Читать книгу 24 Motives For Life - Shashi Sahani Battini - Страница 6

Chapter Five Feel the beauty around you


There is a connection between this chapter and the first chapter on happiness, you will discover later on. Our society equates beauty to the celebrities we see, the cosmetics advertisement and all other things we can feel, touch or taste. I would correct whatever notion you have about true beauty that isn’t consistent with what beauty is about. Beauty goes beyond what we can see, it is a deep appreciation of the heart and a quiet acceptance of the fact that beauty goes the physical.

When I said this chapter is connected to chapter one, I was trying to show you how happiness and beauty are connected. Do you know why children are such happy people? Well, it is because they see beauty in its purest form; children are not moved by the color of anyone’s skin or how they look, they see beauty in everything (even in animals) oh dear, think about the happiness we will feel on the inside every day when we see beauty in everything. Life is about to take on new meaning for us because we are going to get out of the house this today and see the beauty that serenades us.

The most beautiful things can only be touched in the heart, don’t try to change what nature has already given you because you are pressured into accepting the world’s definition of beauty. Accept yourself and others for who they are and create beauty all around you with happiness. Being happy is a state of beauty in itself, it means you are unwilling to consider the troubles you face and only fixated on the good that can come out of it. The ocean might be full of salt water but it is still one of the wonders of the world when you get close to it, you will see one of the most beautiful things to be created. Regardless of its salty nature, the ocean is still beautiful.

Chose to see beauty even in the tiniest things; I cannot stress how important this is enough so I’m just going to keep on repeating it. Your life will become beautiful when you see beauty in others and when you become conscious of the things that are beautiful even without being touched. I urge you to make the best out of the day by choosing beauty. The best way to see true beauty is when we appreciate the power of friendship!

24 Motives For Life

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