Читать книгу The wealth of the great Kingdom - Sezgin Ismailov - Страница 9


The dream ambitious and motivated a person

He had just arrived for dinner with his family. Max congratulate and take a seat. The Queen did not have patience and asked:

-Max, you're so happy about what happened?

-I was able to select a team. And they all agreed to come on Monday. – answered Max.

They had a dinner and set already in the hall, where everyone had the right to ask questions and a place where they could talk about their problems. The King briefly tell to his family about his daily duties. The Queen directly asked Max to continue with his topic of the day. While he was speaking, they often looked at each other while they were listened to him, because they had never seen him speak with such a passion. When he finished, he waited to see for his parents reaction.

Max, you did the smartest thing you have ever did. You've already half won the trust of these people. Most importantly, I think you have selected the most suitable people who are the keys to open your door. - the King said.

-You did incredibly well. We know you and believe you. Can you prepare for Monday or do you need some help? -the Queen asked.

-Brother, if you need me, I want also to help. At least I can come on Monday to support you with my presence. - his little sister said.

-I won't refuse. I would really like you to stand by me and support me. - answer me, Max.

-Me and your sister will join, we'll be watching from the side, but we do not want to bother other people there. They will not see us, but we will see you. - said the Queen.

-Thank you! - Max said.

And they all went to their rooms.

A few days passed quickly, and Max prepared for what to say to convince these people that his dream goal was good for everyone.

On Monday morning, when he woke up for a breakfast, they wished him luck. The King started doing his duties. The Queen said that they would go up to the library terrace a little earlier, so that the guests would not see them. From above, they will watch and wish Max a good luck.

Max dressed in clothes that were new to look more durable. Other days he was always dressed with normal shirt and trousers, so people didn't know him. But he had to make an impression to others. There was little psychological attitude on that decision. At ten o'clock, the guests were brought one of the palace library by the employees there. Max met them.

-Thank you for responding to my request. Please, sit down, and focus on what I'm going to tell you. There were also sweets and fruit on the table, as well as glasses of water.

-First of all, I want to ask you to look at me as an ordinary person, and not as someone who imposes his opinion. That's why I want you to address me as Max. What is wealth? For me, wealth is health, family that we love, friends that we value and respect to the other people. Then comes knowledge. To deal with everything through our life, we need knowledge. If we have it, we can handle everything in life. For me to have a bag of gold is not a wealth and are not rich. They are the resources and measure of the achievements you have made. For example, everyone wants to become rich and to have gold, but it is simply a quantity measurement for what you gave from yourself for doing something useful to others.

Our Kingdom is one of the best places to live because it takes care for everyone to get as much knowledge as possible, by getting the knowledge it decreases the level of fear, no fear no stress. As long as there is no stress, the person is healthy and happy, because he/she does everything that he/she likes according the rules, without harming others. If we have the knowledge, we know and believe that we will achieve all our goals. If our feelings are positive, our thoughts are focused correctly, our behavior is supported and we realize our dreams. I was travelling for a year and I visited other kingdoms. Compared to our Kingdom, the situation there is tragic. Many kings use their gold to make swords, armor, weapons, and many other things that do not benefit people, they only cause pain to others. In many kingdoms, people live in great poverty. Many people go to bed hungry and cannot afford to think about joy or happiness anymore. All this is caused by ignorance. Ignorance comes from the upbringing that the child receives. That is caused of the lack of the education, how to know if they do not offer them unlimited opportunities for knowledge to each individual. I was personally raised to rule our Kingdom one day. A person who lives in a village thinks that I just walk around the Kingdom is thinking that all day I am demonstrating to everyone greatness. Perhaps in other kingdoms. But according to my teachers, there is hardly a busier student than me. I also studied science and I was subjected to brutal training so that I could be good at any sport. In General, I am a blessing to everyone who has made an effort to make me grow up. I have knowledge and I know what I want, I can do more. My dream is to build schools where we can teach other kingdoms boys and girls. They receive some initial training to apply it to their kingdoms and that to change their way of life.

When we trained everyone, he/she will contribute to each subsequent friend and that how many people will benefit from the knowledge. The truth is that to achieve it, I can go to another Kingdom to do it. When I come back, I will be King and I will achieve it here, too. The question is not whether I will do it, but how do it correctly to be in the best interest of everyone, without harming others. Don't get me wrong. I want you to think about if we build three schools in the trading zone, one school will be for the royal children and one for the sons and daughters of the traders. The third school I want to be for the children of the working class from all kingdoms. There, our teachers will prepare special tests, and only those children who pass will be able to learn. The ability of royal children to learn knowledge enables them to become good masters of their kingdoms and to improve the way of life of their peasants or at least not to interfere their good future. I know that this is a very long process, but we can makes it possible, it will take at least in twenty years to start making the right decisions for their peasants. The children of rich traders, it is quite important to be there. They have the ability to be a catalyst of all that process. They will motivate royal children. If they don't have a chance, then only royal greatness will fail to fulfil the plan. But this is a plus. In every Kingdom, every year it will increase the number of people who have knowledge and education. Gifted children have a chance not only to gain knowledge, but also, they can change their way of life in their kingdoms.

Imagine a child who is a very gifted person and is living in a village in a remote Kingdom. His parents are poor and he have to live his life there, in this village, without giving anything that he/she had and could give to the world. Accept that this child is gifted. With this school, he/she has the opportunity to do something that can benefit everyone and everywhere. Do not think about how we will build it or how and what money we will use to build them.

