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Consciousness is the most complex concept. The elusive, subtle, tangible only when everything that is not its constituent part, is separated by the reflection of the intellect.

Conscious and unconscious. These are two categories by which we can share everything that we know in this world. Conscious is a consciousness, whose nature is to realize. Unconscious is a matter that is incapable of knowing anything.

Consciousness is an observer, a “conscious” of what surrounds him. Someone realizes himself to be a man, a god, an animal, a man, a woman, looking at what kind of body he occupies and observes. Naturally, awareness is impossible without a material body consisting of intellect, ego, feelings and other elements. Consciousness is aware of the matter, and the matter exists for its being realized, seen by consciousness.

Consciousness can be separated by reasoning, but in its pure form, if one removes matter, it can not perform its function – to be aware, for an object is required for this, that is, matter. For example, vision in the absence of light cannot perform its function – to observe objects, although the vision itself does not cease to exist. Therefore, these two dimensions – consciousness and matter, are always in contact.

There is an opinion that consciousness as such does not exist, there is an intellect or mind. But we know that the intellect can be different, and the function of consciousness is the same for all. For example, in a cinema hall, a lot of people watch a movie. Each viewer can have his own attitude to the plot of the film, depending on the level of intelligence, but all are equal in one thing, that they are watching, contemplating or realizing what is happening. Consciousness is a spectator, and conclusions, thoughts and emotions are a material intellect. The function of the viewer or observer is inherent in all and is the same for all.

There may be another objection. That consciousness is one of the qualities of intellect, and there is no need to separate it into an independent category. But once the intellects are different, which means that they are compound, and therefore belong to matter. Then what are these tools for? Cinema exists for the viewer, not for itself. Intellect is a tool for the intellectual activity and for the creation of solutions that consciousness observes. Therefore, the existence of consciousness as separate from the category of the matter is more grounded.

Someone can say that consciousness is a part of matter, a kind of conscious matter. Let it be so. All the same, there are still two categories that are conscious matter and an unconscious one. Therefore, further, we will call everything unconscious as “the matter”.

One exists for another. Matter exists for consciousness, and it can consist of parts, take different forms, and consciousness can realize it. Consciousness has no parts by definition of the eternal principle of immutability, described above. Everything that is invariable is eternal, not divisible, it is elementary. Matter in its elementary form, in the wave field of the intellect, can take different compound forms, producing qualities and so on. Both categories have eternal being. The forms that matter accepts are temporary. This we see from our own experience.

The viewer is immutable, and the cinema or matter is in constant change or movement.

Consciousnesses are the same because they are homogeneous. The presence of qualities would endow them with a component part. So it would be a changeable being. The eternal unchanging, it is always indivisible, elementary, in fact. Good consciousness, bad consciousness, and so on would make it consisting of two-parts – consciousness plus quality. Hence follows the possibility of destruction. The quality itself does not have consciousness, and therefore, it refers to matter.

What causes matter to create the universe? Presence of consciousness. Apparently, the mechanism of the deployment of the matter is arranged in this way. The presence of consciousness includes the mechanism for unfolding the universal cinema of matter. Its purpose is to exist for the consciousness and unfold the universe for it. The presence of consciousness is a constant catalyst for the initiation of a cyclic chemical-biological reaction of matter, under which the unfolding and subsequent folding of the universe takes place. As a cinema is intended for the viewer, and not for itself, matter reacts to consciousness and serves its main function – to be conscious. If you remove the viewer, then there is no meaning in showing something. One serves the other, thereby ensuring the mutual functioning of both.

If we assume that matter is pushed by the desire of consciousness, then consciousness again becomes compound. Consciousness plus desire. And therefore the constant being of such a consciousness is impossible.

Therefore, we come to the conclusion: the being of consciousness is eternal, the consciousness has no qualities, is indivisible, has no form and is inactive.

There is another opinion that consciousness is integral, and is only one. Every consciousness is a continuation of the consciousness of god, who is conscious of everything, immediately penetrating into all bodies. But in our experience, this is not observed.

We are aware, for example, that I am now a person with a certain body and name, but at the same time, we are only aware of one body. We do not feel like our relative, friend, casual passer-by or dog in the yard.

If consciousness is indivisible, then how is the simultaneous, independent awareness of all bodies possible? In a dream, we can feel like a king or a bird, but in one moment of time, as well, only in one body.

The plurality of consciousnesses is more substantiated and complies with our experience and logical conclusion. Unity of consciousness is possible only in identity with each other. The number of consciousnesses is equal to the number of combinations of the elements of matter, or varieties of intellect.

The Ultimate Question. The Theory of Everything

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