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This book would not have been possible without the love and support of my husband, Arthur, and our son, Darrell. They were patient with me through all the long hours spent on research and sitting at the computer trying to put the information I had researched into book form.

Many thanks to J. Stuart McLean, B.A., M.L.I.S., former archivist at the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives. While doing other research, if he found any information regarding Black history, no matter how small a tidbit, he would print it or bookmark it for me. I also wish to thank all those many people who assisted me by providing photographs and those who so willing gave of their time to speak with me and share their stories. Also, a thank you to Craig Smith for writing the foreword to this book

I would also like to thank my editor, Jane Gibson, for patiently guiding me through this process; my copy editor, Shannon Whibbs; and Barry Penhale, publisher emeritus of Natural Heritage Books, for all the effort made to bring this to publication.

Africa's Children

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