Читать книгу 'Das Haus' the House and the Son of the Rabbi - Sean Ryan Stuart - Страница 7


Chapter 1

The Beginning

Cameron Clark is sitting in his new F-250 Ford Heavy Duty Turbo Diesel pick-up and loving every moment of it. He is driving westbound on an extremely busy Highway 50 towards his home near Sacramento, California. Traffic this time of day is just awful in both directions, and just to make matters worst today, a westbound big-rig truck flipped on its side, spilling twenty-tons of tomatoes. This swamp of future spaghetti sauce has ground the afternoon traffic to a halt. One hundred-five degrees has turned the tomatoes into a red, gooey mess, which no one can escape from.

As Cameron sits in this quagmire of pollution and red contamination, he reflects on his ‘New’ truck. There is something magic about the smell of a new vehicle, he thinks to himself. There is nothing quite like it. Many deodorizer manufacturers have attempted to duplicate that new smell, but without much success. The odor is almost addicting, he thinks to himself. He is brought out of his daydream when a bright red Mustang cuts in front of him and slams on its brakes. This sudden maneuver forces him to do the same, and allowing Cameron to find an open lane. Before you can say 7.3 Liter Turbo Diesel, Cameron is cruising along at just under seventy-five miles an hour and listening to his favorite talk show host on KFBK AM 1530, Sacramento, California.

Listening to the afternoon news and talk shows had become a daily routine. As a freelance writer he had the opportunity to pretty much choose his subject matter, and he relied on this popular news station for many of his tips. However today, he had some interesting news for his family. Jerry Kunstoff, the Chief Editor and owner of the Sacramento Daily Recorder, a major local newspaper, and several other newspapers both in the USA and abroad. Jerry had hired Cameron to write a series of expose articles on the “New Germany.” Could a “United New Germany” once again pose a threat to the world?

Sacramento and the surrounding communities had recently been the target of several right-wing/neo-Nazi attacks, and there was a strong belief by Jerry and the newspaper staff, that Nazi sentiments still existed in Germany, and perhaps they were the puppet masters to these many acts of hate and terrorism. Was there a worldwide conspiracy? Were some of the European, American or Muslim radicals somehow united? Was there an international plot? Were some of the prison gangs such as the Aryan Brotherhood, (AB), White Order, etc. also involved? Jerry was extremely interested in finding out and he knew that Cameron was his man. After all, Cameron has spent nearly four years “in country” and he was also married to a German girl.

Cameron’s new assignment had many interesting facets to it. It was in a political arena, which greatly held his interest, and he only hoped that he was up to it. His entire prior career was going to be sorely tested by this assignment. Cameron had made an effort to keep his overseas contacts alive and he was convinced they might come in handy one day soon.

This new adventure reminded him of one of those WWII black and white propaganda films. The plot was usually very simple, a tough young reporter is sent to Berlin a few months prior to our entry into WWII. The hero is usually chased by a great film Nazi character, played by such notable actors as Basil Rathbone or Hans Conreid and chased throughout Germany. Of course there always is beautiful girl involved, and it all happily ends on the Swiss border, steps ahead of the evil Nazis. However in this plot, Cameron now had to be worried about his wife and daughter and the reality of our turbulent world.

Cameron was personally very excited, and extremely surprised that his new boss, Jerry Kunstoff, was as ebullient as he was. Jerry, a forty-year veteran in the journalism wars rarely got excited, but today, he was as nervous and feral as a virgin on her first romantic interlude. Cameron was happy to have the opportunity for this interesting and stimulating job. It had been a long time since he had such a rewarding position and he was bound and determined to make the most of it.

'Das Haus' the House and the Son of the Rabbi

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