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The tactics of the Achaean chariots in battle


One of the keys to understanding the process of the genesis of the chariot today is the radiocarbon date for the construction of 32 burials of the Great Ipatovsky Barrow – the XXIII century BC. as the most probable. This fact allows us to speak about the inclusion of a circle of Manych catacomb monuments in the area of chariot formation. The Sintashta interval of dating dates back to 1970—1770 (2030—1750). BC. To the same period belongs a vessel from the State Historical Museum (hereinafter – GIM) pic.24. The vessel shows a schematic image of the chariot. In the same way, these tribes used the meander in the cult objects, and there are numerous finds of lobular temporal rings of gold attributed to the same period, as well as boat-shaped wooden cups found in swamps, with a head in the form of a duck swan. Such a find, only a cup of crystal, found in Mycenae, dates back to the 16th century. BC. Lobular temporal rings are found in Troy, and, therefore, can be dated from the same 17th-18th century BC. or earlier. The lobed temporal rings in pic.17 from the collection of the GIM belong to the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. But cultural unity is obvious.

pic. 24 Vessel from SHM, Moscow. Abashevskaya culture.

Most likely, according to Taylor, this culture was brought to Greece by representatives of one of the nomadic tribes from the steppes of Eurasia. According to Taylor in the form of vases, a resemblance to metal products can be seen. Ceramic products, similar to the gray minyan pottery, were found by archaeologists throughout North-West Turkey, they have distinct signs of Troy VI ceramics, which indicates a homogeneous population of this region of Asia Minor in the early 2nd millennium BC. and the founding of the sixth settlement around the 19th century. BC. It can be argued that representatives of this culture brought to Greece, Egypt, and the Far East the art of making and using chariots. Practically simultaneous appearance of similar ceramics in two separate but not very distant territories suggests that both Troy and Greece were invaded by the same invaders. It is commonly believed that they brought to Greece and one of the forms of the Greek language. The bearers of this culture came from the east, passing through the northern Anatolian plateau in Troy. Indeed, the Mycenaean ceramics are in some ways similar to gray products from the northeast of Iran. The invaders brought with them new types of weapons, primarily cavalry and chariots, which played a decisive role in keeping the occupied territories. For the first time, the horses’ bones were found in the TroyVI along with minyan products, possibly a wave of invaders penetrating Greece, brought with them horses. Most likely, according to Taylor, this culture was brought to Greece by representatives of one of the nomadic tribes from the steppes of Eurasia. According to Taylor in the form of vases, a resemblance to metal products can be seen. Ceramic products, similar to the gray minyan pottery, were found by archaeologists throughout North-West Turkey, they have distinct signs of Troy VI ceramics, which indicates a homogeneous population of this region of Asia Minor in the early 2nd millennium BC. and the founding of the sixth settlement around the 19th century. BC. It can be argued that representatives of this culture brought to Greece, Egypt, and the Far East the art of making and using chariots. Practically simultaneous appearance of similar ceramics in two separate but not very distant territories suggests that both Troy and Greece were invaded by the same invaders. It is commonly believed that they brought to Greece and one of the forms of the Greek language. The bearers of this culture came from the east, passing through the northern Anatolian plateau in Troy. Indeed, the Mycenaean ceramics are in some ways similar to gray products from the northeast of Iran. The invaders brought with them new types of weapons, primarily cavalry and chariots, which played a decisive role in keeping the occupied territories. For the first time, the horses’ bones were found in the Troy VI along with minyan products, possibly a wave of invaders penetrating Greece, brought with them horses. The first evidence in the Near East of the use of wheels with spokes belong to the XIX – XVII centuries. BC., These are images on Syrian seals. Most brightly and fully in the Middle East, the chariot complex manifested itself only in the XVIII – XVI centuries. BC. – during the period of the Egyptian conquest of Egypt. Note that the Egyptian and Syrian-Palestinian battle chariots, horse harnesses are represented in the form of an already established set of objects and technologies. In Greece, the chariot complex appears relatively late, not earlier than the 16th century. BC. The main evidence of origin is associated with the IV Shaft tomb in Mycenae and not very numerous iconographic sources of this time from Tiryns. The invention of chariots caused a revolution in military affairs. Outcome of Whole battles and the fate of states depended on their swift attack on the battlefield. It is difficult to say when exactly the first chariots appeared, but it is reliably known that they existed since the beginning of the III millennium BC in Mesopotamia. Ritual and battle chariots archeologists found on the territory of the ancient city of Kish, the ancient city-state of Ur and in Transcaucasia. In many museums of the world there are objects with the image of chariots, their clay and bronze models. Recently found in the South Urals burials with chariots allowed to clearly link the Middle Eastern and Far Eastern harnesses of the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. As you know, the Aryan tribes buried their warriors with horses in chariots. The oldest chariot known to scientists of the classical type, not from the Mesopotamia, was discovered near the Krivoye Ozero (Chelyabinsk region), on the archaeological site of the Sintashta culture, and dates back to 2000 BC. The chariot came to the southern part of the Balkan peninsula along with horses in the first half of the 16th century. and this fully agrees with the mythological tradition (the myth of Danae and Egypt, about how the Danes were driven out of Egypt). The chariot, already in a rather perfect form, we meet for the first time on three stelae V of the mine grave of circle A in Mycenae. Obviously, the chariot could not appear among the Achaeans on its own, in the process of centuries-old evolution from a simple wagon – it was borrowed by them. In regard to the place where the Greeks borrowed the chariot, there are two main versions, which can be called eastern and northern. So, often the area of borrowing is the Levant. Indeed, the Mycenaean relations with the Syro-Phoenician region can not be denied, but the similarities in the construction of the Mycenaean and Levantine teams are not yet proof of such borrowing. Under the Hyksos pharaohs, and after the overthrow of this dynasty, the main force of the Egyptian army was the two-wheeled chariots, were also the core of the Mesopotamian armies, re-armed to the «Aryan» mode. Initially, the most prominent representatives of the emerging Mycenaean states had the team in Greece. It was they who fought with chariots, both with a bow and with the help of a spear, which required direct contact with the enemy and possible dismounting. The bulk of the troops consisted of infantrymen. The battle in this period was of a «heroic» individual character, since the society itself was at the stage of «military democracy». After the constitution of statehood, the Achaean kingdoms became bureaucratic monarchies of the eastern type, where the palace was the center of production and distribution. But rather, the Achaean states formed as an apparatus of violence in the conquest, because in later time free citizens did not pay taxes, and in the Pylonsk plaques there is evidence of taxation. Such a state mechanism could contain an army, giving it weapons, food, providing land and all this keeping the troops under constant control. In this period (XV – XIII centuries.) Charioteers, as in the East, were a privileged social stratum. Chariots received from the imperial arsenals the most expensive elements of their weapons – armor, they were given out of stables by horses, and from storage – by chariots. Personal weapons chariot fighters probably had their own. May 15, 1468 BC. held the first documented battle in history – Megiddo, where the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III fought against the Canaanite kings. A brilliant military commander, Thutmose III, personally leading the war chariots placed in the center, defeated scattered Syrian-Palestinian troops. The most important chariot battle in ancient history is the Battle of Kadesh (1299 BC), in which up to seven thousand chariots participated from the Egyptians, the Hittites and the Syrians. How did the famous ancient Greek heroes from the «Iliad» of Homer fight?

