Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones - Shelley Kaehr - Страница 40



I have spent a considerable amount of time working with pets. I have found that one stone above all others works well for them, and that is the amethyst. For the same reasons that an amethyst energy bath works on people, I believe that the energy of amethyst assists our pets in moving unwanted energy from their delicate fields in order to restore their natural balance.

I believe that pets are earth angels. They are innocents and as such they perform a great service to mankind by helping us transcend our suffering. Pets are willing to take on our “stuff” to help us shift and rise above any unwanted energy.

When our pets are ill, we owe it to our beloved friends to try to help them. Some stones would be toxic to use on your pet, so I always choose the quartz family—amethyst, rose, or clear quartz. You can place the stones in direct contact with your pet. I have even put stones in a horse’s stall to calm the horse down. I arranged for my ill cat to sleep on amethyst chunks until he felt better, and I used clear quartz with an unhappy dog that was in a kennel waiting for his owners to return. Use your imagination; it works! Your intuition will tell you what stone is best to use. While naturally gifted in this area, pets do need a little extra help when they are upset or sick. Gemstones can assist with these energy shifts.

Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones

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