Читать книгу First virtual Bilateral Conference on Functional Materials (BiC-FM) - Сборник статей, Андрей Владимрович Быстров, Анна Владимировна Климович - Страница 16

Oral Sessions
Thursday, October 8
The role of nitrogen and oxygen in the formation capacity of carbon materials


Evlashin S.A.1,*, Fedorov F.S.1, Dyakonov P.V. 1,2, Maksimov Yu.M.2, Pilevsky A.A.2, Maslakov K.I.2, Akhatov I.Sh.1

1 – Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

2 – Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Carbon materials are attracting increasing attention as a material for supercapcitor fabrication due to availability and high specific surface area. However, the initial capacitance of raw carbon is quite low, so the N and O heteroatoms are introduced in order to increase their specific capacitance. Despite the vast amount of studies on carbon materials, a lot of grey areas in mechanisms that lead to the increase in the specific capacitance remain. We demonstrate an effective method for modification of the surface of Carbon NanoWalls (CNWs) using DC plasma in atmospheres of O2, N2, and their mixture. Processing in the plasma leads to the incorporation of ∼4 atom % nitrogen and ∼10 atom % oxygen atoms. Electrochemical measurements reveal that CNWs functionalized with oxygen groups are characterized by higher capacitance. The specific capacitance for samples with oxygen reaches 8.9 F cm-3 at a scan rate of 20 mV s-1. In contrast, the nitrogen-doped samples demonstrate a specific capacitance of 4.4 F cm-3 at the same scan rate. The mechanism of heteroatom incorporation into the carbon lattice is explained using density functional theory calculations.

Acknowledgement.This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant 17-19-01787.


[1] S.A. Evlashin, F.S. Fedorov, P.V. Dyakonov, Y.M. Maksimov, A.A. Pilevsky, K.I. Maslakov, Y.O. Kuzminova, Y.A. Mankelevich, E.N. Voronina, S.A. Dagesyan, V.A. Pletneva, A.A. Pavlov, M.A. Tarkhov, I.V. Trofimov, V.L. Zhdanov, N.V. Suetin, I.S. Akhatov, I. S., Role of Nitrogen and Oxygen in Capacitance Formation of Carbon Nanowalls. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11(12), (2020).

First virtual Bilateral Conference on Functional Materials (BiC-FM)

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