Читать книгу First virtual Bilateral Conference on Functional Materials (BiC-FM) - Сборник статей, Андрей Владимрович Быстров, Анна Владимировна Климович - Страница 21
Oral Sessions
Friday, October 9
ОглавлениеOral Sessions
Day 2, Octorber 9
Session 4: Photonics of functional materials I Chairs: N. Gippius/ D. Kopylova
Keynote Talk 9 Prof. Zhipei Sun
Nonlinear Optics with Nanomaterials
Keynote Talk 10 Dr. Yury Gladush
Aerosol synthesized carbon nanotube thin films for nonlinear optical applications
Oral Talk 9 Dr. Aleksei Emelianov
Individual SWCNT Transistor with Photosensitive Planar Junction Induced by Two-Photon Oxidation
Oral Talk 10 Dr. Dmitry Mitin
Strategies to optimize the optoelectronic performance of patterned single-walled carbon nanotube layers