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Elisa was finishing her bath and was getting dressed for her date with Guy Drakes. She had chosen an off the shoulder cocktail dress that accentuated her features and figure. It was red and had a slit clean up to her hip on her left side. She had worn the necklace, earrings and bracelet that Guy had given her from his store when they met in London.

She had her auburn hair swept up and donned with sparkling jeweled hair pins; also a gift from Guy. She wore her satin high heels and did her make up that made her violet eyes stand out more. She put on her expensive perfume that she got while in London. She took a once over in her full length mirror and was satisfied with the results.

Her housekeeper hollered up that Mr. Drakes was here to see her. “Thank you Cora, I will be down.” Elisa grabbed her diamond studded hand bag and headed down the steps. Guy had his back turned, looking through the Pose magazines on her table in the hall.

He turned around as she came down. “My oh my,” Guy said, “You look like an Audrey Hepburn or a Bettie Davis, no my Mon Cherie, you look better than them.” Elisa smiled feeling herself being subdued by warmth. Guy grabbed her hand and kissed it. “Shall we, I have made reservations at New York’s finest restaurant; nothing but the best for my Cherie.”

Cora bid them farewell and would lock up when she was done. Guy and Elisa walked out into the cool night air to the limousine waiting in front of her townhouse. “Your carriage awaits my dear.” Guy opened the door for her and she slipped in. He got in beside her and they took off. The restaurant where he was taking Elisa knew Guy real well and would make him reservations at the last minute. Even if they were booked up, they would find a way to get him in.

They got to the restaurant and they were taken right to their table. It was Guy’s usual spot where he took all his dates. It was cozy and private, away from the eyes of the other patrons. They sat down and Guy ordered from the waiter their most expensive bottle of wine. “So how are things going with work and you, my dear?” Guy took her hand and kissed it.

“Busy as usual, I have the spring show in Paris in seven months and I had a meeting with my staff. I told them to start with the designs for the spring line and from there I would pick whose was the best, and I would take them with me to Paris. I gave them a month to do it. I am having my photographer right now getting the winter magazine in gear. Otherwise, I am doing fine.”

“You are such a workaholic my Cherie.” Guy smiled not taking his eyes off of her.

“It is a competitive business, the fashion industry. Just as your jewelry business is competitive against other jewelry stores.” Elisa told him taking a sip of her wine.

“You are right on that my dear, but I also take the time to enjoy what free time I do have.” The waiter came back and asked if they were ready to order. Elisa ordered the duck with wine sauce, the mixed vegetables, and a salad. Guy ordered his usual of lamb rare with very little mint sauce, caviar and asparagus. The waiter took their order and left.

“Well, my free time” Elisa said swirling her wine in her glass, “is spent looking at photo shoots and designs. I did not get to be Chief Editor of Pose Magazine by taking numerous vacations, being a wallflower on the wall, not keeping my opinions to myself. I am a go getter, I am a perfectionist, I do not take anything less than the very best, and I keep up with the fashion industry and what my competition is doing. When I am at work, I do not partake in pleasure mixing with business. I do not placate my competitors and I do not allow failure.”

“I am sorry my Cherie, I did not mean to espouse that hard work does not pay off or make you successful, quite the contrary.”

“No, you are right Guy,” Elisa interrupted him, “I do engross myself in my work, but I had to grow up fast and realized that if you want to make it in this world you have to be aggressive and cut throat. My father walked out on my mother and left her to raise two girls alone and work two jobs. I vowed that I would not become like that.

“I made a promise to myself that I would go out and pursue my dreams of fashion and not let anything hold me back. I would always read fashion magazines and see the clothes that I wish I could have, or the kind of clothes that I could design that would one day make a mark on the fashion world, and models would wear down the runway. I accomplished all that Guy and then I went into the business aspect of design and here I am.”

The waiter brought their food. They started eating. “My grandfather started the jewelry business, well in truth,” Guy said between bites, “is that my grandfather was a jewelry designer, he could take any metal whether it was gold, silver, copper, and make the most beautiful jewelry that anybody could want. He passed that along to my father before he died, and when my father died, he had passed that along to me, but I never went into the design aspect of it. I learned everything about jewelry and how to run a jewelry business from them. They taught me everything I know. I hired only the best jewelry makers from around the world to make my jewelry. I have managers who run each store, but I am the overseer of them all. Nothing goes into my store without me inspecting it first, and making sure it is nothing but the best. So, like you Elisa, I run a tight business.”

“I too make sure that only the best designs are picked for my magazine and nothing gets approved without my say.” Elisa added.

“So I would say that you and I are a lot alike in so many ways,” Guy smiled.

“Hmm, I guess we are,” Elisa reiterated.

“Though, I want to ask you again if you would like to go to the Greek Isles with me. We would leave Friday and I would have you back in plenty of time for work Monday. We could sail on my yacht, make love and do some sightseeing, though making love may take away from a lot of that sightseeing,” Guy smiled mischievously.

Elisa sighed; she had not taken a vacation in such a long time because of her career. She was contemplating it. It sounded scrumptious. “Please, Elisa my dear,” Guy said when he saw her being reserved about it. “Just these two days. I will have my private plane all fueled up and we can be there in no time. It is faster than the Concorde.”

He took her hands in his. “I want to spend this weekend with you before I have to go to San Francisco to take care of some business with my store there. I promise I will have you back in plenty of time for your work.” How could she refuse, he was making an offer any woman in her right mind could not refuse. She contemplated it some more before saying,

“Okay, but you better have me back before Monday so I can be back at work.” Elisa implied, pointing her fork at Guy while half smiling.

“Oh thank you my Mon Cherie. You have made me a very happy man.” They finished their dinner and the waiter asked them if they would like anything else, like dessert. They said no and the waiter gave them their bill and took their plates. Guy left the money; with a generous tip for the waiter.

They headed back out to Elisa’s townhouse.

Love Without a Home

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