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This book is dedicated to my parents Lendley Irving Robart, son of John Murray Robart and Alice Augusta (née Wesley) Robart; and Mary Eileen (Smith) Robart, daughter of James Rudolph Smith and Mary Rose (Muise) Smith.

Mary Eileen (Smith) Robart and Lendley Irving Robart. This photo of my parents was taken in the summer of 1979, several months before my father’s death from cancer in March 1980. They were the proud parents of seven children, five girls and two boys. The two boys, unfortunately, passed away at three months of age. My parents’ ingenuity and dedication saw my sisters and me through some extremely rough times. Being able to draw from their strength has made us all better people.

This book is also dedicated to my sister, Rose M. Robart, who wrote the poem “Jude” and went through the manuscript to make sure that each “i” was dotted, each “t” was crossed, and punctuation was in the correct places. Without her help, the work may not have come this far. I love you, Rose. You will be deeply missed and always in my heart.

My sister, Rose M. Robart, wrote the poem “Jude.” Born January 7, 1940, she passed away suddenly at her home in Montreal October 29, 2008. Rose waited patiently and with joyful anticipation for the release of this book, but for her to see the finished product wasn’t meant to be.

Africa's Children

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