Читать книгу 'Das Haus' the House and the Son of the Rabbi - Sean Ryan Stuart - Страница 12


Chapter 6

Krystalnacht The Night of the Crystal

November 8, 9 and 10, 1938

Dieter continued telling his incredible, but true story. He realized that Cameron might not feel the same way he felt, but he plunged ahead anyway.

“The carefully planned and well executed attack on Germany’s Jews was carried out on the nights of November ninth and tenth, nineteen thirty-eight. A scant ten months prior to the beginning of WWII; Hitler had already shown his true colors by taking back the Rheinland from the French in 1936, he sent troops to Spain, annexed Austria etc.” Stated Dieter in a somber tone.

He continued to speak without waiting for Cameron to reply. Cameron sat in his comfortable chair and listened attentively.

Dieter stated. “Those of us who lived here were totally unaware of the historical importance of November 9th and 10th, 1938. To those of us living in Niedergeyer it was a great day in sports history. We had for the first time in almost a century of organized sports won the Divisional Soccer Championship. We were all proud of my best friend, Erik Goldmann. He had single-handedly scored all four goals, and won the game for us. We had no idea that today was also the beginning of Hitler’s horrible plot to destroy all of the Jews in Germany and eventually Europe.”

Dieter paused for a second to wipe a small tear from his right eye. Cameron was amazed to see this somewhat sentimental emotion from Dieter. Cameron had never seen him shed a tear, not for anyone or anything.

Dieter regained his composure, took a deep breath and settled in to his chair. He grabbed one of his favorite cigars and lit up. He was so enthralled, that he forgets to offer Cameron one.

“On this evil and eventful day, Hitler had instructed Dr. Joseph Goebels, the Propaganda Minister, and then Brigadefuehrer (Brigadier+) Reinhard Heydrichs, Himmler’s Deputy, to carry out the carefully planned and well executed attack on Germany’s Jews. This obnoxious and cruel event took place on the night of 9-10 November, 1938.” Continued Dieter with firmness in his voice.

“I am sure you know most of this, but it will give you a historical perspective to the whole drama that occurred on those dates.” Stated a somewhat bombastic Dieter.

“A violent storm of anti-Semitism broke out throughout Germany. The well-coordinated attacks struck fear throughout the land. It seemed as if this horrible plot to destroy all Jewish businesses, places of worship and schools might succeed after all.” Dieter continued without a single interruption from Cameron.

“As you know Cameron, they used the murder of a German consular official in Paris, Ernst von Rath was his name, and by a strange coincidence he was an avid anti-Nazi. The perpetrator was a deranged Jewish refugee, and his action was the excuse, justification and catalyst for the beginning of “The Night of the Crystal, AKA Krystalnacht.” Stated Dieter with passion and conviction in his voice.

“In retrospect Herschel Grynzpan, the Jewish assassin, could not have picked a worse time to commit this murder. Some historians have even hinted at the possibility of a German Nazi conspiracy in this hideous and bizarre plot.” Dieter took a sip of his brandy and a puff of his cigar and continued without interruption.

“The unabated and violent action continued for more than two days. Just about every Jew in Germany was either directly or indirectly affected by this action.” Stated Dieter.

“Do you know why it was called Krystalnacht (Night of the Crystal) Cameron?” Asked Dieter as he looked at Cameron.

“No! I don’t, but I am sure you will tell me.” Replied a curious Cameron.

“Just about every Jewish shopkeeper in Germany had his front window smashed or damaged by the Nazi goons. There was broken glass lying everywhere, therefore ‘Night of the Crystal.’ On those two nights there was around a hundred Jews murdered or seriously injured. The figures vary greatly, but one thing is sure, there was great devastation throughout the land. Approximately 200 synagogues were burned to the ground. Even our own synagogue in Niedergeyer was destroyed by fire. You could also say that these two evenings were the official ‘Coming Out Party’ for the Nazis.” Finished a somewhat drained Dieter.

After taking another long swig from his brandy, Dieter looked at Cameron with a somewhat inquisitive glance.

“Are you really interested in hearing the rest of the story, as it really happened?” Asked Dieter.

“Of course I am. Maybe this will help me in my current investigation. The more I know about the past, the more it will help me in the future. I need to have a better understanding of what the German Jews went through, and also what the rest of the population suffered.” Replied Cameron, as he sat back on his leather chair and stared at Dieter.

“I will try tell it like was, exactly as I remember it. My memory plays tricks on me sometime, but I will try to be as truthful as I can.” Dieter finished with a sigh and a frown.

“OK, Dieter, I am sure you will do the story justice.” Stated Erik.

'Das Haus' the House and the Son of the Rabbi

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