Читать книгу The Ultimate Question. The Theory of Everything - Сергей Окулов - Страница 7



Any change is a sign of matter. Change is inherent only in the composite principle. Everything that has form, difference and change refers to matter.

In our experience, we know that everything cannot have its origin from anything. People are born from people, birds from birds, trees from trees.

In everything, there is a structure, an algorithm of matter. Elementary particles or waves, then atoms, molecules, all of them are material objects.

What is indestructible? It is this what does not have parts, and is homogeneous. The element from which matter is made up, has a constant being and the being of consciousness is also indestructible.

The matter is that which has no consciousness that it is always changing, compound, has qualities, has eternal being.

So what exactly are we? How is this determined? What do we consist of? This is the most difficult question. How to separate ourselves from matter, to understand the boundary between us?

Let’s try to separate ourselves (consciousness) from matter with our reasoning. To do this, we define its components.

Three qualities

If we consider in general, then for us there are three qualities of this world, It’s good, bad, and neutral. The matter has these three states all the time, and the whole world is divided into them.

Good is – Virtue – corresponds with light, knowledge, purity, clarity, calmness, power, pleasure.

Bad is Passion – this is suffering, pain, greed, anger, envy, fear, defenselessness.

Neutral is Ignorance – indifference, inertia, numbness, darkness.

All these qualities are manifested simultaneously, but the percentage of each individual is different. Virtue prevails in the best of people, passion in ordinary people, and ignorance in animals and plants.

Like the three colors green, red and blue. When mixed, millions of shades are formed. So the qualities of the intellect and the bodies of beings are manifold. So all the constituent parts of matter in each individual have their own shade, which is made up of these three qualities.

The Ultimate Question. The Theory of Everything

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