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• Cayce Readings •


Beryl was mentioned fourteen times in twelve documents.

Q: Can you give the exact location where sufficient Beryl deposits can be found for the most economical and commercial production?

A: Well, this would require a great deal of seeking out. . . . those in the Ural range, and in the Siberian country, show greater quantities . . . in the southern Andes Range or near that border line between the Chilean and the Peruvian . . . In those points, then, where the least change has taken place will be found the greater deposits of these beryl.


Hence we find . . . the beryl, should be stones with the vibrations and under the influence that the entity may find carrying an incense to the finer self that makes for an awakening, an opening of the inner self for the receptiveness . . .


In one reading, Cayce described how Spirit affected material reality:

. . . the ceilings are beryl, the doors are beryl . . .


In the temple were to be found enormous semi-circular columns of . . . beryl . . .

364-13, Report #3

. . . Wear, ever, a beryl, or scarab which would make for safety in the entity’s present experience.

1719-1, Report #1

. . . Also in the land now known as Abyssinia . . . there were those mines of the precious stones . . . beryl . . .


. . . and inlaid with beryl . . .


. . . there were uprisings in the land now known as the Egyptian . . . the entity’s activities, in the tomb or the small granary, or obelisks yet to be uncovered in the small or first pyramids of beryl.


. . . the beryl—if it is kept about the body would be well.


. . . beryl . . . and all those things that made for adornment . . .


. . . the beryl . . . should be a portion of the entity’s dress, ever, either worn as an amulet, the ring, or such, will make for a safety in the entity’s present experience.


Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones

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