Читать книгу The Six Keys to Financial Success! - Sean PhD Hyman - Страница 3

Dedication & Acknowledgements


I’d like to dedicate this book to my dad, Randy Hyman. He always wanted me to write this book so that the world could benefit from these principles that he’s seen change my financial life.

I finally got the book completed about a year after he passed on to heaven. But this book is to honor you, dad.

I also am writing this book for my kids. That way, one day when I join my dad in heaven, they can look back to the principles in this book and use it as a “financial guide” for their life. In that way, I can still be teaching them long after my days down here on Earth are finished.

While my kids have been growing up, they’ve seen the financial blessing come about in my life but up until now, they have been too young to comprehend how it all happened. Today they will have a record of it all.

I’d also like to recognize my wife Lisa. For without her support, I could have never gotten this book done.

And last but not least, I want to thank Andrew Packer who played a big role in helping me put all of this together for you.

The Six Keys to Financial Success!

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