«No, so that no one, on the art of riding and on the strength of a reliable,

Before others did not blaze ahead with matches to fight or back to address: you weaken yourself.

Who else in his chariot will come the chariot, set the peak forward: the best way for the cavalry.

So doing, and the ancient walls, and hailstones were smashed, the mind and spirit of this kind kept in valiant body».

«Homer, «Iliad»

Homer believed that they dismounted before the battle or fought a throwing dart weapon and fired arrows from bows. It is clear that no one saw the true picture of the battle, or, rather, did not believe in ancient stories. «Quickly the hero with a chariot with weapons spun on the ground; Sharp spears hesitating, circling around the militia, Spilling the fire into battle; and he raised a terrible scourge, the Trojans turned to battle and stood in the face of the Argives. «Homer, The Iliad. But all the same fight was conducted by chariot fighters with shock long spears, in the manner of medieval knights. The structure of the chariots was comparatively free, linear, for possible maneuver. The goal was to knock down the enemy’s chariot from the chariot, and the spear had to break, otherwise the impulse would throw the warrior out of the chariot. In the event of an attack by the chariot fighters of enemy infantry, the maneuver was even more complicated. The chariot was to attack the infantry not in the forehead, in the front, but at an acute angle – that is, the driver of the rules along the enemy’s system, and the soldier pierced the infantry with a heavy spear. If the chariot fighter used the ramming blow, the spear broke, and the warrior used a spare. Horses, unlike fighting elephants, can not push the infantry. Therefore, the chariots can not and could not break through the infantry system, they only inflicted huge damage on the infantry, remaining invulnerable. Also, later, the klibanarii acted against the infantry at a later time – they drove up to the ranks, inflicted a terrible blow with a spear, and drove away, remaining invulnerable. And the rider’s spear must have broken, otherwise he could fly out of the saddle. And that’s where the message about the sickles on the wheels of the Persian war chariots – they would be effective when attacking at an acute angle to the formation, and not in the frontal attack. During the attack of the infantry, therefore, the chariots on the battlefield made a maneuver in the form of a figure eight, repeatedly calling in an attack on the infantry and making a maneuver of evasion. The infantry were rescued from destruction by their own chariots, attacking the enemy and not allowing them to deal with defenseless infantry. The function of the infantry basically consisted in supporting battle chariots, saving heroes, pulling out the wounded, and filing new copies. Later, in the Macedonian era, such a function was with the hypospists, they supported the Eters in battle. And so it was at the Battle of Heronie that the Macedonian Eaters destroyed the holy Theban detachment – approaching the Thebans with an expanded formation and hitting them with spears from a safe distance, returning alternately for a new blow with a spear. But not allowing to form a dump, that is, the attack of the Macedonians is similar to the work of a sewing machine – they destroyed the Thebans little by little. Also the Parthians destroyed the legions of Crassus. But an important secret was in the training of charioteers. All Achaean heroes, and Hercules, and Achilles, and Ajax, were chariot fighters. The process of preparation began from childhood, about this there were stories about the childhood of Achilles and Hercules. Achilles was given up in training to Chiron. He was even taught medicine. But the main thing was not in this. By behavioral reflexes and it is obvious that they received stimulants, for all the symptoms, obviously on the basis of ephedrine or methamphetamine. Ephedra aphylla – ephedra leafless (Ephedra aphylla Forssk). Epineph distachya is found in the south of the European part of Russia and in the steppes of Western Siberia. Ephedra major Host (Ephedra procera Fisch) is marked in intermountain hollows and longitudinal valleys in the North Caucasus and Dagestan. Ephedrine is a poisonous alkaloid, a plant-based psychostimulant. The substance is contained along with pseudoephedrine in various kinds of ephedra that grows in mountains of Central Asia and Western Siberia.The mechanism of action. Ephedrine activates α- and β-adrenoreceptors.As to the effect on the