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Let us begin our development by considering the form of the genetic code for the ith individual. In the case of the canonical GA, this was given by (1.5-2), where each element of θi was represented by a string. In the real‐coded GA, (1.5-2) still applies. However, instead of each element of θi being represented by a string, in a real‐coded GA each element is represented by a real number. In fact, a real‐coded GA could be written such that θi = xi. However, it will be convenient to provide a mapping of xi to θi so that the gene values of θi fall into the domain [0,1].

The mapping between xi and θi is accomplished on a gene‐by‐gene basis. A simple choice is a linear map. Let x and θ denote a gene (element) of the xi and θi. For a linear mapping, we have


where j denotes the gene number and


where xmn,j and xmx,j denote the minimum and maximum values of the parameter.

Closely related to linear mapping is integer mapping, wherein x, xmn,j, and xmx,j are integers. In this case, (1.6-2) still applies, but we require


This mapping is useful in choosing, for example, between different types of steel in a design. If the third gene represented the type of steel used, and five types of steels were being considered, then xmn,3 = 1, xmx,3 = 5, and θ ∈ {0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00}.

In some cases, the domain of a parameter may span many decades in magnitude. If the domain of the parameter is always positive, then a logarithmic mapping is appropriate. In this case,


Power Magnetic Devices

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