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Having a full physical


You can see either your primary care physician (PCP) or your gynecologist for a checkup — or both! Your PCP looks at the “big picture” while your GYN looks mainly at your reproductive issues. Either one can order blood work and do a physical exam. (See Chapter 8 for more on choosing a doctor to help you get pregnant.)

Do you need to book a full body MRI or CT scan to find out if you’re in shape to get pregnant? No, a half hour with your doctor should do the trick. If you’re putting off a visit because you’re afraid of being “yelled at” because you’re overweight, have bad habits you know you’ll be lectured about, or are terrified of having blood drawn, now is the time to put those fears aside.

A routine checkup by your gynecologist or family doctor may be all you need to help you get pregnant; for example, your doctor can look at the following possible pregnancy stumbling blocks:

 Your weight: Are you underweight or overweight? Being either over- or underweight may interfere with pregnancy.

 Your sexual practices: Are you missing the big day each month because you’ve been misinformed about when you ovulate?

 Your sexual history: Do you have a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that could be preventing pregnancy? (See the section, “Understanding Common Infections That Can Cause Uncommon Results” for more on STIs.)

 Your habits: Do you douche right after sex? You may be washing some of the best swimmers away!

 Your blood pressure: Women with high blood pressure may be prone to developing serious hypertensive disease during pregnancy.

The physical exam includes examination of the thyroid gland in the neck, breasts, heart, lungs, abdomen, and reflexes (for neurologic response). A pelvic exam includes a vaginal speculum exam to evaluate the cervix (this generally means a PAP smear!), a bimanual exam to assess ovaries and uterus, and a rectal/vaginal exam. A transvaginal ultrasound frequently completes the initial pelvic exam so that your ovaries and uterus can be visualized.

Getting Pregnant For Dummies

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