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The earliest dates associated

with marijuana are “7000-8000

B.C. First woven fabric

is believed to be from hemp.”

DrugWarRant.com by Peter Guither

This too shall pass.


The cube is kept moist and the light is kept on 24 hours a day (the CFL is never turned off). The plant pushes towards the sky and reveals its embryonic leaves (cotyledons). If you are growing without a rockwool cube and have planted your seed directly in the soil, you may need to water your plant with a few tablespoons of water every day to keep the young tender roots of your seedling from drying out. Young roots need to be moist. As long as you only use a few tablespoons (milliliters) a day, you will not have to worry about over watering. The CFL should be approximately 2-3 inches (5-7 cm) from the seedling.

Marijuana Buds for Less

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