peripheral part of the sympathetic nervous system, the substance is similar to adrenaline, but its action is more mild and prolonged. ephedrine stimulates the central nervous system in a specific way, in the sympathetic system, the nerve nodes are outside the organs, and in the stressful situation, their activation becomes active, as a result, a person can run very quickly to escape persecution, or stand barefoot in the snow without feeling frostbite and The mobilization of all the body’s defenses takes place, which is sometimes accompanied by the release of adrenaline, and all domestic energy reserves are channeled into the fight against the danger. It is difficult to drive an organism into this state in a natural way, but it becomes possible, considering the effect of ephedrine on the body. It activates receptors, as a result of which processes are started that require significant energy inputs: pressure increases; heart rate increases; increased blood glucose; the tone of the muscles of the skeleton increases. The use of ephedrine leads to the fact that the intellectual and physical abilities of a person increase sharply, he feels vivacity, clarity of mind, is in high spirits. In fact, the substance «spurs» the body, acting as a whip. By pharmacological action – sympathomimetic, stimulates α- and β-adrenergic receptors, acting on varicose thickenings of efferent adrenergic fibers, promotes the release of norepinephrine into the synaptic cleft. In addition, it has a weak stimulating effect directly on adrenoreceptors. It causes vasoconstrictive, bronchodilating and psychostimulating action. Increases the overall peripheral vascular resistance and systemic arterial pressure, increases the minute volume of blood circulation, heart rate and heart rate, improves atrioventricular conductivity; increases the tone of skeletal muscles, the concentration of glucose in the blood. It inhibits intestinal peristalsis, dilates the pupil (without affecting accommodation and intraocular pressure). By psycho-stimulating action is close to amphetamine. It inhibits the activity of monoamine oxidase and catechol-O-methyltransferase. Has a stimulating effect on α-adrenergic receptors of blood vessels in the skin, causing narrowing of dilated vessels, thereby reducing their increased permeability, leading to a reduction in swelling in hives. Chronic use. The most common consequence is thrombophlebitis, vein thrombosis. Also, chronic use develops mental disorders associated with depletion of the nervous system (asthenia, neurosis, etc.), depression, psychosis (with delusional and / or hallucinatory symptoms). Now I will try to say so, to tell about the obvious, according to indirect data, constant use of amphetamines by Achaean heroes. 1. Incredible power; 2. Absolutely unpredictable character, unprovoked aggression; 3. Mood swings, including an absolutely incredible nature, close to pathological. During such attacks, Hercules killed his children and burned them, taking them for demons. During the darkening of consciousness, he killed his brother Iphicles, nearly killed the hero of Telamon. Perhaps part of the news of his exploits is due to his appalling visions. Incidentally, it was precisely after this murder that he was forced to commit 12 of his exploits. Ajax, having accepted the herd of sheep for Trojans, interrupted them, then from shame rushed to the sword. So here it is not accidental, but regularity.

«The double takes me to the grave limit:

If I stay here, before the hail of the Trojans fight,

– No return to me, but my glory will not perish.

If I return to the house, my dear native land,

My glory will perish, but my age will be long,

And it’s not premature for me to die a fateful death.»

Homer, «Iliad»

This choice was in the childhood of Achilles. That is, the choice to become a chariot fighter, to be doomed to a short life, but full of fame and exploits, the Achaeans did voluntarily and consciously. But there was no chance to live long. Obviously, as in the case of Ajax and Hercules, alcohol played the role of trigger reaction. But the advantages, obviously, outweighed the cons. In the midst of a frenzied racing chariot, the fighter had to be able to make very fast decisions and have the rare power to fight under the weight of heavy armor. After the Greeks abandoned the battle chariots for combat, the need for stimulants disappeared.

Crete-Mycenaean culture and religion as part of the Indo-European culture of the Bronze Age of Eurasia

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