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Alternating Nodes: When leaves grow at different heights on the axis, not directly opposite each other but in succession, alternating sides.

Blue Dot: This is a California Medical Strain found at many of dispensaries. A med patient in Sonoma created it.

It was originally called MGB, for Medical Grade Bud; primarily Sativa.

Clone: A genetically identical copy.

Cloning : Taking cuttings from a mother plant and making clones.

Flowering Stage: This is the last stage of a plant. It produces seeds and fruit in this stage. Changing of seasons, shorter days and shorter light periods trigger flowering. It is critical that a plant gets at least 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness every 24 hours to induce flowering.

Indica: Short thick plants, broad leaves, darker green, flavors from stinky skunk to fruity sweet. Origins traced back to Afghanistan, Nepal and Tibet. More of a body stone. Indoor grower’s favorite types.

Lumen: The unit of measure for the light energy which flows in air.

Mango: Mango is a versatile plant that can be grown indoors as well as outdoors. The buds are very large, like Big

Bud, and harvest is early with high yields. Mango’s buds are colorful and her taste is sweet. If you like Bubblegum or Juicy Fruit, you will like Mango.

Mother Plant: A plant that is kept in a vegetative stage and used for cloning.

Necrotic: Discolored, dead.

Nodes : The point on a stem where a leaf is attached or has been attached; joint.

Pistils: The female organs of a flower.

Secondary Growth: The branch growing off of a branch that comes from the main stalk.

Sensemilla: Flowering tops which are free of seeds from being grown in a pollen-free environment.

Stretch: The growth of spacing between nodes. Usually stretching is exaggerated when there is a shortage of light.

Vegetative Stage: This is the primary growth stage of a plant. The plant needs to be under 18-24 or hours of light to stay in this stage.

Marijuana Buds for Less

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