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Elisa woke up and saw that the clock read six thirty a.m. “Oh my gosh I have to get up and get a shower and head to the office.” She jumped out of bed waking up Guy.

He turned over. “Well good morning to you too my Mon Cherie.” He smiled.

“I have to be at the office at eight and I need to get ready.”

Guy leaned up and pulled the sheets away from him and got up to get dressed. Elisa could have jumped back into bed with him and made love again but duty called. Guy pulled on his pants and put his shirt on and was buttoning it up. “So will you have dinner with me again tonight Elisa or even lunch today?” Guy asked.

“Not tonight, I want to stay home and go over some reports.” She was going over their quarterly reports for the magazine. “I am so busy that I may just skip lunch all together.” She went into the bathroom and closed the door. He could hear the water running in the shower.

He walked over to the bathroom door and opened it. He walked in. He could see through the shower glass Elisa’s toned and sumptuous body. He took off his clothes and stepped in. Elisa turned around, “Guy, what are you doing?”

“Taking a shower with you Elisa,” he grabbed her and they made love in the shower.

Love Without a Home

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