Читать книгу 24 Motives For Life - Shashi Sahani Battini - Страница 2

Chapter One What does happiness mean to you?


The world has its concept and definition of happiness; it is often tied to the amount or value of material things a person has. So here we are in this world not knowing precisely what will happen tomorrow yet trapped in an unending circle of lust for success and wealth because we believe that the wealthier a person, the happier that person should be. I can try to help you see the true nature of happiness as opposed to the fictitious concept sold to people every day, so what does happiness mean to you?

I have been at certain levels of success in my life, and I can boldly say that the acquisition of material things does not guarantee happiness! Yes, you may have the cars, houses, the most beautiful jewellery and still feel a broad sense of unhappiness from within. This is because the original idea behind happiness isn’t tied to what a person has or does not have. Happiness means freedom; it is the feeling of being at peace with oneself knowing that with or without certain material things, life is still full of joy. Happiness is waking up with expectations and optimism that every desire will be accomplished even if it takes donkey years.

I want you to think about happiness like that child who sits by the Christmas tree waiting for Santa Clause, now this child doesn’t know what Santa Clause will bring nor is he/she aware of the process it takes to sort wishes but the child knows that Santa will come through. Some point in life, we have to be like children; we must look within for happiness and not seek it in the things we possess. Have you ever wondered about death? With all the material possessions you think makes you happy, death can come at any time, and it will all be over.

So as we continue on this journey, I want you to reflect on your life now and realize that you can become a pleased person when the meaning of happiness changes for you. If you lost all you had today will you still be satisfied? Will you be at your best form and emotion? This is a starting point for the book because happiness is such as an important concept. We cannot talk about other things without dealing with the issue of happiness. You must be at a happy state for you to fully harness the potentials of the other steps I will share with you. Simply put; happiness is the foundation on which a successful life is built on.

It is imperative that you make a secure connection with your inner self and trust the fact that you can be at peace with all you have and you can be. Wake up every morning with joy; you may want to ask; what if there is no reason to be happy? Well, I think the fact that you are alive is enough reason to be satisfied. When you learn how to be confident with or without the things that you possess you can then say that you have achieved true happiness. So again I ask what does happiness mean to you? You can search for pleasure in all around you; it’s in the smile of your child, it’s in the sunny weather that heralds a happy day, happiness is seeing the world around you in peace.

If people who are wealthy and still unhappy understand the fact that happiness does not consist in what they have but in who they are, they will be better people who are fulfilled in every way. I can only help you find the reason to live happily and I know I just gave you one reason; you should live to be genuinely happy! A happy soul will be merry and full of dreams that can become possibilities. There was a tie in my life when I felt so far away from who I was, I had all the exhibits of success, but I couldn’t make that connection to my inner self. This set me on course to discover what it was that would make happy. My discoveries from the information you have received in this chapter.

A sincere appreciation for life and love for oneself is key to developing happiness every day. You must be intentional about being happy and do not allow anyone to come between you and your joy. If you can get this aspect right, every other thing will fall into place. The next chapter considers the role of acknowledgment and how you can use positive words to make life better for you and others. Remember that only a happy person gets to acknowledge others and just a happy person can see the best in others. Are you ready to discover the role of acknowledgment? Flip over to the next chapter now!

24 Motives For Life

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