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So many and varied are the conditions, positions, and classes of the human Race that it is impossible to number them; and yet there is not one of these but has its special duties and responsibilities, and it is in the proper fulfilment of these that man finds his happiness both in the present life and in that which is to come. If it were not so, people would certainly run away from their obligations, so hard and impossible do many of them appear.

As it is the hope of success and promise of happiness give man the power and will to work heartily and with much self-sacrifice in that state of life in which it has pleased God to place him.

Perhaps of all the conditions and positions of life there is not one which exceeds in importance that of the Mother of a family; if this be faithfully and capably occupied there is no limit to the happiness it creates. And of all the responsibilities and duties this involves there are none of more consequence than those of the Mother to her children.

I have often desired to set before Mothers their duties towards their children in a little book, and have frequently been about to commence it. and yet up to this time I have hesitated, doubting my power to deal with these duties in an able and efficient manner.

At last I have made the attempt to collect together the most prominent of these into a little book and I earnestly wish that I could give this personally into the hands of every Mother, and at the same time beg each and all to lay these duties to heart, I would say "Perform your duties towards your children right faithfully, so that your earthly life, even though it be filled with trouble and care and impose on you a heavy yoke, may yet be full of promise for a happy eternity.''

Nor would I less earnestly place before Mothers the duties they owe to themselves, for then only can they fulfil their duty to their children with happy and successful results, then only can they be sure of help from above. Again I say "Observe these duties imposed upon you by the Eternal Father to whose honor and glory they must be performed! And as it is part of our Faith that man needs help from above for all good things, so behave towards God as well brought up children behave to you when they want something viz. come and ask. Thus seek help from God by prayer and strive to be worthy; aid to the worthy it will certainly be given."

And if I make it my concern that Mothers should be able to perform their duties well I also offer to help them as much as in me lies so long; as I live.

Therefore listen, all you Mothers who read this little book and who wish to bring up your children according to its precepts. If you will lay before the Eternal God an important affair then say one little prayer for me, and L on my part will never forget to entreat the Father of Mercies for yon in the daily service of our Holy Church.

Do you, Mothers, consent to this contract? Then is my word pledged to you and I will fulfil my part of it.

So now. little book, go forth into the world like the "Water-Cure", seek out the Mothers, tell them what to do and what to omit.

It will go both well and ill with thee for nothing good escapes persecution.

If you are well received be content, for you have accomplished something; if you are repulsed bear it with equanimity.

I meant well when I wrote this for the Mothers and I will, during my life, remember the Mothers in my prayers and should this be still read when I have gone home even there I will not forget the Mothers.

I should like this little book to be regarded as a Christmas present because its first appearance was made at this season and my wish for the years that follow will be that all Mothers should order their lives and the bringing up of their children according to the rules laid down here and so obey God.

The Care of Children

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