That is what I will tell you next week. The only thing I want you to think about during this week is whether it is right, whether it is worth to do it at all. Whether it will be useful in any way, whether it is dangerous for our Kingdom and our peasants. This week, use for thinking, talk for it to your family, acquaintances, friends, and even on the street with someone you met by a chance. We are only talking about the idea please do not interfering with how and with what we will be doing it. This is important, we have to do it step by step. I need facts that are not decent, but for the building of the schools. So, I will ask you again for just one idea. Until we resolve this fact, we don't need to move on.

I already have a plan for who will pay, how it will be done, but this is a step-by-step process. You are carefully chosen people with different views. For example, dear Mrs. Daria how you think the life will change if that is achieve that goal. I hope you answer me honestly next week. I believe that after you have discussed it you have created your own opinion on that issue and to know all the details that can be an obstacle to its implementation. If you have any questions, now I will be there to answer you.

-With one word, your actions tell us what you are planning to do, Max. I thought about how long students will be learning there and for what period. - the adviser Anna, asked.

-I know my answer now will not be enough satisfaction, but this is something I'm going to discuss later with teachers and they will decide. But my opinion about royal children it will be enough for them to study there from two to three years old. For the children of traders, only trade and basic knowledge of the humanities sciences will be needed to be known and they can study there a year. For children with talents will be good for them to study there for two years with the possibility of up to three or four years it depends on how good and inventive they are to create something meaningful which to be useful for many people. – answered, Max.

-Will those students have access to our villages, for example, walk around the shopping street in their free time? – the trader Morris asked.

- It's up to what you decide about that. Look at the advantages and disadvantages. I see things from my angle, I hope you can tell me how you see them from your angle, and let me know me if it worthy if we amplify it. - answered, Max.

-I believe that the teachers who will teach them will be from our Kingdom, and the methods will be the same as we teach our children. – said the teacher Matt.

-The idea is that our teachers will use our methods for a short time to enable them to teach them the things they need to know in life in order to get good education and gain knowledge. - answer Max.

- Will be there also children from our Kingdom in these educational institutions? - Mary, the school girl, asked.

- I hope this will make ease the education of the children from other kingdoms while they are watching how children from our Kingdom behave. - answered Max.

-I assume that all the services, such as cooking for those children, sewing clothes for them, and all the services will be offered by people from our Kingdom.

-I suppose if we don't have enough people who would like to serve them, we can invite people from other kingdoms, but I hope you can manage it. You might need to work more, but you will get more employees to help. Even more, my idea is you have the opportunity to teach them your craft at least for at least a year. Thus, they will not only learn humanities science, but also, they will receive a general knowledge about crafts. - answer Max.

-To be honest, what I heard and saw so far, makes me very happy. As a conclusion of my long-lasting experience, I can say that a person really gets a moment of happiness if they manage to help others. That is your attempt to help a lot of people, but you understand that it will take a long time until it moves and comes to fruition. - asked the old man Shon.

-In my opinion, if the first students really pass, start not earlier than in two years. Until then, there is enough time for everything you need. But first we need to think all together about whether this can happen at all. If we reach a consensus. We, who are here must convince the King together. Then we all together have to convince the advisors. As many people from the Kingdom as possible. Then we can move on to the other kingdoms. I have no idea how many kingdoms will participate on the project, it depends on the motivation, but we can write them a letter about it and to mention a deadline for a decision. Your opinion is important for me. It is easy to see the mistakes if you look from the other side. I hope will also tell me what you really think about that. Thank you again for coming and listening me. I hope to see you next week.

Everyone said their goodbyes and left.

Max was left alone in the hall, and then the King, Queen, and the little Princess appeared behind the curtain on the terrace. They came to Max.

-Well done, my boy, I think you did a great job. - the King said.

-I'm proud of you, Max. I support you, and I'm sure you can do it. - the Queen encourage him.

-Well done, brother. You looked like a man who knows what he wants. But why you was looking almost all the time the girl? - his sister asked.

-The Queen and King looked at each other with a smile and looked at Max to see his reaction.

-I don't know, my look stayed on her more than the others. I can't deny it. You know, people always like to look at beauty. – answer Max.

-It's already a time for lunch. This is your attempt to help a lot of people, but you understand that it will take a long time until it moves and comes to fruition. - asked the old man Shon.

- In my opinion, if the first students really pass, start not earlier than in two years. Until then, there is enough time for everything you need. But first we need to think together about whether this will happen at all. If we reach a consensus. We must convince the King together who we are here. Then the advisors are back together. As many people from the Kingdom as possible. Then we move on to the other kingdoms. I have no idea how many kingdoms will participate, it depends on how much motivation, but we will write them a letter and how long they will think. So, I'm counting on your help. Errors from the outside are easier to see. I hope you can tell me. Thank you again for at least coming and listening to me. I hope to see you next week. Everyone said their goodbyes and left.

Max was left alone in the hall, and then the King, Queen, and little Princess appeared behind the curtain on the terrace. They came to Max.

-Well done, my boy, I think you did a great job. - the King said.

-I'm proud of you, Max. I support you, and I'm sure you can do it. - the Queen encourage him.

-Well done, brother. You acted like a man who knows what he's doing. But why you was looking the girl all that time? - his sister asked.

The Queen and the King looked at each other with a slight smile and looked at Max to see his reaction.

-I don't know, it's just that my look stayed on her more than the others. I can't stop it. You know that people prefer to look the beauty. - answered, Max.

-It's already a time for lunch. Let’s go get something to eat, we still have a lot of work to do. - said the King.

-Thank you for supporting me, a person feels more confident when he/she is having support. - Max said and went into the dining room.

The wealth of the great Kingdom

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