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How should Parents care for their Souls?

If I have advised mothers how to care for their bodies advice for which I can answer — there is yet another duty even more important viz. that of the care of their souls and those of their children.

A holy Advent period begins when a Mother observes that her body is blessed.

Both husband and wife should at once and together consecrate their child to God the Lord and make plans for its good upbringing when it shall be born to them.

I will give the Mothers a few hints on this subject and that which I say to Mothers concerns the Fathers also — they must urge their wives on in these matters and help them to follow out the advice I give.

If you Mothers would be happy, and have happy children, practice diligently your first and most sacred duty, that of your Religion.

If you do this, there will be hope that in the hearts of your children religion will have a place. A Mother should be able to pray well. The tie which binds her to her God will also embrace her children. A good Mother will all the more earnestly fulfil her religious duties seeing that her prayers and praises to the loving Father are for her children as well as for herself.

Christian Parents have a good prospect of having Christian children.

The Mother should preserve herself from every evil temper and passion.

If a Mother is proud, will not the pride which fills her whole being be shared also by her children? If a Mother is angry and this anger is often repeated her child will come into the world with the same unhappy temper. Of this there is no manner of doubt. How often we hear "The son is just as passionate as his father and the daughter as proud as the Mother; they have not stolen the anger and pride."

I once heard the remark made on an unhappy person "He has committed a crime and is worthy to be hung, a condition in which his father has long been."

If Parents in their youthful days have led a disorderly life, and later on wish to take their children to task for a similar course, it is very often flung scornfully back at them "You were no better yourself."

I knew a father whose vice was drunkenness in fact he drank himself to death. He had three sons, all of whom were inveterate drunkards and died early.

To the Mothers however I again address an earnest word: "Subdue every passion while in certain conditions." Avoid for instance strife and quarrels, for nothing is more harmful than such excitement.

Be gentle in spirit and consider that "Blessed are the meek in spirit for they shall inherit the land!"

Pray for daily bread! If you have this, be content and not over anxious. Avoid avarice and covetousness in order that this ugly craving for earthly possessions may not be handed down to your children and make them lose sight, all too easily, of their eternal inheritance. If you desire to control the evil within you, so that it be not imparted to you children, love the Lord your God with all your strength and pray of Him the needful help.

Use right diligently the means for the healing of your souls, that the souls of your children be not tainted beforehand.

If you are rich in virtue, the disposition to virtue will pass on to your children, who will develop virtue and who will be to thee pure fountains of comfort and joy.

Many young Wives think they ought when in that special condition to sit about and do nothing and eat and drink industriously. This is quite a mistake. Rather fulfil the duties of your calling more zealously and conscientiously than before; fulfil them for the love of God and in God's name.

Work brings a blessing to every man and a double blessing to Mother with child.

Moderate work is healthy for Mothers in this condition, it gives appetite for the regular simple meals, and helps to digest the food, and moreover their children will bring into the world with them a distinct inclination for work.

In any case. Mothers, do your part not to plant in your children that dangerous thing dislike to work.

Guard yourselves from everything immoderate, from too great exertion and from any severe blow or fall.

Be convinced that the work imposed by the Creator on all men will bring you Mothers more happiness and more blessing than laziness and daintiness.

The Care of Children

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