Читать книгу The Six Keys to Financial Success! - Sean PhD Hyman - Страница 5

My Journey Began with Unanswered Questions


My quest for financial prosperity really came about when I started to ask myself these questions: Have you ever wondered why you see Christians that are broke? It just seemed like it ought not to be, right?

Have you ever wondered why you see tithing and faithful church-attending Christians broke? That just seems like it ought not to be as well, correct?

It’s really because they follow some of the counsel of God, but they haven’t really learned to follow all of the financial counsel of God in His word.

I blame it on a few things (and I say blame loosely…because no individual person is to blame). But Christians don’t know the Bible that well as a whole. And so they don’t know all the things that are in there except what their pastor has taught them. Pastors sometimes only focus on a portion of it themselves.

Many pastors, as a matter of fact, sometimes are poor and not financially blessed because they don’t enact all of these principles that you’ll see that have been dug up from the word of God! This is not to belittle them. I used to be one of those broke preachers.

The key really is to follow all of the counsel of God on finances. And that’s where my prosperity began. That’s where my story really took a turn…when I uncovered and applied these six biblical principles to my personal finances.

Here’s something to take into consideration: if you told your kid to take out the trash and go clean up his room and then help his mother with the laundry, and he just took out the trash, he wouldn’t really be fully obedient, would he?

He wouldn’t have the full blessing of the father as the child that did all three things that was asked of him. Basically, that’s what happens with us as God’s children.

It’s not that people aren’t doing some things right. A lot of people are getting some things right. Maybe they’ve given to a charity. Maybe they are helping somebody in need. Maybe they are helping their family. Maybe they are even giving a tithe, or an offering or—whatever! Maybe they’re doing something right with money. I’m not saying they’re not.

But they’re not completely obedient, so there’s partial disobedience there. We follow one or two biblical financial principles, but we’re not really living “biblical economics” until we learn to implement them all.

So, I want to talk about the six financial principles of God in His word, about your money, and how to prosper financially. I’m not taking up an offering or anything of that sort, so you don’t have anything to lose.

I’m just teaching you principles that have taught me. I just want to pass on the information. My calling, really, is that of a teacher. And when I get a revelation on something, the first thing I want to do is share that with other people.

Learn to pray over these principles. And learn to exercise your faith in these areas in these principles that I’m going to teach you.

If you feel that you have what the Bible calls “mustard seed” faith, that is, just the smallest inkling of faith, these principles will work for you.

That’s really how I started off. I never considered myself a person of great faith, a mountain-moving faith type of guy. But I have seen those little mustard seeds and thought, “Well, I can have that much. It’s just a little speck of faith.” Well, that’s all God ever really needs to work with.

The only thing he can’t work with is total unbelief. Just that little speck of faith will do it. So keep that in mind when we go through these principles.

The Six Keys to Financial Success!

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