it must be in Arabic.

Abul A‘la


15 Ramadan, [13]59 A.H.

[November, 1940]

* Islamic Foundation, Leicester, 1978.

Let Us Be Muslims

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