Читать книгу The wealth of the great Kingdom - Sezgin Ismailov - Страница 12


The success formula is born by many points of view

It's Monday again, and Max and his team gather together.

-Thank you for your presence, now it's time to tell you my idea about the schools and how they have to be organized. Why they have to be at least three? The reason is based on the fact that for me, it is the only possible option to reach children who do not have the financial capacity but have a talent which can be used to increase the humanity in the kingdoms. Every building have to be built on the way that to welcome them, it will not be a place of learning, but also it will be a place where they will live. There have to have a separate room for living for each student, where he/she to sleep and study independently in their free time. The dining room can be large.There have to have a separate room for books access and the area where they can play sports.

My vision is that they have to be educated on humanities, trade skills, food production for the population and sports. But that task will be the teacher Matt. I hope that we can form a team of volunteers to work on creating together a plan, and textbooks suitable for each individual school. Let's accept the fact that in our Kingdom we agree with the implementation of the cause. However, it is a big question how to finance the schools. My point is easy, I am planning to write a letter to other kingdoms that they to pay for building constructions because the land for it will be from us. For this task, I basically want the respected Daria‘s and the respected Mr. Morris to form a team and to select the most suitable location in the shopping area. The team have to decide where the schools to be positioned to be closest to our palace or far away. Regarding the letter, I will summarize and invite almost every Kingdom I know or I have heard about it. We need also to gather information for each Kingdom from the traders from the trade area.

Letters will be sent to the royal families and also to the nearest to the King’s merchant, they will be with the same messages. That is how, they will have time to communicate with each other before making the decision. I think that not all the kingdoms will agree, but only fifteen or twenty kingdoms to accept things will come in order. The cost of the construction will be clear after we received all of the answers. I plan to distribute the costs among all those who want to support us. Their students will pay only the necessary expenses during their studies. Any other Kingdom that did not participate in the construction will be asked to pay triple the education price, to ensure that the school will not only survive, but also will develop. Regarding the expenses of the children of the poor people, we have to cover them but in a time we will more benefit from it. When a few children achieve something, I know that it will come up, and not only the rich merchants will support them, but also the kings. Of course, in case if the student accepts their support. Therefore, there should be special tests for them. It won't be serious, if every merchant has heard that a child made the most fashionable shirt and to send all children on that school. If it happens like that, we won't have anywhere to put settle them. Therefore, for that children tests and a commission will be conducted. Even I also want to join this committee, of course, if the teachers let me in. At first, it seems very large and difficult to be done, but if we as a team prepare it correctly, obstacles become solvable.

I think we will succeed, because you are behind me and you are giving me a courage. Basically, what I told you is just a summary of all. That does not mean that it will be like that. We are here to gather all possible points of view that can contribute to solving the problem. The respected Shon told you one of the problems and we all agree with it. Dear councillor Anna and Mr. Shon, along with the other councillors, must come to an agreement how all to that to come true. Now when you know that it will not burden our Kingdom with extra expenses, I hope that you will be more ambitious for realizing the idea. On our land the schools will with their money. I'm from people who know everything, but if we succeed, we'll have to build a fourth school to train teachers. Up to ten years we can will hear that other kingdoms also are building schools. That will lead the wheel of the knowledge.

You can give your opinion and think about what I said to you till the next week to supplement or how you see it from this point of view. Now want to ask you for the first reaction.

-You thought very well. It is good that it will not cost any expenses for our Kingdom. I think you'll be in charge of the whole process. For now, there is nothing to worry about if there are more kingdoms which want to support us, but in case that more of the other kingdoms don't want to support us, we have to be prepared for that scenario. – the respected Mr. Shon said.

-Personally, I know that at least six kingdoms will support me. But in order to have more supporters, we also turn to the largest merchants. Those who have a surplus of funds will support us. The moment we set a deadline and they are involved, they will be co-owners of the schools. As a consequence, I know that many people will be interested, but it is important who is with us at the very beginning. - answer Max.

-How you are planning to inform all of the at the same time? -asked the councilwoman Anna.

-The moment we have the consent of the people of the great Kingdom and are ready with the text to the other kingdoms, we will give the letter to many couriers and they will deliver them at the same time. Other kingdoms will need ten days to receive them and they will think about that around ten other days. In the letter we will announced the date when their representatives have to present to show them the places where we are planning to build the schools and how we are planning the to look like. At that meeting, we will explain to them how their investment will be allocated. - Max said

-If there is a Kingdom that the King doesn't want to participate, but his merchant wants is that will be a problem? - asked the esteemed Morris. I am asking because I don't think he/she would will dared to participate without the consent of his/her King.

-No problem, his share should be the same as any of the traders from other kingdoms. - Max said

-Those who will work as teachers, for example, have to do additional work, who will pay them for their time. - asked Mary.

-I hope everyone gets what they deserve. I will speak to the King about it, but that will happen when the councillors approve it. At the moment, I can only afford to pay the people who are here.

-Is there any other questions? - asked Max listened and continued - well, then until next week.

Every meeting together get us closer the final goal. I'll start working on a letter to the other kingdoms, if you Mary has a time. I will be happy if you can help me with it. All others have additional tasks. You do not have additional tasks, so you can help me with the letter. I'll be at the palace. You can always support me with new ideas. Goodbye.

The wealth of the great Kingdom

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